My Werewolf System

Chapter 609 AJ entertainment

Chapter 609 AJ entertainment

Waking up, for a second Gary wondered where he was. The room was larger than the one he had been sleeping in for a while, and he was exhausted from yesterday, but he soon remembered that he had moved rooms yesterday.

‘Man, I hate when that happens, it must be because I was so tired yesterday. What time did I even go to sleep?’

Gary was starting to remember just what had occurred yesterday, after being informed by Eddy that an entertainment company called AJ Entertainment would be coming, the two of them went through a series of questions together.

What his responses should be like, how he should act, and just overall what he should attempt to do on that day. There was a good chance that this would be broadcasted and Eddy would be the one to get the blame if the AFA was seen in a negative light.

‘I think he told me so much stuff that I can’t remember any of it.’ Gary placed his hand on his chest, it was beating faster than it would normally and his system made it clear it was the case.

Without realising it, Eddy had actually made Gary more nervous than he would have been and there was a lot of pressure on him.

“Alright, let's take a quick cold shower, get dressed and ask Eddy a few things before they arrive.”

Gary did just that, and wore the standard AFA uniform that he always wore. It was tight on his skin but gave maximum flexibility and the material allowed it to stretch even if they were to change into their Altered forms.

It showed off his worked out muscular physique and one could even see the outline of his abs through the shirt. Of course it wasn’t just Gary that looked amazing in the AFA uniform, all of the students had spectacular athletic builds, but Gary’s was more on the lean side rather than muscular and he could thank his werewolf self for that.

Heading down the stairs into the debut student training room, Gary was still drying his green hair with a towel.

“Hey Eddy, when are the others meant to get here then?” Gary asked, but stopped as he started sniffing the air.

The towel was blocking Gary’s view but he could smell Eddy who he had become familiar with, but there were quite a few other smells that were mixed in that he didn’t recognise. When he put the towel down and looked up, it looked like he was right.

“Ah, Gary, it looks like they decided to arrive early and get to know you better.” Eddy smiled back nervously and he looked like he was sweating himself.

Straight away, a woman in a black and white suit, wearing long trousers that covered her slender legs and glasses on her face walked over. She had a small birthmark above her lip that made her stand out, and immediately put her hand out.

“Nice to meet you Gary Dem.” The woman said.

Gary reached out his hand and tried his best to give a firm handshake as Eddy had told him to do.

“My name is Elanor Evan’s. I am a manager and a scout from AJ Entertainment. Your teacher has already told us a few things about yourself, and we are interested to see what it takes for a student to become an AFA student.

“We are also planning to run a broadcast with you and one of our new presenters, so we're hoping you can show us a few things.” Elanor explained.

Elanor had this confidence surrounding her, and eagle-like eyes that were looking all around at once. Gary could tell that she was trying to analyse him and the fact that she was a scout as well, it meant she was potentially looking at Gary for other reasons not just AFA related.

Eddy had already said this as well, that perhaps AJ Entertainment would ask to scout Gary to do a few adverts and such. The academy had no policy against this, it was just unusual for students to get offers before they had joined the AFA.

It was only being considered because of what had happened with the last debut students.

“Clem, come over and introduce yourself!” Elanor called out.

Running on the ground, with her feet lighty picking up off the floor, Gary almost felt like he was looking at a shooting star. The young presenter looked a little older than him, yet she sparkled, her skin, her clothes, and everything about her was attracting one’s eyes to look at her.

“It's nice to meet you Gary.” Clem bowed down. “This will be my first broadcast so I hope we can work together to make this a good show.”

[BPM is rising]

[There are no enemies around you!]

[Your heart is already taken by another, please don’t confuse the system]

“Shut up.” Gary said.

Eleanor, Clem, and Eddy were taken back by this, and he soon realised what had happened.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean you. My hearing is sensitive, you see, because of my Altered form. There were some loud birds outside that were annoying me. I promise I didn’t mean you!” Gary apologised

Clem seemed to accept the apology, and continued on, but there was a furious heat that was coming from Eddy. If he made a mistake it looked like the teacher was the one that he had to worry about the most.

After the small interaction was over, Gary and Clem went over the programme details, what they would do, what demonstrations and more. They wanted everything to be natural so there was no script, there were no questions for Gary to read and come up with an answer beforehand, but they gave him a general idea of what would happen today.

Helping out with a few things, as well, would be the guards that had come with AJ Entertainment. They were also all dressed in suits but based on their demeanour, Gary could recognise that the guards they had hired were most likely members of a gang.

After that, it was finally time for the broadcast, the camera was set up and Gary was there standing next to Clem on screen.


Kai was doing the usual in his office when he suddenly got a string of texts. If it was just the one he wouldn't look at it, but since they were constant he had to take a peak.

“Marie, she hasn’t written to me in a while, I wonder what's up.”

[You have to turn to Channel 55 now!]

[Tell me when you see it]

[Do you see it?]

[Have you turned on the TV?]

Kai was wondering what could be so important to distract him from his business, with a sigh he reluctantly turned on the TV and went onto the channel, where he could see a watermark in the corner ‘AJ Entertainment.’ That wasn’t the shocking thing, it was the dumbfounded kid who was red faced on the screen.

“What... is going on? Why is Gary on TV?”



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