World Domination System

Chapter 471 Soaring to the Peak


Daneel honestly didn't know what to say to reply to such a statement.

So that enormous Dragon heart that graced his sight every day in his chambers belonged to this guy?

He couldn't even begin to imagine why that was, and what other connotations this information meant.

For example, did all the Empire Spirits comprise of the Imperial Beasts?

If so, what beast was the one that was supposed to be there in Axelor?

At least in the Black Raven Kingdom and Lanthanor, there was a clear indication about what beast it could be. Even for the Hidden Kill Sect, it could be supposed that the Empire Spirit was a Basilisk. But what about the others?

Regardless, Drakos was right in one thing. The efficacy of the pool was wasting away by the second while Daneel idly stood here discussing historical matters.

But wait…how did the guy know about this in the first place?

Oh, yes, he had mentioned it before…but did that mean that he knew about Daneel's secret, the system?

This was Daneel's most valuable trump card, and if anyone got wind of it, he was sure that the entire continent would be after him.

So, with a hesitant tone, he asked, "How do you know about it?"

As if the ancient dragon could sense the slight panic in the King of Lanthanor's voice, he chuckled and said, "Don't worry, Young King. I know that you have some Inheritance, or some means which is somehow allowing you to utilize the complexity of a Peak Champion even though you are only an Amateur Warrior. It makes sense, in fact. Maybe this was what you used to accomplish many of your incredible feats. Regardless, it is yours, and I will never ask about it, nor speak about it to anyone. Such Inheritances actually aren't completely rare: it was said that the Emperor was in possession of one, but no one knows for sure. Anyway, this solution's roots can be derived from the Empire, where we perfected it to be used to save time if someone was truly talented- like you. The drawbacks of cutting off the path forward only came to be because of the lower efficacy of the Ker Roots from the present age. You have already overcome that limitation. Now, go. Become a Peak Warrior before your friend wakes up. With the original Ker Root's usage, even the time has shortened enough that one wouldn't require to soak in the solution for months at a time. Of course, remember, you must submerge your head if you wish to advance as a Mage, too. Typically…"

"Umm…wouldn't it be better if I start, first?"

Daneel couldn't help but interrupt the ancient Dragon, as he was going on and on with no end in sight.

It seemed that eloquence seemed to be a habit for him, and as he heard Daneel interrupt him in this way, he sheepishly said, "Oh, yes, yes, go on. We can talk later. Go."

Nodding, Daneel jumped into the pool without hesitation.

It was a very strange liquid: Daneel felt as if he were wading through mud, and the stars that were floating in the solution constantly blinded him. His skin felt as if it were being set ablaze, and his head, especially the spot in the center of his forehead, felt like it was burning furiously.

Dammit, why did it always have to be a burning pain?!

As Daneel complained in this way, he ordered the system to activate the spell to let him breathe even though he was submerged.

After that was done, Daneel sank to the bottom and sat with his legs folded, as if he were some hermit who hadn't bothered to move when a flood passed through his abode.

With each second, the pain grew, but it was offset by a wonderful feeling inside Daneel's body.

It felt as if…each cell of his body was being rejuvenated and reborn into a higher state, which would allow them to hold and output so much more Energy.

As for his Mageroot, it constantly expanded, letting him reach complexity levels that he could only dream of before alone.

The larger a Mageroot, the more complexity it could handle: this was a fact that made Daneel think of the RAM in computers from his home planet.

Distracting himself with idle thoughts like these, Daneel tried not to focus, which helped him to avoid growing crazy from the pain.

Slowly, his clothes got burned off, as if they stood no chance even though they were supposed to be strong enough to defend a blow from a Warrior.

"Maybe you can distract yourself if I speak? The pain you are feeling right now is because of the speeding up of the natural process of growing in power slowly to become a Peak Warrior. In fact, using Ker Roots for this purpose was frowned upon in the age of the Empire, as a lot of the Energy in the Ker Root is wasted in the process. Instead, a Champion absorbing that Energy would be much better off. Also, those whose Mageroots were expanded, making them capable of higher complexity but not having a very strong grasp of the interaction between Elementary Particles, as would be expected from someone of their level, would have a difficult time taking the step toward becoming a Champion as that step involves the understanding of…"


On one side, Daneel was busy trying not to let the pain get to him, but when he focused on the words from Drakos, it seemed as if the pain doubled in intensity.

