World Domination System

Chapter 404 Befriending Isolation

"Daneel, what's wrong? Are you in trouble, son?"

Seeing her son, who was apparently supposed to be in secluded training since the past few months, appear at their door before entering and hugging her tightly, Maria was quite bewildered.

Besides, his entire body was also shaking, as if he was either crying or about to cry.

Robert, who had been in the balcony while looking at some cadets for the army, rushed into the room on hearing the commotion.

Ever since he had regained his power, he had been instrumental in taking care of miscellaneous tasks to help his Kingdom. However, 2 months ago, he had officially been assigned as the commander of the regular Fighter Army, a post previously held by Luther. On asking, he had only been told by his son in a short message that Luther had to take up other duties.

Of course, as the "Spear of Kindness" who was renowned among the regular soldiers for his caring yet strict nature even though he had departed from the army a long time ago, he had no problem taking up the post and the duties associated with it.

Yet, today, seeing his son in this state, he was at a loss regarding what to do.

Since all those months ago when his son had taken matters into his own hands and ascended the throne, he had been the proudest father in the whole wide world. He had always thought that Daneel was someone who required no help from others whatsoever, but seeing what was in front of his eyes now, he realized that he was wrong.

The expression on his son's face was…fear. Fear of something that had almost happened.

He had seen this particular emotion before-in the eyes of soldiers who killed for the first time, and had almost lost themselves in the bloodthirstiness.

Yes! It was the expression of one who had almost lost themselves.

First, he realized that they needed to stop asking questions. What he needed was their comfort.

So, he immediately made a shushing gesture towards Maria, who had just been about to ask something else.

After that, not wanting to startle his son, he made a motion of sleeping.

Sleep was the best healer in these situations, in his experience.

Although she didn't understand at first, his wife was an astute person, so she soon grasped his meaning and nodded.

Her son was still shivering in her arms, but she slowly walked towards the bedroom, leading him slowly in its direction.

After reaching the bed, she sat and made him lie on the bed, cradling his head in her lap.

Everyone seemed to have forgotten that even though her son had so many responsibilities on his shoulders, he was still barely 18 years old.

In many ways, he could still be called a kid.

Gently, she started to stroke his forehead, which seemed to have a soothing effect.

It seemed that her husband was right, as after a few minutes, the King of Lanthanor fell into a deep sleep.

Getting up and laying his head on the cushion, she closed the door silently and made her way to her husband's side.

Seeing the panic on her face, he said, "Don't worry. I think he just had some problem in training. I spoke to Kellor's master once, long, long ago. He was a mysterious old man who seemed to hold many secrets, and no one even knew why he had chosen to stay as the Court Mage then. I was still a kid then who had entered the army, unable to sit down without moving for 2 hours to absorb energy from Ether stones. He told me that mages who reached the higher levels had to befriend isolation, lest they lose themselves within it. According to him, they needed to sit with only their thoughts for months at a time, and many even crazy in that process. However, he said it was unavoidable. It was only on mastering that skill could one truly grow powerful in this continent. That tale motivated me to get through those two hours. I think our son might have gone through something like what he mentioned. He was supposed to be in secluded training, after all. But he didn't seem lost. Let's wait. If he doesn't wake up after some time is past, we can think about what to do then."

It was said that parents understood their children best. This was clearly on display here, as both Robert and Maria had managed to understand their son's situation without him needing to say anything.

Maria had also applied what her husband said to what she had seen in her son's face before, and she realized that he was right.

Trusting her husband, she nodded before making her way back to the room.

She missed her son, so there was definitely nothing wrong in wanting to take in more of him when he was sleeping, peacefully.


Daneel was having the most relaxing slumber in his life.

That comfort from hugging his mother stayed with him, and he felt protected, which was something he really needed right now due to the fear that had almost swallowed him before.

He didn't know how much time had passed, but if it weren't for his complaining bladder, he wouldn't have chosen to wake up.

However, when he opened his eyes, he received the scare of his life.

