The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor

Chapter 598 - V54C7P2 – Half Elf Vishur

V54C7P2 – Half Elf Vishur

“This is the entrance to the second area.”

The place he arrived at with Haruna was entangled with tree roots.

It was a narrow passage for barely a single person or elf.

Once they got through it, the passageway became wider again, but no one could ever find it without paying close attention.

“From here on, we could not diffuse all the traps. Monsters spawn on occasion as well.”

The first area was cleaned out by the adventurers, but the second area was still in progress.

The adventurers scouted meticulously the countless branches of paths, looking for the way through.


“Oh… Weed-nim has arrived. Ha-ha-ha.”

He met up with adventurer Chase and began scouting the second area.

“I am drawing a map. This is a considerably large dungeon, but with a thousand users it should be finished by night time.”

“I see. I am grateful for your assistance in stopping Kaybern.”

“I will gladly take it upon myself. As an adventurer, I know very well how much Weed-nim went through for the Versailles Continent. You stepped forward to the difficult tasks when no one else could, like the Embinyu Cult, and even now you are under hardship trying to lead us all.”

A long compliment.

Anywhere he went, he was used to hearing such a level of praise.

‘I need to speak more humbly at a time like this.’

Weed moisturized his lips with his tongue.

“Hmm-hmm. I am merely doing what I wish to do. I thought I had to stop the Embinyu Cult for the people.”

“The world will be at peace if Weed-nim rules over the Versailles Continent.”

“Of course. People living in happiness is my goal.”

It wasn’t a complete lie.

It was just that his real objective was ripping off taxes from the happy folks.

He exchanged short greetings with adventurer Leboy and other famous users.

“Aren’t you exhausted?”

“It’s nothing. The dark, murky dungeons are my home. The scent of trees is pleasant and I have many friends at the beer parties I host often. Of course, as long as it doesn’t affect the adventures.”

The adventurers were sincerely enjoying confrontation with monsters and diffusing traps.

Each adventure was never guaranteed success, nor did they receive big rewards.

It was a job that could not be pulled off unless they themselves found passion in it.

“Moving forward, the Arpen Empire will greatly expand the quest rewards.”

“For real?”

“Yes. The excavations from historical sites and mines to various types of adventurers will be supported.”

Weed’s words held great weight to them.

It was difficult to go back on words once spoken, but he was absolutely certain that these adventurers will make him incentives beyond the investment.

‘They will fail at times. They will be rewarded if they succeed. But, failing has nothing to do with me.’

Successful stories make people forget the fear of failure and bare hope.

Great cities crumbled due to Kaybern’s activity, and regions that were invaded by monster invasions were going out of count.

Each broadcasting station was weary of the Versailles Continent’s demise, but there was a stir of unexpected change.

– This is Morata. I am running a fruit store. What is going on right now? I have to close by noon, by then the goods will be sold out.

– This is Puhol Waterpark. I thought this wasn’t the time for a party but… This is insane! The rich folks of the Central Continent are streaming in.

– All the cottages far from the waterpark are all sold. Further lot-outs are resulting a steep increase in price.

– You know the high quality equipment were released into the market after the Hermes Guild and the Haven Empire dipped following the Garnav Plains… I thought the market value of equipment would plummet, but it’s way high again.

– The dungeons and hunting grounds are cluttered with users.

– The cities are also very populated. There’s a swarm of people no matter where you go.

The cities were ruined and the natural disasters reduced crop production.

The haven-like Versailles Continent fell into great danger and chaos. However, the activity of users increased significantly.

– I can’t really explain it, but it seems like Royal Road has become more enjoyable.

– There’s so much I want to do and so much I have to be doing as well.

– The times are dangerous, but it’s great. I think I’ve gone a little crazy. Ha-ha.

The farmers tended to the crops and put their best efforts to reduce the damage from the black rain.

The merchants roamed the continent on their wagons and supplied the declining necessities. The users of other job classes became livelier as if they woke from a long sleep.

In the face of danger, people seemed to enjoy themselves even more.

They were actively out hunting, producing, collecting and enjoying vacations.

The cities were destroyed, but the users without a home weren’t necessarily gone for good.

Castle Evaluk and the Free City of Somren were being repaired by the local citizens and users.

“Morata was raised from ruins. We can do it too!”

“Let us stand again. The Arpen Empire will support us.”

The users refused to give up.

They would have laid low and quiet, doing their own thing at times of peace, but now they were building homes and constructing roads on the ruins.

Dain spent her entire savings and invested towards the restoration, news of which spread and the users that took goods out of the treasury came to return them.

“I would like it to be used for the restoration. I am not famous in any way, but I am a user of Evaluk.”

The power of the people was assembling and the Arpen Empire was growing exponentially despite the threat of Kaybern.

– Seoyoon: The income for the Arpen Empire has increased a lot this week.

The interstellar amount of investment committed by Seoyoon began taking effect in conjunction, forming a huge economic value.

Common villages advanced into cities with more than 30% increase in all kinds of production.

The roads were well set, and cities with large sums of land doubled their expansion of production.

There was quite a handsome amount of money that had been earned by the Central Continent users over some time.

Even though the Hermes Guild exploited them heavily, the money earned by users hunting and trading scaled and stacked up with time.

For a long time, they could only hide the money away from the tyranny of Haven Empire, but now they were bold in their spendings.

– Now is the time. Though it seems like a crisis… Once we get over this, the Arpen Empire will develop rapidly.

