World Domination System

Chapter 458 Change of Plans

Meanwhile, Faxul had been standing at the same spot in the cave for 10 minutes, trying what to do next.

Every time he thought about contacting Daneel, doubts would appear in his head, making him think more and more that that would be a bad idea.

He even felt a sense of…déjà vu. As if…he had been agonizing over this before, but had made a decision.

However, he didn't remember doing it.

Attributing it to the strange atmosphere in the place, Faxul took a deep breath and berated himself for dillydallying so much.

Yes, he could tell Daneel later after finding out more.

The moment he had this thought, the feeling that it was right appeared inside him.

Hmm? I was unsure about this, right? Then why do I feel so sure now?

Rhetorically asking himself this, he walked forward and touched the podium.

Unlike before, when he had heard the arrogant voice, all that was transmitted to him now was a technique.

At first, Faxul thought that it was a spell model, but slowly, he realized that it was so much more.

It was…an inheritance-a treasure that had been quoted often in the records in the Kingdom, but hadn't been seen for many years.

"This is your birthright, Black Raven King. It is called the 'Raven's Might'. It will allow you to harness the power of the Protector Raven, and the other Ravens in the Kingdom to push yourself forward on the Path to Power. All Ravens are magical beings which absorb Energy in their own way. This technique allows you to tap into those reserves, and although that means that the Ravens will lose a part of their power, they can simply gain it back over time. I must warn you, King. If anyone else knows about me or this technique, they will try to snatch it away. They will even quote that I only mean harm, or that this technique has some trap. Do not listen to them. If you need reasons to trust me and believe in what I'm saying, then simply ask the Protector Raven outside how it knows this place. I will not even argue my own case. For now, farewell, King. If you do believe in me, I urge you to return, as there are any more techniques that I can pass on, which will aid you in your quest to help the people of the Black Raven Kingdom."

As Faxul heard this speech which sounded inside his head with a noble tone, more and more thoughts started appearing that whatever was inside this podium could be trusted.

No. Why should it be trusted? He wasn't dumb enough to take everything he heard at face value.

But, no! All he needed to do was ask the Protector Raven outside for proof!

What if the risk was present that he could be prosecuted for possessing this treasure? After all, it wouldn't be the first time it was happening on the Continent.

In this way, each and every one of his qualms repeatedly got answered by an inner voice, which, of course, he assumed to be his own.

Finally, he decided that the best thing to do might be to put the technique aside for now until he found out from the Protector Raven just how it knew about this place.

Leaving the stone podium while in deep thought, Faxul walked towards the curtain of water and exited it, all while being stared at by a pair of rabid eyes from the inner parts of the cave.

After he passed through the waterfall, he saw that the Protector Raven was basking in the sun with its massive body, while idly munching on some animal it seemed to have picked up as a snack.

"What happened? Did you obtain it?", it asked, which made Faxul frown slightly.

"How did you know about this place?"

On being asked this question, the Protector Raven hesitated, and Faxul could tell through the bond he shared with it that it was deciding whether or not to answer.

Finally, it seemed to have decided to tell him what he wanted to know.

"I only know of this due to the memories that are passed down from Protector Raven to Protector Raven. According to them, the stone podium inside was once in our Kingdom. At that time, the most talented King of that time managed to pass the stringent conditions of the podium and attained unbelievable techniques."

After pausing to prune it's glossy, black feathers, the Protector Raven continued.

"At the time, the King managed to shoot forward in power, but the Big 4 intervened. In my memory, the Protector Raven of that time only saw the King trying to protect the podium at all costs, while those from the Big 4 besieged him from all sides. The wondrous thing was that even if he was outnumbered, he still managed to kill many of his opponents, and even managed to escape. However, the King told my ancestor that the Big 4 had interrupted and ruined a very important process that would have seen him become one of the strongest beings on the continent. After faking his death and hiding the podium, he made the Protector Raven swear that this matter would be kept a purpose. At the same time, a bond was formed between the podium and the Protector Raven, which was passed down to me. I felt that bond calling to me, when I saw you pushing yourself so much to gain power. We both know war is coming. The Big 4 must be preoccupied with that, unlike then. So, I decided to heed that call and bring you here, at least to see whether the podium finds you worthy. My King, whatever you obtained in there, I strongly suggest that you keep it to yourself. Wars have been fought over even less valuable things."

