My Werewolf System

Chapter 669 Debut Match (Part 2)

Chapter 669 Debut Match (Part 2)

For those asking, Mass release will be toward the end of the month.


The first couple of fights before the main event had started consisted of fighters who had a few wins and losses under their belt. They weren’t anything special… but that only applied by using the AFC standards. These were still skilled Altered, the best of the best that only a few could ever be strong enough to be selected to take part. Going through an academy that had links with the AFC was just one way to enter.

"Holy crap!" Tyson shouted, lifting his hands up to protect his face out of instinct after a man had just been hurled towards the cage. He could clearly see the zigzagging pattern from that cage.

"Why would anyone willingly get in the ring if they know they're going to get hurt like that?" Spring asked.

Watching an Altered fight on the screen and in person were two completely different experiences. Only the latter could allow the spectator to really feel that it was real and how dangerous the fighters were. Every hit they heard, the groans they let out elevated the whole experience.

They could even smell the sweat and blood coming off from the two in front of them, showing off the determination for one person to win over the other.

"Because that’s what it takes for them to proclaim themselves to be the best," Ash answered. "Similar to how you wish to be on the screen and have the whole world acknowledge your acting talent, it's the same for all of them. They are showing off their skills that they practised for weeks, months or even years.

"In the ring, they’re up against another who has gone through the same as them. Only through a direct confrontation can the two determine who can move faster, who is stronger, who can best adapt to their opponent. Ultimately, if they to the top, they’ll be able to claim that not a single person on the planet is stronger than them and could beat them in a fight, and that truly is a powerful thing."

Some of them listening to Ash speak could understand, but others couldn't. They just didn't understand why you would want to hurt the other for fun. What drove them to this point?

"You have to remember this is a lot safer than fighting back in the day," Tyson pointed out. "Although this looks dangerous, Altered are pretty hard to kill. Even if they are on the brink of death or have a hole through their body, they would survive.

"After a couple of days rest, these guys will be all healed up and can fight again. This is one of the reasons why Altered fights have gained such huge popularity. They can rise fairly quickly, taking up fights every week if they wish to do so.

The starting fights had finally come to an end, and it was time for the main event. The ring was cleaned up, and the lights were dimmed once more for the two to make their entrance to the caged ring.

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we have a very special event for you all. As two of the top contenders from the two top academies of the country have agreed to go face to face.

"This is a first, where two debut students from each academy will be fighting it out with everything on the line. The winner of this fight is bound to go on and do amazing things. So, this is one to watch. Without further ado, please welcome, from the Bruiser academy, HAAAZE BRUUUNT!"

Heavy metal music started to play as Haze walked out from his side of the venue. The crowd cheered him on as there was mutual respect for anyone who stepped inside the ring, and it appeared that he had his fair share of supporters as well.

As he walked, a large blue glittery hood was covering his face, but when he finally got to the ring, he placed his hood down, and everyone could see his determined focused look.

"Do you know anything about Gary's opponent?" Rachel asked.

"Yeah," Clem replied. "We did some research before deciding to go with Gary. Honestly, we only went to the AFA due to the performance of the last AFA students. They were the hot news at the time.

"However, Haze also had quite a bit of a reputation at the time. He was regarded as a brute, sending every opponent he went against in practice to the hospital."

This was a bigger deal than it sounded because Haze wasn't sending regular people to the hospital; he was sending other Altered.

"And now, the new rising star of the Altered Fighting Academy. Due to the recent documentaries about him, he is one who needs no further introduction. Let’s welcome in, GAAAAARY DEEEEEEM!"

Same as Haze, Gary’s walk was accompanied by muic. It was a tune some were surprisingly familiar with because it was a slightly remixed version of the tune that Kirk Summerfield used to walk out to. Since the two of them were from Slough, people figured that it was some type of homage to the former Rookie champion.

"Is Gary okay? He looks a bit... lost," Tyson asked.

The others noticed it as well. Rather than looking at his opponent, Gary was just staring around, looking aimlessly at the people, not interacting with them at all.

‘I can't believe that I'm really here, walking down this aisle. The screen that I used to watch, the people that I used to see... I always thought and wondered what they felt like. Is this what they felt like?

‘It feels like just yesterday I was watching Kirk walk down here and enter the ring. So much has happened in such a short amount of time.’

Gary had entered the ring, with his body on display and his funky green hair. The cheers from the crowd were a lot louder for him. He was the favourite to win, but it wasn't by a lot.

While in the ring, Gary noticed a few things he didn't before. One was that there was no one in the ring other than the two of them. There was no ref, but stationed outside the ring were high rankers.

Two people within the top fifty who would come in to stop the fight if it looked like one of the attacks might turn lethal. It was one of the duties of being part of the AFC.

‘The ring... it feels a lot smaller than when I was practising.’


The bell went off, signalling the start of the fight, and immediately from Haze's side, several limbs came out from his body. They were long and sharp like that of a spider, three on each side.

Meanwhile, Gary hadn't transformed at all.

"Gary, snap out of it!" Clem and the others started to shout.

"You shouldn't daydream in a big fight like this!"

Haze was running straight for Gary, unwilling to give him any time to react.

"It's a shame," Gary let out a sight. "I wanted to spend a bit more time in the ring."

Shifting his feet, Gary pushed off his toes, instantly moving from his position right next to Haze, and before the Altered knew it, he could see a fist right next to his face. The punch landed squarely on his face, cracking his nose and other bones as he was sent flying back.

Haze’s body hit the cage, and immediately he fell face-first into the canvas, leaving the crown who had just cheered in utter silence.



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