4 worried faces crowded his vision, and because it was a sudden image that was quite odd, he yelped and pulled the blanket close.

As he heard his father's chuckle in response, he finally regained his senses.

Right. He was the respectable King of Lanthanor!

There was no reason whatsoever to act like a scared kitten.

It seemed that he had also startled the people to whom those 4 faces belonged to, as they stepped back in shock.

Cassandra, Eloise, Kellor, and Maria. These were the four individuals who had almost given him a heart attack.

Why had they all looked so worried? Hadn't he just taken a nap?

Deciding to voice this query, he asked, "Why are you all looking at me as if I returned from the dead?"

"Son, if anyone woke up after sleeping 24 hours at a stretch, I believe they deserve to be stared at with disbelief and doubt regarding whether they are alive or dead. Welcome back to the land of the living."

Hearing this, Daneel also felt shock covering his face.

He had slept for an entire day?!

But…it had just felt like a comfortable nap!

Deciding that the system definitely had the answers, Daneel decided to ask it.

[Host's psyche was damaged due to the isolation. Host's actions and the long sleeping period have repaired this damage, and also strengthened the psyche on the whole. Such damage will not occur if host undergoes the same period of training ahead.

Achievement: Befriending Isolation obtained.

Befriending Isolation: Anyone who treads on the path of power and World Domination is destined to face the risk of being lost. To overcome it, one must constantly push themselves and eventually befriend that which threatens to destroy them. Congratulations on beginning on this journey!

2000 EXP awarded.

Total EXP: 5000.

Additional discovery found by Phenomena Analysis Module. Would host like to hear about it?]


[System has found that decreasing the break periods between training sessions leads to a cumulative increase in the rate of Energy absorbed by the body and mageroot. Body and Mageroot enter a state of flux where development using Energy is easier. This was noticed after host went through one month of isolation training. It is because of this factor that host has managed to reach the peak of the Human level in such a short time.]

Yes! It all made sense!

Originally, according to Daneel's estimates, it would at least have taken a few months more in order to reach this level and breakthrough. His hope had been to do so in 5 months, so that he would have a month to train in the inheritances.

However, that had been cut down to just two months.

It seemed that hard work and dedication really did pay off, and this time, he had really reaped a lot of benefits.

Yet, if he remembered correctly, the system had said that he was stuck, and he also remembered just leaking Energy during training after a point. What was the reason behind that?

[Host has reached the stage of saturation which indicates that a "Condensation Event" is required for host to enter the Warrior realm. Data insufficient to gather the exact conditions required to undergo a "Condensation Event". Reports vary. Some underwent one during combat, and others overcame this point using years of training. System recommends host to collect more data.]

Wait…what the [email protected]@k?

Daneel had expected before itself that entering the Warrior realm would definitely not involve just sitting and absorbing Energy. If that was the case, with the high number of High-grade talents in the Central Continent, there should have been many by this point.

However, the number of Warriors could be counted on one hand. So, there was definitely something stopped peak Humans from stepping into this incredible realm.

He had wanted to become a Warrior to collect data…but he needed to collect data to become a Warrior?

What was he even supposed to do now?


Meanwhile, at a spot a few kilometers away from the headquarters of the Withering Leaf Sect in the Valley of Mist.

A man stood in the foliage, wearing a green dress that allowed him to blend in and appear invisible.

He had long hair that extended to his knees, and his face looked like it had been fair once, but it was now covered in dust and dirt, as if he had traveled quickly for a long time through the forest.

Through the bushes, he could catch a faint glimpse of the sect where he had been born and raised.

Everything, everything, had been destroyed by one man.

All this time, he had been waiting.

Finally, now, it was time for his revenge.

If anyone could look at his eyes now, they would definitely have stepped back in horror, as they contained such a crazed look as if this man had long lost his sanity.

His fingers, which were covered in blood, took out a pouch of trinkets.

Slowly but surely, he started to arrange them on the Valley floor, all while smiling to himself in anticipation for what was about to come.

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