World Domination System

Chapter 312 Queen Arafell

Sitting in one of the rooms in the section of Olympia which had been cordoned off as the place where all Royal personnel would be housed, Daneel tapped his fingers on the table in front of him while waiting for his guest to arrive.

The idea to build this city had sprung up after he realized the fact that the number of people who would come for the Olympics could no longer be estimated.

The initial approach had been that the area around the stadium would be free and open, allowing people to either use tents or build temporary houses if they had the means to in.

Due to the many games that were present, the Olympics would actually take place over a week with the finals happening in the last two days.

Daneel had gone all out to build the city. He had contacted all the other construction companies, as the one he had contracted was already fully occupied with building the stadium. Excited to add their name to those who had helped in making the event come alive, the companies had all started their work with gusto.

A large amount of space around the canyon was still open, where regular people would be able to sit in and still be able to view the stadium and the ground.

The city started from the point where the ground of the stadium would no longer be visible. The canyon was in such a way that the land around it sloped upwards, which was great for people wanting to sit around and watch, but not so good for building a city.

Still, Daneel had chosen to go ahead.

The result was a city built on uneven ground, but because of that fact, it had a certain charm to it because it almost looked as if the buildings were built on waves due to the differing altitudes.

Again, no corners had been cut and the 5 million loan he had taken from the loan sharks before had completely been swept out.

This also wasn't a city that was meant to be occupied every four years. The idea was to make this a popular tourist location in the continent, enabling Daneel to get a steady revenue from it throughout the year.

There was an extensive irrigation system, and the foundation of each building was also built solidly so that they would stand even if an earthquake happened. This was usually not the case in small cities or towns such as the one that Daneel had been in for a brief amount of time in the Black Raven Kingdom when he had come to watch the Battle Royale. That town had sprung up due to the stadium, and it only had the most basic facilities.

Unlike it, Olympia had everything a modern city could ask for. All the organizations which had participated in the auction and won the rights to serve those who attended the event had also been allowed to set up shops throughout the city. Seeing this opportunity, even other organizations such as trinket sellers, weapon makers, and Ether block traders had approached him, saying that they wanted a spot.

This had resulted in another auction, but even that money had had to go into the construction of the city.

Finally, Olympia had shaped into a place where anything and everything was available.

Its maximum capacity was 1 million people, and it occupied an area even larger than that of the capital of Lanthanor. Of course, this had only been possible because there were no defensive walls built around it.

After all, there was no need for them right now and Daneel had the feeling that it might just expand even more.

There were multiple sections of the city, with varying levels of luxury. Although Daneel did not like this idea much because it reminded him of the inner and outer cities of Lanthanor, he knew that the feeling of superiority felt by those who were more fortunate in life wasn't something that could be eradicated by his wishes.

This was also the reason why he hadn't chosen to destroy the walls separating the inner and outer cities to increase the satisfaction level. Although it might make many in the outer city rejoice, it would definitely result in the disgruntlement of most of those living in the inner city. They had gotten used to the status quo, and any drastic changes might even result in them choosing to move out of Lanthanor itself.

Satisfaction was, after all, something which concerned all people, irrespective of background and living conditions.

As the door of the room he was in opened, Daneel stood up due to the fact that his guest had the same status as him.

The woman who walked in had some of the most extraordinary features that Daneel had ever seen. Her eyes were a clear blue, and they were so striking that Daneel couldn't help but look into them for a few seconds. Her cheekbones were high, and her short nose was pointed. She had luscious lips, and she was wearing a blue dress that complemented her eyes and resulted in a sight that anyone wouldn't be able to forget.

Unlike Eloise and Sister Xuan who were both beautiful in a natural and innocent way that would make one smile, the allure of this woman was the kind that would make men want to use their hands to cover their pants.

Indeed, hers was a beauty that would make those watching want to possess her as their own.

Maybe for the first time since he had come into this world, Daneel felt sexually attracted to someone of the opposite gender.

The dress she was wearing was almost transparent, and over half of her assets were clearly visible due to its low cut. As the woman breathed in and out, they moved up and down and Daneel actually had to resist the urge to keep looking at them.

Indeed, his gaze had actually been attracted to them from her face, and he hadn't been able to peel his eyes away for the past few seconds.

The most disconcerting thing about all this was that it was all happening without his control, almost as if he was being influenced by magic.

Wait… Magic?

Somehow finding the power to distract himself and switch on his elementary sight, Daneel was greeted by an image that shocked him.

A complex mix of elementary particles were radiating out from this woman in waves, and they were constantly washing over him.

The shock made him gain more control of his mind. With suspicion, he asked the system, "Am I under the effect of any spell?"

[Affirmative. Two notifications have already been sent. Host is under the effect of a spell that hasn't been seen before by the system. The spell has attempted to make the host feel attracted and attached to the one who is casting it, but the system was able to stop this attempt. A side effect is increased blood flow to specific parts of host's body, but the system has been unable to stop this from happening.]

He had actually missed two notifications because of being captivated?

Truly scary.

As a cold sweat sprung up on his head, Daneel realized that if he hadn't had the system, he would probably have fallen into this trap.

"What is the complexity of the spell being used? And through that, can the power level of the one I am meeting be ascertained?"

[Complexity: Peak Warrior Level. An individual must be at least a Warrior to cast the spell.]

It was just as he had suspected. There were only rumors that the person he was meeting with was a true and blue Warrior, but there had been no concrete information.

Now, Daneel realized that it was actually true. Queen Arafell, the ruler of the Kingdom of Arafell, was indeed a Warrior, and a very talented one at that. After all, she was somehow able to cast the spell of Peak Warrior Level Complexity, which meant that she was either a Peak warrior herself or she had the natural talent to be able to cast spells above her level.

Either way, she was much more powerful than Daneel.

Of course, Daneel had no intention of letting her have her way.

"Welcome, Queen Arafell. First of all, thank you for accepting to participate in the Olympics. But I must ask you, is that spell necessary?"

Now, it was the turn of the Queen to feel shock, as she wondered how an Exalted Human had been able to resist and even notice an heirloom spell left behind by the first Queen Arafell.

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