The Spearmaster and the Black Cat

Chapter 146

Chapter 146 – Great Knight Remrona

I was guided by the White Nine folks .

They brought me to a place in front of the noble district with a group of two-storied, gray buildings .

Vertical torchlights have been set up on the pillars that surround the nave, as if lining up next to each other .

Magic lanterns decorate alcove-like spots where the walls were depressed .

As sparks scatter from the fixtures, the walls reflect them without catching fire, causing a mysterious hue . The crests of Oseberia Kingdom and the Great White Nine Knights had been carved with the torches in mind, showing off the majesty of the organization .

The two airborne dragons descend towards the other side of the nave .

I guess this is the office of White Nine .

We arrive at a huge, dark-brown gate .

Torches and sentries are positioned on both sides .

A round emblem depicting nine dragons with dragon knights is etched onto the center of the gate .

Just like the other soldiers, the sentries also wear white chainmail .

Once they spot us, they salute with swift movements .

A single soldier opens his thick lips .

“Great Knight Saril, Great Knight Remrona, thank you for carrying out your duty . ”

The sentry uses a formal tone .

So the name of the blonde-haired Great Knight is Saril, huh?

Just as I had heard at the inn, Remrona is the female Great Knight’s name .

“Thank you . Open the front gate . ” (Saril)

Saril thanks and instructs the sentry .

“Yes, sir—!”

The soldier opens the heavy, dark-brown gate .

Being led by the two Great Knights, we pass through the entrance alongside a great number of soldiers .

In the middle, there’s a wide stone path continuing towards the courtyard .

The Great Knights ignore it and advance along a path on the right .

We enter an open gray building off to the right .

We proceed through a corridor .

At last, we arrive in a rectangular room .

There are crystal light sources on the ceiling and a large flag as well as a dreamcatcher-like decoration on the wall .

They were embossed with pictures of dragon knights .

However, pictures of the king are missing .

I guess there’s that sort of stuff?

A long table with inlays and short legs as well as clean chairs are lined up in the center .

It’s a place similar to a reception hall .

Only a small vase, goblets, and a pitcher have been placed on the table .

“I’d like you to sit down over there . ” (Saril)

Saril told me to sit on a chair, but that’s a little different from my expectations .

Going by my assumptions, I would be tied to a chair in a small room and exposed to water torture or such…

I thought that today would be the longest day of my life .

Or something like having my arm broken by a famous, scary, blonde-haired investigator and then being asked whether I want to have my other arm broken as well?

I ponder whether I would be interrogated in a manner close to torture, but unexpectedly I’m treated like a gentleman .

Before taking a seat, I activate Magic Observation and Grasping Perception to check the vicinity .

The magic sources I sense nearby are…

—Only the great knights and soldiers who are in the same room .

I can’t sense any mana from the dreamcatcher’s decoration with its shady appearance .

How misleading…it’s big, but it’s just a decoration .

In addition, I also sensed the magic sources of soldiers resting in other rooms .

However, I sense absolutely nothing from this room .

It doesn’t look as if there’s something like a trap installed here .

—Just as I had been told, I sit down on a clean, wooden chair .

Once I do, Saril had all the soldiers except for Remrona leave the room .

Only us three, huh? The two knights go around to the other side of the table and sit down .

They are opposite of me now .

I was never interrogated by a detective, but I feel a slight pressure .

I have to focus my mind and be careful of flattery designed to deceive me .

They won’t serve any katsudon 1, but the first one to open her mouth within this detective drama-like atmosphere was the female investigator, err, rather Remrona, the Great Knight .

“…Well then, Shuuya Kagari, we are going to question you, so please answer . You are a Rank C Adventurer . And you possess the title Dragon Slayer, correct?” (Remrona)

Well, it makes sense that they have investigated at least this much .

Let’s talk in honorific language from now on, just in case .

“Yes . ” (Shuuya)

“…In a part of the underworld, you are rumored to be the Lancer or the Magic Spear User with a Black Beast . Due to a dispute with the dark guild 【Owl’s Fangs】, you invaded the Macbayn mansion, the headquarters for that dark guild, murdered Mr . Eribol, who happened to be present, and abducted or killed his daughter Sylvia . Correct?” (Remrona)

Remrona briskly lists the information .

Her vocal tone is nice…and her freckles are cute, too .

Oh damn, I must not lose to the charm of a beautiful investigator .

