World Domination System

Chapter 128 Meeting The Black Raven Kingdom 3

Secret spell technique!

The first thing that appeared in Daneel's mind when he heard these words was his former Master, Jonah Castle's incredible spellcasting abilities. Each and every one of his spells somehow affected the elementary particles surrounding the ones being controlled by his mageroot, making it so that the effectiveness was increased substantially.

Daneel already knew that the spell techniques were the reason the Big 4 had managed to maintain their dominance over the continent for so long.

This only served to show how incredible the reward was.

To Daneel, it was even more valuable because of the existence of the system. If he could somehow understand the principles behind spell techniques, he could possibly use the system to create his own which would bring a tremendous improvement to his power level.

Besides, he could even consider making simpler versions to give to his subordinates, just like in the case of the development techniques.

Overall, obtaining the chance to learn a spell technique could change the whole course of his and Lanthanor's future.

Yet, he couldn't help but wonder what the catch was.

After making sure that he had grasped the attention of the young man in front of him, the Black Raven King continued to speak.

"Originally, I was going to give this offer to the previous King of Lanthanor. If that attack hadn't already been in motion, he would definitely have agreed as the spot could have been exchanged for means to step into the Warrior realm to prolong his life. He was just... unlucky. But you, King Daneel, have this perfect opportunity. The only problem with this deal is that the reward can only be given after the goods are delivered, which will take at least a year in case you agree to the deal now. You must already know of the advantages that secret spell techniques give to mages. This specific spell technique is guaranteed to allow anyone of Crimson or Gold talent to reach the peak of the Warrior level. Although I would much prefer that I send two people from my Kingdom alone, I simply have no choice."

Seeing the Black Raven King sigh and shake his head, Daneel was reminded of salesman back on Earth who pushed people to buy something by highlighting the positives of the product or service while only mentioning superficial negatives. As for the crucial shortcomings, they would be 'conveniently' left out until the consumer discovers them himself and repents for his lapse of judgment.

There was definitely a catch.

"What are the goods?", he asked, making the man in front of him frown slightly seeing that the young King wasn't as enamored with the offer as he had thought.

He had been quite sure that the allure of reaching the peak of the Warrior Level would definitely elicit some sort of excitement which he could have taken advantage of. After all, the 'King' in front of him was only 16 years old.

But at this moment, he realized that he had underestimated the maturity of the teen in front of him, which made him reassess the evaluation he had in his mind. Bevis had already told him something along these lines, but he had wanted to see it for himself.

Reaching inside his pocket, the Black Raven King pulled out three small brown-colored balls the size of peanuts.

Putting his hand in the air with his palm open so that Daneel could see them, he said, "Echer seeds. By the order of the organization which secretly gave me this contract, I can only divulge that they must be grown in fertile soil. I cannot give any other details such as why they chose my Kingdom. The goods are the grown product- Echer plants. In addition to the permission to learn the spell technique, each plant will also be paid for. In simple words, if your farmers grow these, they can earn 3 times what they would if they planted any other crop. Of course, they will require more care than regular plants."

The catch still hadn't come.

Seeing the King of Lanthanor still gazing at him with a pensive expression, the Black Raven King continued speaking albeit in a softer tone.

"King Daneel, as a fellow King, let me give you some advice. The only negative this deal has is that your production of normal crops will decrease, which might affect your economy in ways that only you can assess. In return, your farmers who do switch will obtain higher profits and your Kingdom will even obtain a potential peak Warrior Level Mage. There will even be an advance payment for the crops, which you can use to smooth over any problems that might occur. In the end, there is only profit to be gained. Besides, this is also a limited period offer. The only reason this opportunity even exists is that you have the most fertile land in all the 6 Kingdoms. I wish that my Kingdom had enough, but that is not the case. Besides, this is the first time this kind of contract has been given out by one of the Big 4. If you disagree, I have no choice but to go to the Kingdom of Arafell, who I'm sure will take this offer up in a heartbeat."

Ah, the age-old method of enticing a customer using the lure of a 'limited period offer', mused Daneel.

When comparing to the sales tactics he had seen back on Earth, the act of the Black Raven King seemed laughable.

There was definitely some huge negative, but he seemed to be trying to conceal it. Yet, Daneel knew that he had to find it out himself. After all, the spell technique was too important to him.

"Give me a few seeds to sample. I will give an answer in 6 days. I trust that that is fine?"

"King Daneel, this matter has already been delayed for so long. I was hoping to reach an agreement today."

And thus, the bargain began.

What the Black Raven King didn't know was that because of growing up poor, Daneel was a master at bargaining for even the smallest of things.

It was quite obvious that the Black Raven King wanted him to take the offer without thinking too much.

Indeed, if it had been the previous King, he would have jumped to the offer due to the decades of protection that a Warrior Level Mage would ensure for the Kingdom.

But unlike him, Daneel wanted to find out exactly what the seeds were. Any information he obtained from the Black Raven King couldn't be trusted anyway. Thus, he needed time to investigate the seeds.

"You must understand that I must converse with my officials about the impact this could have. I just ascended the throne, and I'm still getting accustomed to ruling over a Kingdom. I'm sure it must have been the same for you when you took the throne.", he said with a serious expression.

In bargaining, being firm was the most important thing. In a case where both parties wanted to make a deal go through, it would all come down to who desired it more.

Besides, the point where one yielded also signaled the extent of this desire.

"You put me in a tough spot, King Daneel. The only reason I can even consider this is that you are the best option. 6 days it is. You can reach me through the trinket to let me know about your decision, after which I will be able to send over specific instructions."

A deep scowl appeared on the Black Raven King's face as if he was reluctantly agreeing due to having no other option. Getting up, he stretched out his hand towards Daneel.

"I will take my leave now. I hope to hear good news soon."

After Daneel mimicked his actions and shook his hand, the Black Raven King walked out of the tent with his subordinates.

Inside the tent, Daneel found himself wondering whether the man was dumb. The act had been so obvious, and even the lengths the other party was willing to go to in order to ensure the deal made this fact quite clear.

Snatching up the three seeds along with a small parchment containing instructions for planting that had been left on the table between them, Daneel observed them closely, knowing that all the answers lay in them.


Meanwhile, the 5 who exited the tent were making their way back to the main army after rejoining with the rest of the 45 soldiers who had been waiting outside.

After glancing back briefly at Border Gate of the Lanthanor Kingdom, the scowl on the Black Raven King's face changed into a stoic expression.

"Everything according to plan?", he asked out loud after making an opaque barrier appear around him and the 4 who had accompanied him inside.

"Yes, we aroused his suspicion, which means that the figure behind him will definitely step in to investigate, just like we wish. Your 'acting' was quite funny to see."

As soon as the barrier came into existence, the 3 of the men had disappeared, leaving the last soldier who morphed into a completely different man.

With white hair and drooping eyebrows, this man looked like he was somehow defying the passage of time to continue living despite being so old that there wasn't a spot without wrinkles on his face.

Hearing his words, the Black Raven King grunted before asking, "Tell the 2 spies who are watching to return."

Yet, as soon as he said these words, the whole retinue stopped and suddenly turned around due to a loud sound that had just emanated from the gate.

Almost all of them couldn't help but gape seeing two bodies flying through the air, arcing perfectly and precisely landing at the entrance of the barrier under which the Black Raven King and the Old Man stood.

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