My Werewolf System

Chapter 635 The Fall of Ashen (Part 1)

Chapter 635 The Fall of Ashen (Part 1)

The door to the large office had flung off its hinge, luckily Clem was still on the floor from earlier, otherwise the door would have landed right on her, but instead it hit the producer Neville right on the back of his head, nearly knocking him out.

In a daze, he managed to crawl out from under the broken door onto the floor. Turning his head, he had to rub his eyes a few times, his heart was beating fast, and he was struggling to get the words to come out of his mouth as lips were quivering.

“You... y... you... it's really you... it’s Gary Dem, I told you it's Gary Dem!” Neville shouted as if his name was some type of curse.

Gary was full of energy, he had just finished fighting and completing the quest he had received before, and went up through the elevator. After learning what was going on from Kai, it nearly took all of his will to not pry open the elevator doors and just climb the way up himself.

When he eventually reached the floor, the smell of the girl's perfume that he had come to be familiar with had wafted into his nose, knowing that he was in the right place. All of the frustration had come out in one punch right as the door.

“What the f*ck do you guys think you're doing?” Gary asked.

He looked around the room, Rachel and Clem, both looked like they had lost several years from their life, their eyes puffy, their hands somewhat bleeding. Clem had tried so hard to open the door she had cut herself, and Rachel felt like she might never get her voice back again.

Then, there was Spring lying there on the bed, she had a pillow covering her, and her whole body was shaking even now.

“A camera... I guess I don’t even need to ask.” Gary tensed his fist and turned to Neville pointing his finger right at him.

“Didn’t I warn you? I said, that you were to not touch the girls, and never try this type of sh*t again! Otherwise you would learn what would happen to you.”

Neville scurried off the floor, and got up, shaking his head. The anger was being directed towards him, and the look in Gary’s eyes told him that this was the most dangerous person he had ever met before.

Turning around, Neville attempted to run away, where to, no one really knew since there was only one entrance and exit, and it was where Gary had come from, but after taking a single step, Gary reached out and already held onto his curly hair.

His head was yanked back by the force and it felt like the top of his scalp was going to be removed from his head. Now Neville was just staring at the ceiling.

“Please don’t... please. I’ll do anything, I’ll leave AJ Entertainment, and go into hiding, I’ll give you whatever you want!” Neville stated.

Looking at this whole scene, Matthew wasn’t afraid. He thought something like this would happen one day. There was a reason why Neville did everything he said, and that was because he was a person that was easily influenced by fear. It was how Matthew got Neville on his side in the first place.

Because Neville was more afraid of him then he was off Ash, but the way he was acting now, it made it clear, at least in this moment, he was more afraid of Gary.

Huffing and panting, the noise of someone else could be heard entering the room. With his hands on his knees he took a deep breath.

“I told you, you should have waited for me.” Ash said, as he looked up, and now his eyes were upon the same scene as Gary had.

A feeling had overcome his stomach, it was swirling about and he felt like he would throw up at any second.

“I can’t believe it, something like this was going on at my company, the place I made...” Ash said out loud to himself.

“Matthew, how did you ever think you could get away with something like this!” Ash shouted.

Since Neville continued to fiddle about and was moving, Gary pulled on his hair harder, ripping it from his head, and with his hand raised, he then threw it down, hitting him right on his Adam's apple. His whole body hit the floor, and he had been knocked out.

Perhaps if it was any other situation, Clem and Rachel would have been concerned for the producer, he was so still it didn’t look like he was alive anymore, but they honestly couldn’t care less about what happened to him, and they wished it was worse.

“Everything that you’ve done is going to be reported to the White Rose, and they will hunt you down, and make sure you never get out of a cell for the rest of your life!” Ash stated.

Hearing this, Matthew just started to laugh.

“Is this really you speaking Ash? Is this the Ash that started the Ashen gang together with me? Did you forget everything that we have been through together? Did you really throw your past away, and change so much now that you have a company?

“Meanwhile, you thought it was fine for me to continue doing the dirty work, but where’s the line? Is this too far? I was right, you aren't fit to be head of the Ashen gang anymore, and it seems like a lot of people agree with me.

“Get rid of me, you make me laugh. I will be the one getting rid of you two. I’ll force the two of you to hand the company over. It's time to do things the old fashioned way!”

Matthew started to rip off his shirt revealing a large wide muscular upper body frame, and at the same time, his nose started to transform into what looked like a horn. While his skin colour was turning slightly grey.

Gary then stood in front of Ashen, looking at the partially transformed Matthew.

“You... are weak... you're useless, and you're a waste of space on this planet.” Gary said. “Even now, you're so useless, you didn’t even give me a quest.” Gary said. “There is no reason for you... to be here.”

Gary’s body started to transform, his arms, his leg’s, he wasn’t going to hold back because he wanted to inflict as much pain as possible.



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