World Domination System

Chapter 380 Prophecy

380 Prophecy

As Daneel observed the two top assassins take a few seconds to comprehend what he was saying while looking at each other with shock, he realized that he might have hit a jackpot .

Daneel's gamble was based on all the clues he had acquired in the Hidden Kill Sect so far .

First, he had been through that crash course and the clue he had obtained there was that there was some objective behind designing the course and making the rule that whoever asked to learn the techniques of the Hidden Kill Sect would be subjected to it if they didn't meet the criteria for entering the sect .

Clearly, whoever had made the rule must have had some hidden agenda behind making it so that those who were talented enough would be able to obtain something that was coveted in the entire continent ā€“ an inheritance .

The second clue was regarding the prophecy that the system had stated .

Daneel's gut told him that these two were somehow related . When he thought about it, he realized that it was probably because both of them had one similarity ā€“ they were both related to someone from the outside .

The prophecy had popped up when he asked the system for ways to take over the sect even though he was an outsider, and the crash course was also meant for an outsider to obtain something so valuable .

So, it only made sense that these two might be connected .

Now, when he saw the shock that wouldn't recede in the eyes of the two in front of him, Daneel hoped that he was right .

After the two finally returned to normal, Stefan looked at Daneel with a critical expression and said, "Can you please wait outside for a few moments? I have something I need to discuss with my friend . "

In response, Daneel just nodded and walked out .

Inside, of course, he was both hoping that things would go well and also worrying whether he had jumped the gun .

After Daneel left the room, Stefan carefully closed the door and took out a trinket from his pocket which he activated .

After making sure that the anti-eavesdropping barrier was functioning well, he turned to Jaggrv and said, "What do you think? Could he be lying? You fought him, so think back . Think hard . We cannot make mistakes in this matter . "

As Stefan said this in a grave voice, Jaggrv nodded and looked down, visualizing the fight that he had just had with Daneel .

After a few seconds, his eyes opened wide with surprise .

Looking up at Stefan, he said, "It's very likely that he was right . I didn't use our inheritance, but now that I think about it, he was definitely acting like someone who just obtained it and didn't know how to use it yet . He'sā€¦ not lying . "

"Are you sure?"

With his trademark crude tongue appearing, Jaggrv answered, "Of course I'm [email protected]@king sure . Why the [email protected]@k would I say something like this without being absolutely sure? He did it . He has the inheritance which we went through hell to receive . The bastard makes my blood boil! All he needed to do was get beaten up for it!"

"Yes, but can you do the same? Learning it just by getting beaten up?"

"Of course not . And that makes me even angrier . Anyway, what are we going to do? Should we inform the sect leader? The rules aren't clear on that aspect, are they? According to the prophecy, someone like him should appear when the sect is going to be destroyed . Are we in that position? Is it that bad?"

In response, Stefan shook his head and answered, "You never step out of your cottage, so of course you wouldn't know . Last night, the food reserves went up in flames . Now, we are even more liable to being choked . Things are bad . Sect destruction level bad . But if we obtain the weapons inside the formation, we should still be able to defend ourselves . Still, I say we do it . If worst comes to worst, the prophecy is the only thing we will be able to rely on . Knowing this, it is our duty to make sure that that path is available to us . The rules are clear in this part, at least . If a potential fulfiller of the prophecy arrives, he must be made aware of it and given the option to choose . But the rules don't say that we should report to the sect leader . You know how he is . So I say it's better not to do that unless it is absolutely necessary . "

After a few moments of thought, Jaggrv looked up and said, "You're right . I don't like it, but you're right . You do it . I never thought that I would see someone with this much talent in my lifetime . Dammit . I just hope he doesn't become even more insufferable after you're done . "

. . .

Meanwhile, Daneel had been standing outside, trying not to seem tensed even though he was feeling a lot of pressure inside .

If his gamble here failed, he didn't know what to do .

As the door opened to reveal Stefan who gestured at Daneel to come back in, the King of Lanthanor steeled himself and walked in .

Even before he could sit down, Stefan said something that made Daneel rejoice inwardly .

"Have you heard the term 'Basilisk Rider'?"

Yes! The connection was there!

Daneel couldn't believe his luck . In fact, it was so unbelievable that he got another harrowing doubt: was it even luck?

However, this was not the time to think about it .

With a frown on his face, he replied, "No . But the Basilisk is the creature whose heart you use to keep your formation functioning right? Just like the Dragon Heart Formation of Lanthanor . "

With a nod, Stefan said, "Yes, in a way, they are similar . To answer your question, I need to first tell you about the origin of our sect . There are stories about how the elves and the Giants came to be in Angaria, but have you ever wondered from where the reptilians originated?"

This surprised Daneel, as he had indeed thought about the origins of the strange creatures who looked like they were a mix of humans and some kind of lizards .

With the data he had, he of course did not know of their origin .

So, in response, Daneel just nodded and stayed silent .

"You must know of a time in Angaria when mythical creatures roamed the land . The Basilisk was one such creature which was said to be so strong and so fearful that it ruled over a quarter the land for a long, long time . It was famed for its ability to kill other beings without even alerting them of its presence, and it was feared by most except a few which were confident that they could survive the first attack and at least put up a fight . You must understand that even our records aren't complete, but from what we know, the basilisk was also blessed with intelligence that exceeded that of other mythical creatures . When it got to know that it's time was going to be up, it somehow created a race by taking humans and modifying them with its own characteristics . That was how the reptilians were born . When the time came for the Basilisk to die, it chose this mountain and set up our sect along with the rules that are passed down to this day . In those rules is also a prophecy that states that when the sect is in danger of being destroyed, someone will arrive who is more talented in assassination than anyone else before him . Talented enough to learn our most precious inheritance by just going through the crash course and being beaten using it . As talented, as you . "

During the history lesson, Daneel had made sure that his expression showed interest .

However, towards the end, when the mention of the inheritance came up, he made shock appear on his face .

After spending so much time in Angaria, he had to admit that he had become quite the accomplished actor .

"Are you [email protected]@king with me?", he asked, making Stefan chuckle and say, "Of course not . What you obtained is, indeed, our inheritance . But only the first part of it . Without the others, you would never be able to use it to its full potential . Anyway, I must say, you are truly lucky . I gather that you would have gone to the other top assassins if Jaggrv hadn't fought you?"

Seeing Daneel nod, Stefan said, "If you had said the same thing to them, they would have done everything in their power to apprehend you and take you to the sect leader . Or, they would have brushed it off and waited for you to open the formation after which you would definitely have been killed . We two are the only ones who still trust in the old ways, but those three don't . They have lost faith . They will try their best to make sure that the prophecy is not activated, as it would mean that they would have no more chance of becoming the sect leader . Now, I need to ask you something . It might sound like it's out of the blue, but I need you to think carefully before you answer . If you have the chance to become the leader of this sect and be in command of one of the most powerful deterring forces in the Central Continent, while also obtaining immense amounts of resources and a full inheritance which would be coveted even by anyone from the Big Four, would you take it?"

To respond, Daneel didn't even need a second .

After making sure that his eyes lit up the moment the words 'full inheritance' were mentioned, Daneel shouted, "[email protected]@k yeah!"

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