The Protector Raven almost seemed as if it had prepared this speech the moment Faxul had walked out, as if it knew that he would have this question.

He had read about an ancient Black Raven King who had been persecuted by the Big 4, but in the records, the reason was unknown.

It did make sense now.

Faxul knew clearly that such a magical technique would definitely garner attention from the highest echelons of this world.

However, why would his best friend, who had only helped him till now without even expecting much in return, covet it?

Again, like clockwork, answers appeared in his mind which refuted this.

Everyone could change according to the situation, his inner voice said.

So, it was probably best not to take a chance.

Besides, the technique might not even work. Why not try it first?

In this way, Faxul's thought to contact Daneel was postponed yet again.

Getting on the Protector Raven, he prepared to go back to the Palace, but he couldn't shake the thought that something was wrong.

Meanwhile, in the Kingdom of Lanthanor.

The guard that had been posted 24/7 in the Library in the Academy that the present King had studied in had just been about to get off his shift.

He only had one duty, and it was pretty boring: sitting in the hidden and forbidden highest floor of the library, he had to keep watch over a door and notify the Grand Court Mage if there was any change.

For months now, there had been nothing, and this had become one of the shortest straws that could be drawn by those who were assigned for general guard duty.

However, today, it seemed that things were going to be different.

A red light started to shine from under the gap of the only door in the corridor, and it grew in intensity until it became so bright that the guard had to blink in order to see anything.

Shocked by the sudden event, he even fell on the ground, as he had been in the middle of the process of getting up to walk around before his replacement arrived.

Hurriedly, he took out a communication trinket and contacted the Grand Court Mage.

Receiving the message, Kellor immediately contacted the King, but he received no reply.

The King had instructed them that this red light was of the utmost priority, and that he should definitely be intimated if it appeared.

Yet, the King had been in complete closed door training for weeks!

Wondering what the heck he was supposed to do, Kellor started pacing around, while repeatedly sending messages through the communication trinket of the King and the oathstone, hoping that whatever the significance of that red light, it could wait until the King received the message about it.


Meanwhile, Daneel had just been on the way to his dormitory so that he could plan exactly how he was going to plant evidence.

Suddenly, he stopped in the middle of the Central Walkway due to a message from the system.

[One of the alarms set down using the system has been tripped. Unable to ascertain exact alarm due to interference from Sect Formation. Please exit the formation if host wishes to identify which alarm it is.]

As his heart started to beat faster, Daneel realized that something must definitely be wrong outside.

The 'alarms' he had placed were all highly important: they ranged from the one he had set up to identify trespassers in the Withering Leaf Sect, to the one he had placed in Eldinor, near the core of the formation, to try and find out who might have taken away the items.

There were many more which were equally crucial, so Daneel knew that whatever it was, it needed his immediate attention.

But how was he supposed to go out?

Gritting his teeth, Daneel decided that it was time to take dire measures.

Walking to the mission office, he saw that there were missions to the outside which were under the supervision of an Exalted Warrior.

Looking for the shortest one, he saw that it was one week long, and the mission was to travel to all of the 'no-trespasing' and forbidden regions on the continent to check whether the formations that had been placed there were secure.

It was monotonous work, so there were not many people interested.

However, Daneel signed up without hesitation.

A few hours later, he set off with 3 others, and the moment he exited the sect, he was inundated by messages from Kellor that the Empire Spirit in Lanthanor was shining red, indicating that something had happened to it.

The last time that had happened, he had 'unlocked' one of its levels.

This was already shocking in itself, but the message from the system that sounded in his head made the rest of his thoughts disappear.

As he stopped in the air with his eyes wide open, he hoped that he was dreaming.

[Alarm placed inside target 'Faxul's' mind to identify interference from secondary consciousness has been triggered. The alarm has been wiped away. However, from the information received, system has been able to identify the source. Target 'Faxul' has come under the effect of a Hero-level Mind Control Spell, which is directing his thoughts subtly.]

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