My Werewolf System

Chapter 617 Popular man (Part 1)

Chapter 617 Popular man (Part 1)

The second the group had entered Slough, all of them started to look through the windows of the vehicle including the manager Elanor. It seemed like many of them had never been to a tier-3 Town before, but what they saw was beyond surprising for all of them.

“There looks to be a lot of scaffolding and building work going on.” Rachel commented. “The streets are quite clean as well.”

“I don’t see young teens roaming the streets either with weapons in their hands.” Spring commented as

Gary thought it sounded like she was almost disappointed by this fact.

Immediately, Elanor was disappointed as well. The roads were smooth and not covered in potholes. Plenty of the shops at the side could be seen open, rather than being boarded up with smashed windows.

“This is only a part of Slough.” Elanor said. “I’m sure not the whole thing will look like this, for now why don’t we just stop off at the hotel as the camera crew gets ready and we can start our journey from there.”

If the town was better than they expected then they would just have to roll with it, and Elanor would just try and get as many reactions from the stars and the public as possible. After all they had a whole week together of programming, so if this wasn’t what she was expecting they could always go to other towns.

“Slough has improved a lot.” Gary said, seeing Elanor deep in thought. “It might not be the place you were expecting, because a lot has changed recently.”

Elanor smiled back, as if to tell Gary not to worry. He was certainly a caring boy and she could see that just by his words right now, even in this situation he was caring about how it would affect her job.

Eventually the group reached the hotel in Cipen. It was a luxury hotel that Gary had been to before, he remembered it well because it was where he had met Jayden that one fateful night.

AJ Entertainment spared no expense getting the best they could for their stars. Getting out, the group were already ready, so they were just waiting for the van behind them with the TV crew to set up.

While this was happening, they waited outside along with their guard Greg, and stood out in the street.

“Your hometown is quite nice.” Clem said with a bright smile. “The hotel is better than I thought it would be as well.”

“Are you serious?” Spring replied. “If this place was in a tier 2 city it would be considered 3 star, but it's a five star here. You can be honest just because Gary is from this place, he should know that his hometown is a dump.”

When going through the improvements of Slough, the hotels were at the bottom of the list for Gary. This was because Slough never got much tourism in the first place, and they would mainly be used by businesses setting up a project nearby.

Although Slough was growing, that was mainly due to the workforce for the new jobs and businesses, people who were moving in to live in Slough, rather than coming for a short trip.

Those that would move to Slough, would also be from a tier-3 or lower mostly anyway, so they didn’t care about the standard of the hotel too much.

“Well, I guess every place has its rich people. Look at that car.” Tyson pointed out.

On the front bonnet there was a small statue of an angel, it had large wheels and stretched out fairly long. It was a car that a person couldn't just buy but would have to order, as every single vehicle ordered was made down to the spec of the customer. On top of that, they wouldn't just make cars for anyone with money, one would need to have influence to push the company to make one of these, it was a sign of true wealth to have one of these vehicles.

“Sorry, I bet you don’t even know what that car is, based on what you told us before?” Tyson said pointing at the car.

“I don’t.” Gary answered honestly, he knew the normal brands, and he had seen this car a few times, but he didn’t care what brand it was, why would he care what brand the car was as long as it got him from A to B.

“You talk as if you could own a vehicle like that.” Rachel smirked.

Tyson went a little red faced because it was true. Even for his family they would have to think twice before buying a car that cost just as much as a nice house. Soon though, the car that Tyson had pointed at started to move.

It was going around the circle where guests would be dropped off and picked up, which was where they were waiting in the first place and the car had suddenly stopped right in front of them.

“Oh, is this something Elanor prepared for us?” Clem asked.

“Wait, we're actually going to ride inside that, holy crap!” Tyson couldn't hold in his excitement.

When the door opened, Gary’s eyes widened as well, as he saw a familiar face.

“Gary, what are you doing here, you didn’t tell us you were coming back, if you did I would have picked you up.” Tyler said with a smile. “Oh and check it out, Kai gave me permission to buy a new car. She’s beautiful right!”

Those standing behind Gary were a bit stunned by the interaction.

“How does Gary know someone so rich?” Tyson asked.

“Can’t you tell from their conversation, he’s obviously just a driver for someone else.” Spring added. “He’s most likely just friends with the driver.”

“Oh I see, well if you want I can give you all a lift to where you want to go?” Tyler asked.

“Ah, it's fine, we have our own van, so don’t worry about that.” Gary replied.

With that said, Tyler gave a wave and got in the car to drive off.

“Was he a friend?” Clem asked.

“Yeah, I never expected to see him here of all places to be honest.” Gary answered.

With that said, Elanor had returned with the camera crew, as it looked like they were ready to begin filming.

At the same time, Tyler was driving off in his car with a smirk on his face.

“I see, so Gary’s filming again, well I’ll just have to let everyone know that Gary’s back and they should make sure to treat him and his guests the best they can while they're here.”



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