However, those guys shouldn’t have been present back then .

And yet, for some unknown reason, she talks as if she knows everything except for the fact that his daughter died .

Is it some kind of skill? Or a magic tool?

Is someone monitoring this room from somewhere?

I don’t know, but there are no movements of magic sources that seem to hint at that…therefore, it seems better to assume that one of the two in front of me owns an investigation ability .

If it was a reading ability like Eva’s, it’s possible that it has been already exposed, but I’d like to believe that the probability of running into someone like Eva is low .

…In that case, lying to some extent should be effective?

But, I guess I will continue the conversation more or less honestly .

“…If you stay silent, I will take that as affirmation . Is that alright with you?” (Saril)

Saril inquires while glaring at me, having grown tired of waiting .

“What is going to happen if I confessed that I was the one who did it, for argument’s sake?” (Shuuya)

Saril twisted the corners of his mouth upon my words and laughed while answering,

“We will have you appear in a royal trial and you will likely be sentenced to death . ” (Saril)

So capital punishment, it is? In that case, I will struggle…

“But you didn’t do it, did you?” (Saril)

Wha-? What’s this about?

Saril asks me while smiling .

Just like me, Remrona’s expression also completely warps into surprise .

“…Great Knight Saril? What do you mean by that? Your fiancée, Sylvia-san, is still missing, isn’t she? I saw—” (Remrona)

Perplexed, she rattles on as if pressing Saril who squares his shoulders unnaturally .

Without giving a reply to Remrona, Saril creases his eyebrows, makes a rigid expression, and puts strength into his fists .

“—Remrona! What is your rank?” (Saril)

He yells while drowning out Remrona’s words .

“Sir! It’s the ninth rank . ” (Remrona)

Remrona throws a crisp salute like Pavlov’s Dog .

Just now, she leaked important information within the flood of words without realizing it…that the blonde-haired man in front of me, Great Knight Saril, is the fiance of Eribol’s daughter, who I killed .

“Then state the fifth article of the hierarchy doctrine . ” (Saril)

Once Remrona hears Saril’s words, she pulls a frustrated expression and starts speaking with her eyes downcast .

“…The hierarchy’s fifth article is 『A hierarchy’s rank is absolute . You mustn’t disapprove of a higher rank . Lower-ranking Great Knights are to be treated as apprentices of high-ranking Great Knights』 . ” (Remrona)

Don’t defy those above, eh? What disagreeable hierarchy system .

“Correct . You are the lowest rank . I don’t care that you solved many cases in the past . You were just added to the investigation this time because you are the favorite of Prince Fals-sama . While it might be true that you possess a skill that’s useful for investigation, more or less, don’t get the wrong idea . ” (Saril)

“But it’s true that I saw it with <Magic Residue Vision> . ” (Remrona)

Angry, Remrona widens her narrow eyes .

“What was that!? You still don’t get it? That has nothing to do with anything! To say nothing that you are ten years too early to comment on my expertise! As of now, you are taken off the investigation . You are placed under house arrest till further notice . ” (Saril)

Whoa, the words “shut down” cross my mind .

A severe abuse of her superior’s power similar to strangling Remrona with just his speech .

“…Yes . ” (Remrona)

Remrona turned pale .

Slumping her shoulders, she hangs her head in shame while answering with a small voice .

“Humph! Hurry up and get lost!” (Saril)

Saril cold-heartedly waves an arm, urging Remrona to leave her seat .

She exits the room in low spirits .

…Only Saril and I were left in the spacious room .

He clears his throat . “There’s a reason why I had Remrona leave, but I imagine you were able to guess it?” (Saril)

After unnaturally clearing his throat, he shows off a sarcastic-looking expression .

“The negotiations have already started, right?” That’s the kind of look it is .

As expected, Saril can disregard Remrona’s opinion .

Likewise, my murder of Eribol can also be hushed up with a word from this guy . Is that what it means?

“…Yes . Mostly . ” (Shuuya)

“I see . You have a quick wit for being an adventurer . In that case I think you can also imagine what I want . ” (Saril)

This guy’s name was listed in the “secret account book . ”

He probably wants to get his hands on the account book because of that .

But, how come he’s not asking about his fiancée, Sylvia?

Well, I won’t go out of my way to wake sleeping dogs, if he doesn’t ask himself .

Let’s talk while feigning ignorance .