So, he could only shout like this to stop the man.

After a brief silence, another sheepish reply was heard in Daneel's head.

"Um…sorry about that. It was really lonely these past few thousand years, you know, having only myself and the limited bits of intelligence stored in the podium to talk to. Makes me understand why the others went crazy. Yes, I'll stay quiet."

Oh, great.

Now he felt sorry for the guy.

Was he the villain here? Stopping a poor old ma-, no, Dragon from speaking his heart out after having been trapped inside a stone block for millennia?

Ok, whatever the case was, right now, Daneel needed to concentrate and not let the pain invade his mind.

So, resolved to apologize later, Daneel adopted the tactic he had learned during that fight in the Hidden Kill Sect where he had traveled to the very depths of the hell that was pain.

Ignore it, like it was a buzzing bee in his ears.

Of course, the more the intensity was, the more difficult it became to do this.

However, that feeling of rebirth in his body, and especially at his forehead, made it so much easier to endure, just like the motivation then to obtain that Inheritance.

As the seconds ticked by, Daneel became more and more like a worm that had entered into a cocoon and would soon emerge as a glorious butterfly.

No matter how much he felt like giving up and rising to the surface, he endured, knowing that he had to do this.

Finally, 5 hours later, a notification that sounded oh so good sounded in his ear.

[Host's body has reached Peak Exalted Warrior level. Host's Mageroot had already reached Peak Exalted Warrior level 45 minutes ago.]


Not even willing to spend a second more in this damn burning pool of fire, Daneel leaped out before landing on the ground haphazardly.

If any of his citizens saw him now, they would definitely not recognize him.

He was lying stark naked on the ground, but the main difference was his skin.

Instead of the skin of a Warrior who had been through trials and training, thus tanning and scarring himself, Daneel's skin looked as if he were a baby who had just been born.

Toward the end, Daneel had been very close to just saying 'F*ck it' and giving up, as it had really become unbearable. To put it in perspective, it had felt as if someone had cut him into tiny little pieces before roasting each part, eating it and then digesting it in acid, all while he was still feeling every sensation.

It was a very gruesome thought, but there was no better way to explain it.

Power really did not come easily to those who sought it.

Coughing, the King of Lanthanor got up and dressed himself using a spell to conjure clothes using his Paragon prowess.

Using his knees for support, he took a deep breath before finally getting up and asking the system to show him his status.

[Host status updating. Please standby.

Host status:

Host Fighter Level: Warrior-9(100%)

Host Mage Level: Warrior-9(100%)

Host Body Potential: A+

Host Comprehension Level: S

Host Condition: Fatigued]


Daneel could never have expected that he would be able to cross the chasm that was the Warrior level in this manner, in just one go.

Unable to control himself, he whooped in the air.


A sonic boom was heard, while his punch in the air which had been casual actually caused the wall in its path to be damaged, resulting in him being showered by a mound of dirt.

Oh, yes. He was a Peak Exalted Warrior now, and he would have to adjust himself to that power, lest more mishaps like these happen.

Still, the incredible way in which his body moved so smoothly and the amazing clarity and quickness of thoughts in his mind were intoxicating, making him feel that it was all worth it.


With his reverie interrupted by strange sounds, Daneel looked around before focusing on the crumpled figure of the Crazy King.

Puzzled, he walked to him, and when he saw that the lax expression of the man who was drooling from one corner of his mouth while making unintelligible noises, he understood vaguely what had happened.

"Congratulations on being just one step away from becoming a Champion! As for this King, it is regrettable. Being controlled like that by the old bird again has driven him completely crazy."

Nodding, Daneel felt sad for the man, whose only downfall had been his ambition.

However, turning to the side, as the image of the podium came into his sight, he got an idea.

Even though his spirit was completely broken, why not at least allow his body to once again be a King and rule his people?

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