My Werewolf System

Chapter 659 The Final Assessment

Chapter 659 The Final Assessment

The final part of the third assessment had been revealed to the 22 Hunters that were currently there, and it wasn't what any of them expected, especially not Innu. After hearing the news, he immediately raised his hand to ask a question.

"I'm sorry, but when you say ‘work directly under the Altered Hunters’, what do you exactly mean by that?" Innu asked.

Edvard responded, "It's precisely as it sounds. We have assessed that among all the new Hunters, you who have passed, possess the most remarkable talents to forge ahead. Once we’re done polishing your skills, you will become significant pillars within the Altered Hunter Association.”

"Considering the significance of this endeavour, it would be imprudent to allow you to roam freely without guidance. The optimal approach is for us to provide you with direct guidance, enabling you to reach the pinnacle of your potential," Edvard emphasized.

The others appeared content, considering it an honour to rise in the organisation, and most of them already had family ties to the Altered Hunter Association, so this type of arrangement would have little impact on their lives.

Unfortunately, Innu’s situation was completely different from theirs “Does that mean you want us to remain in here for an entire year?”

Edvard chuckled reassuringly, dismissing the teenager’s misconception. "You appear to have been a bit too engrossed in one of those cultivation stories. Progressing significantly won't happen by merely staying in a cave like this one. Each of you will be paired with a seasoned hunter."

He continued, "You'll embark on a journey across the country, moving from one base to another, actively participating in addressing the Altered situation. During your travels, your assigned mentors will provide guidance, training, and support to facilitate your growth."

Edvard further explained, "Although a year may appear lengthy to you young ones, I assure you it will pass by much faster than anticipated. By the end of this period, the Association will be in a favourable position to take action.”

Innu's head was spinning a little, because his worst fear was coming true. He had never been interested in hunting down Altered, and his main reason for joining them was just to get stronger, not follow their ideologies. After all, his true loyalty was with the Howlers.

It was only because he had been surrounded with strong people, surrounded by Ashen that he thought he was in the right place to grow, and so far he felt like he was, but he was getting in a little too deep.

In a hushed tone, Blake leaned in closer to Innu, expressing his concern. "I'm sorry, Innu, but leaving at this point isn't an option. You possess crucial information about the base's location and you have seen the faces of many high-ranking Hunters. If you attempt to withdraw now, it could lead to significant trouble."

Blake could sense Innu’s panic, and he understood that his reason for joining them today was different from theirs. He didn’t want him to say anything wrong in that state and as his supposed mentor, he played the role of reassuring his former apprentice.

"Are we at least able to go home?" Innu eventually asked. His previous tone replaced by a different demeanour, seeking a favour from those around him. "I have people waiting for me who would be worried sick if I suddenly went missing."

Edvard didn't reply straight away, looking around to see if there was anyone else who had similar issues. He could see that a few of them were pondering about the same issue. After all, none of them had expected to become three-star Hunter this very day.

The leader finally responded with a soft tone. "We haven't yet provided any details about our plans for today, so it's understandable that some of you feel unprepared to leave everything behind. Everyone will have a few days to return and attend to their personal matters. Additionally, I recommend that you gather and bring any necessary belongings with you."

Innu's spirits lifted upon hearing the news. The final assessment had been temporarily halted, but before they departed, they all headed towards the barracks. Nobody wanted to miss out on the opportunity to select a weapon or armour of their choice. With the availability of three-star equipment, a multitude of upgrades awaited them.

Blake was there to guide Innu, and recommended various items he considered to be useful for the latter, including the general better armour and mask that the Hunters used.

Although the armour used by Hunters looked similar they were actually different with small details and materials used. Innu could tell upon touch that just like his axes they also had a power he could draw from them that improved his strength.

Blake selected another pair of swords, one black and the other purple in colour, he still kept his red blades as well that he had picked up last time. He would keep two down by his side and two on his back, just in case he ever needed a spare during a fight.

"I think your axes are better weapons than anything you can get in a three-star room." Blake commented. Innu examined the available weapons and found himself agreeing with that assessment. However, he also recognized that the three-star equipment came close in quality to his axes. He couldn't help but imagine the calibre of weaponry accessible to the four and five-star Hunters, which intrigued him.

After picking up everything they needed, the two of them left the barracks with a smile on their face, and started to head out of the large building to the original entrance they had come through.

"Wow, I still can't believe it. This feels surreal. Did we really fight beasts earlier?" Innu questioned it all. "I have no idea how I'm going to explain any of this to the guys."

"I'm sorry." Blake let out a sigh. "I really had no idea that this would happen. Such a reform has basically been unheard of in the history of the Hunters."

When the two of them finally left, they were about to head down the long trail to where their bike was parked, but a figure landed right in front of the two of them.

When turning around, they could see a man standing there with sunglasses on his head and wearing a shirt that was unbuttoned on the top.

"Edvard...Sir!" Blake immediately bowed down, and Innu followed.

"There's no need for that. Anyway, I’ve come to collect you so we can start our journey." Edvard explained.

Innu and Blake looked at each other with raised eyebrows.

"What do you mean, sir, didn't you say we could go home?" Blake asked.

"I did, but I just talked with your father who agreed to take care with any school matters that might trouble you." Edvard stated. "As I told you, each student will have to follow an experienced hunter, and in your case that experienced hunter is me.

"There still hasn't been one assigned to Innu yet, but since the two of you are both heading back to the same place, I shall accompany you. Feel free to deal with any matters that your father might be unable to."

None of them could refute the Altered Hunter leader, who had decided to accompany them back to Slough.


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