– As long as it’s not the great cities prone to the dragon. Just the medium cities. Especially the vacation spots, they’re worth the money.

– I am an expert real estate speculator. I never worked and lived off speculating all my life. This is the chance. A little too late and the prices will skyrocket. Then, I assure you that I won’t even be able to afford a hut.

– Transportation, hunting, trades. Invest in lands that are developed in all three. Land doesn’t lie.

The price of land was increasing exponentially even in the Central Continent.

The investment of the Arpen Empire surely sparked fire.

The funds that were suppressed up until now were being released at once and people were surprisingly very hopeful about the situation.

– Weed-nim will certainly defeat the dragon.

– He doesn’t have to. One city destroyed at a time… I can live with that.

– Let’s push forth with new cities. Construction at its finest!

– The dragon will have a limit too. I mean, how long will it take for it to destroy all the cities in the continent?

– It’s a given fact that more cities are being built than that are destroyed.

– Monsters too… Though they multiply, it’s not too bad once you get used to it. You can grow even faster by hunting. Cities will not be invaded in turn.

The users were growing used to the city destructions and monsters roaming in huge numbers.

– The Arpen Empire. Weed-nim is a development expert. So, our trust in him can go a long way.

– Even if a great city crumbles, the nearby regions develop even more. Overall, it’s a positive result.

– Stock market, coins. No need for all that. Your answer is Royal Road. There is no other place as fun and instantaneous in rewards.

– Looking at it long-term, it is definitely going onward and upward. Drive!

The users were investing passionately and were trouble-free in their growth.

The Haven Empire slowly fell apart, concerned with the declining tax income every month. The Arpen Empire was the exact opposite.

The large-scale investment and user activity increased tax income by 200% every week.

It was a recovery of tax income that suffered before, but now it was at an unbelievable level of growth.

Weed became excited and announced his development plans.

“I will construct 12 waterparks all across the continent. Skyscrapers? Great Landmarks? I will build all of them.”

He was different from the common politicians that threw a bunch of empty promises during elections.

Weed was a man who stuck to his word, and he was well prepared.

He conquered the buildings, vast plains, mountains, woods and fields near rivers that were owned by the Hermes Guild and took control for free.

It was all to promote development plans and increase real estate worth based on the incredible property assets under the empire.

Houses, cottages and hotel business increased the count of lot-out and the resulting funds could be re-invested into the empire.

As the people said, apart from the great cities prone to the dragon’s attack, medium cities of trades and transportation had a chance to develop greatly.

– The investment plan also covers the monster fortresses. I think he just blurted out without looking at the situation. Is he in his right mind?

– You don’t know what the higher-ups are thinking. If they eradicate the monsters, they can all turn into amusement parks.

– An awesome theme park.

– The people who know what Puhol used to be will have no doubt about the future.

– Do tourist attractions have much to it, really? It’s a tourist attraction if people can go and have fun. It doesn’t matter what it used to be.

– The plans for the volcanic island in the east sea is even crazier. This is a volcano that erupted last month.

– Wow… That’s going to be one decent springwell.

Weed never stopped to think that hunting diligently and establishing public security was all there was to governance.

“As the emperor, I have to plant dreams in their heads. So that the people can be hopeful.”

He reacted sensitively to the users’ change in attitude,resulting from the investment of the Arpen Empire.

He was also concerned about how to exploit the users even in the desert!

All the studies on real estate speculation became the foundation in his development plans.

“I am going to lure out the real estate investments. Once the massive funds are released, they will serve as the key to a rapid development of the empire.”

People do not hesitate to pull from their pocket for their fantasies.

The gut feeling that things will turn out well and you’ll be behind everyone else. The ache lower in the stomach is human psychology when you sense that your neighbor or your friends will earn good money.

“Happiness doesn’t come from the money that I have this instant. I can be happy knowing that there’s money streaming in from now on.”

It was all a political move that he hoped would pay off based on real estate!

A plan that will transform all the weakened cities into the glory of Royal Road’s early flourishing days.

The production will go up a notch and trades will occur much more frequently. Moreover, the users shall willingly step up to do something with their own hands.

“Governance doesn’t come from honesty or diligence.”

Weed thought that politicians who go by the book will never gain the trust of the people or succeed.

Any pep talk about honesty was rather painful to the ears.

Anyone can tell another to follow the rules and live with an honest attitude, and it makes it all the more annoying.

After all, where is the fun in the honest life!

“I will raise skyscrapers. Construct roads. The value of land will increase enormously, so hurry up and buy them!”


“I will make sure that everyone can earn as much as they want.”

“Hurray, Weed!”

In the real world, the side effects of real estate was immense.

When house values are going up, it is synonymous for the construction business as well and more job opportunities. However, the higher house values can become a burden for the average person.

If they worked all their lives and saved the money and we’re still unable to buy a house, they would be bound for grievance.

Even the government could not meddle with housing price!

“When it gets to that, I can tax them for property ownership as an excuse to reduce house prices.”

Politicians also knew that increasing property tax had a huge effect, but they simply could not do so.

Bluntly speaking, even if they do proceed, the money will not be their own, therefore it was a difficult policy to pull off. However, the emperor of the Arpen Empire was Weed!

He promoted real estate, causing a huge boom of investment into the development of the empire. Then, the money from increased tax income will all be his own.

The gullible investors that will jump in for the hope of earning some money, will be ripped off here and there!

“Economic development will revolve around me. Yup. That’s the way it will be.”

(To be continued…)

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