“…Who knows? I can’t read your mind, so can you say what you might mean?” (Shuuya)

“…Haha, certainly . ” (Saril)

Hearing my words, Saril lifts the corners of his mouth enough that it becomes clear through the mask, revealing a smile, then nods .

“But, I will promise you as a Great Knight, whether you might be an adventurer, someone belonging to some dark guild, someone from a different country, or one of the second prince’s faction; I won’t ask you to take any responsibility, okay? What matters is the account book possessed by Eribol Macbayn . All you have to do is to hand that over to me, then you will be treated as if you had cooperated with me from the start . One of my members, who infiltrated a dark guild as an undercover agent, got it?” (Saril)

Saril stopped smiling in the middle of talking, changing his expression into a serious one .

He continues speaking while showing an increasingly threatening expression as if gnawing on his molars and moving his cheekbones .

He seems to be certain that I possess the account book .

“Really…?” (Shuuya)

I buy time by replying with an ambiguous murmur .

Can I really believe this guy?

Although he’s speaking of his status as Great Knight, it’s just a verbal promise after all .

If I hand over the account book, Saril might put an end to it by using his authority .

Therefore, I guess the answer is no .

I don’t possess the account book .

I wonder what will happen…if I play innocent here and show the account book to the other Great Knight, Remrona .

Remrona might not be able to oppose Saril as the lowest rank, but he also said that she’s the prince’s favorite .

If I hand this account book over to her as negotiation material, I might be able to get in contact with the higher authority, the prince, cornering Saril in reverse .

It’s also possible that Saril had Remrona leave the room since he doesn’t want her to learn of the matter with the account book .

Or should I directly threaten Saril by using the account book?

No…that will only make him cautious instead .

I guess it’s better to get through this by pretending to not know anything about it .

“…Huh? I don’t know anything about an account book . ” (Shuuya)

I act stupid while making sure to produce an idiotic and indifferent look .

“Tsk, don’t lie . You finished off Eribol and his daughter, and likely also stole the account book along with a part of his treasures!” (Saril)

Oh my, oh my, all of a sudden he raises his voice .

Even though he said that I didn’t do it with such a straight face just a few minutes ago .

“…To begin with, I haven’t done anything . ” (Shuuya)

Once he hears my shameless lie, Saril abruptly loosens his tense expression .

“I see . If you don’t feel like talking, I don’t really mind either . Either way . After all, you are going to die without even getting a royal trial . Hey— . ” (Saril)

Either way, eh?

He’s going to kill me anyway .

Great Knight Saril gives me an uninterested look, then shouts at the soldiers outside .

“Thow this man in jail . ” (Saril)

“Yes, Sir!”

I guess Saril believes that the account book will “vanish” without ever coming to the open if I rot away in jail .

Or is it just a threat? He might suspect that I’m going to talk if I spend a long time in jail .

“I will go on patrol next . Guard him until I return from visiting the prince . I don’t think he will be able to do anything since he’s unarmed, but be careful just in case . It looks like he has nothing on him except for his leather clothes, but take away the shady black ring and the small bracelet . ” (Saril)

“Yes . ”

Bright light balls were cast and my ring was taken by the soldiers .

Since the ring had been forced onto my finger, there were traces of it left, but the skin returned to normal within no time .

Saril leaves, still eyeing me .

If he had looked properly, he should have noticed the transformation of my finger, but it wasn’t discovered as the soldiers were using all their power to try and remove the other ring and bracelet .

“Shit, this won’t come off?”

“Can’t be helped . Toss him in the jail just like that . It will be fine as long as we keep watch . ”

“True . We haven’t been told injure him and Saril-sama will return soon as well . ”

Since they couldn’t remove the small bracelet of the item box and Prison Bone Knights of Darkness, they ignored those .

They restrain my hands with ropes and make me walk .

I won’t act up here . For now, I will meekly obey .

Given that I haven’t been blindfolded, I was able to check the vicinity as we walk through the corridors .

I confirm the location of the interrogation room we just left as we continue .

On that occasion, I was able to see Remrona, who looked to be on the verge of crying, entering a room located next to the stairway .

I guess that’s her private room .

With a sidelong glance at the distraught female Great Knight, I memorize the location of her room .

Being guided by the soldiers, I descend a stairway . At the bottom, several iron jail cages were lined up .

It seems like there’s nothing like a cellar located below .


A soldier yells .

Don’t get so mad, mate . Grinning, I ask,

“About when will be the trial?” (Shuuya)

“Hah? As if I’d know something like that . Hurry up, go in—”

They pushed my back .

Whatever . I walk for a bit and enter a cage .

Once the soldiers, who shoved me in, lock the jail, they leave while grumbling and walk towards the end of the corridor .

I check the jail .

It was spacious; prisoners, who had been arrested first, were deeper in .

Beastmen, elves, humans; all kinds of races .

All of them are thin and spiritlessly lie on the straw provided for a bed, or even the dirty floor .

The prisoners look into the empty air like fish with dead eyes .

Though they are probably here because they have committed some kind of crime .

I sure don’t want to become like them . There’s no way that I will, either .

The emaciated prisoners seem to have no interest in their new jail mate .

I stand close to the jail entrance without going deeper in where bad stench hangs in the air .

I wait for a little while . The prison guards are at the end of the corridor, I think .

I guess it’s about time now?

Rollo and Viine might come here .

Just as I have such a premonition, Helme appears in my sight .

『Your Excellency, should I go outside and open the prison cell?』 (Helme)

『No, not yet . I think Viine and Rollo will arrive any time now, I will have you go outside then, Helme . 』 (Shuuya)

『Yes, understood!』 (Helme)

Right after finishing that telepathic conversation, Rollo and Viine appear from within a shadowy corner of the corridor .

“Master . ” (Viine)

“Nyao . ”

“Ah, there you are, there you are . ” (Shuuya)

Viine immediately starts to tamper with the cell’s keyhole .

Although the iron door is easy to open, the prisoners in the back don’t raise their voices at all . They didn’t try to make a fuss .

I thought that all of them would struggle to get out first, but…

The prisoners only watch my actions with frightened expressions .

Well, I suppose they don’t have the ability nor the energy to go on a rampage . It might be inevitable for them to act like this .

I left the cell . Rollo returns to my right shoulder .

I shut door to the cell uneventfully .

It’s pitiful to look at the scared prisoners, but since I have no real obligation to free them, I will leave them behind .

“…What about the prison guards?” (Shuuya)

“Yes! They have already fainted . I retrieved this from a soldier’s pocket . It’s something that was found by Rollo-sama . ” (Viine)

Viine presents the stolen ring while kneeling on one knee .

“Oh, thanks . ” (Shuuya)

As expected, she works quickly .

I will ask later how Viine and Rollo infiltrated this building . For now, we are going to look for that female knight .

『Helme, come out . 』 (Shuuya)

『Yes . 』 (Helme)

As ordered, Helme appears in her liquid state .

Landing on the floor, she forms a puddle . In an instant, that puddle rises up and the liquid transforms .

It shape-shifts into the bewitching Helme .

“Your Excellency, I await your orders . ” (Helme)

“I’d like you to infiltrate a certain room in your liquid state . But, don’t kill anyone until I order you to do so . ” (Shuuya)

“Yes! Then . ” (Helme)

Once Helme finishes speaking, she breaks down her body right away, changing it back into a liquid .

No matter how many times I see it, it’s mysterious . She looks just like a normal pool of water .

Appearing unaccustomed to the behavior of spirits, Viine watches Helme and reveals a strange expression .

“Viine, once I jailbreak, I won’t be able to live as an adventurer, so I will first negotiate with the female Great Knight . ” (Shuuya)

There’s also the fact that I want to know her abilities .

“Female Great Knight?” (Viine)

“Yeah . One of the ones who first entered the inn and talked with me . It’s the short woman with red hair who stood next to the tall leader . It seems she’s the Great Knight of the lowest rank . ” (Shuuya)

“Got it . I will keep <Hide> activated . ” (Viine)

Once Viine moves as if crouching down, her presence became a lot more inconspicuous and her shape turns thin as if melting into the darkness .

She seems to also have experience with assassinations .

“Let’s go . If it’s just as I saw before, she should be in the room right beside the top of the stairs . ” (Shuuya)


Helme wobbles up the stairs .

We follow after her .

“Helme, it’s the room over there . Enter first and go behind her . ” (Shuuya)


Helme wobbles once more and forms a hand .

She replied to me by forming a big circle with her hand .

Helme turns back into a completely liquid state and infiltrates the room through the gap below the door .

Next, we enter the room .

——————– End of Part 1 ——————–

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