The Conquerors Path

Chapter 545-Horros Of The Hillclowd Family.

Chapter 545-Horros Of The Hillclowd Family.

'Now that went well,'

I thought as I retired back to the servant room given to me. After filling Shira enough, it became time to start the first part of the plan. Hence, under the eyes of everyone, I retired back to the room assigned to me, courtesy of being Shira's most trusted servant. Entering inside, I moved to sit on the bed as I closed my eyes.

'Farah, come back,'

At my call, Farah appeared in front of me, holding a recording device, which I took from her while giving a pat on her head.

"Good job,"

I spoke as I started to look through the orb. You see, after entering the mansion, I had already given the command to Farah to cover the entire place, especially to save all the evidence of the things happening here. I also made sure that she would save all the evidence in such a way that when things hit the fan, this family wouldn't delete everything.

After saying so, Farah just sat at my side, her head on my shoulder while her hand wrapped around my hand. Seeing that she wanted to be spoiled, I let her be. Soon, I focused back on the orb, the darkness in it starting to swirl, which soon began with an image where an underground cell appeared with several people locked in it.

The image went forward as all the people locked in it soon began to appear. This one consisted of different species, ranging from humans, elves, and mermaids to even demons!...

All of them were malnourished and treated like slaves.

'Just this is enough to sink them...'

Slave trading is illegal, just doing that for humans is a great sin, but to go and target all those different races, now that's crazy on another level, especially for elves. They abhor slave trading of their kind, and ones found doing so faced untold levels of horror.

During the last war, the elves were majorly targeted for slavery due to their beauty, talents, and long life span, making them perfect slaves. Of course, this didn't succeed much, but the elves still made sure to create an example so slavery wouldn't happen again, a very gory example, if I say so myself.

And yet, the Hillclowd family has taken elves as slaves enough to arouse their end. But this is just the beginning as the orb kept moving, scenes of the slaves being taken away, their screams of despair as they are thrown into some sort of magic circle, their bodies disintegrating while their forms take up a red blood-like pill with inscriptions on them.

'So that's it, huh,'

My eyes turned sharp as I gazed at that pill.

"They felr disgusting, master,"

Farah spoke with a disgusted look on her face as she looked at the red pill, that's something considering the fact that she thrives on blood, but this was not the end as this scene kept happening. Each different species gave different inscriptions on the pill, and once the pill was ready, the knights in action would safely place the pill in a secure box.

Thus, the first transition ended, and the second scene began. In here, different bodies lay on the ground as some people with surgical-like equipment seemed to be digging into a demon's heart. Their eyes lit with a crazy hue as they kept moving the hearts...

The scene changed again, turning towards the younger side of the family. The lustful ones happily use the bodies of the slaves to vent their desires, some of the older ones being no better...

Going deeper, another scene came where several babies could be seen asleep, all of them being treated with tender care, but all of them seemingly having certain inscriptions on their bodies. Their figures turning grotesque and shifting...

Another scene is played where some closed tubes can be seen, and images of beings with disfigured looks are presented. All of them were connected with some pipes and looked as ugly as the depths of hell, their faces marked with pain, absolute pain, and despair as they kept crying out in their containers.

'The chimera project...'

I thought as the images all died down. My countenance turned eerily calm. In truth, I have seen a lot of terrible things in this world as I traveled it, but what I see now is something that stays at the top of absolute crime.

I closed my eyes as I took deep breaths. The last of the sympathy or any kind of feelings I had for this operation turned to dust. These people deserve what is coming to them, and I will make sure their death is painful and never-ending.

With a tired sigh, I sent all the proof Farah gathered. The required people must have received it by now, and thus the green light for the operation is given. My body lightly fell to the bed as Farah crawled up to me and lay atop me, her eyes gleaming as she came forward and lightly started to nibble on my neck.

Her movements were instincts to cheer me up, which earned a chuckle from me. Seeing her attempts, I lightly started to pat her back, her hips swaying in happiness as I did so. Seconds passed by as Farah kept nibbling on my neck. It lasted until she created a small hickey on me, seemingly satisfied. She raised her head after giving some final licks to my neck.

"You are better now, master?"

She asked with an innocent voice to which I nodded my head with a happy smile.

"Thanks to you, I am."

I replied as I moved forward and took a sip of her lips, her expression melting as I did so. Soon things resulted in Farah lovingly laying on my embrace. She drifted to a good sleep as I kept lovingly patting Farah.


Third Person POV:

"Is everything set?"

Ralph asked the people around him. The gathered members were the best of the best, and they all gave their consent. Ralph's eyes then turned toward his wife, Athena, who seemed to be gazing at the Hillclowd mansion with worry in her eyes.

"Don't worry, Austin will be fine..."

Ralph spoke, to which Athena snorted as she replied.

"He better be, or else it's on you..."

Her tone was accusing as she spoke so, and Ralph could only give a wry smile.

"Honey, he will be fine, and he was the one that wanted to do this. Frankly, I am more worried about the people in the mansion."

His reply only got a sharp look from Athena as she replied.

"Humph, I still don't want him in danger. If anything happens to my little brother, then..."

Athena didn't need to finish her words as the mana in the atmosphere itself got extremely heavy. Even the elite gathered around trembled in their seats. Athena's worry only got heavier when they had received the transmission of the horrors taking place inside that mansion.

'Sigh... damn you, Austin! Fucking me up even when you are not here...'

Ralph cursed in his mind as he once again tried to calm down his wife. As She wants to just burst into the mansion and kill everyone inside.


"Don't worry, Nora, Austin will be fine,"

Grace said with a calm voice as she patted Nora's shoulder. Nora seemed to be getting more and more worried as time went by, especially when the proof they needed reached their hands. The horror reflected in the orb increased the worry of both Nora and Grace, fearing the risks he had to take to get these images in secrecy.

"Don't worry; Austin is stronger than we all know,"

Mira spoke with a calm voice, but she, just like Grace, had her hand held tightly. While the slumbering mana in the atmosphere grew heavier and deadlier, Mira, with a thought, would be able to end all of this. In reality, there was no need for any other members. The right movement of Mira was the best and least time-consuming.

Yet the more dangerous way is being done. Why?

The reason is very simple... revenge.

All the people gathered here want revenge. The DarkNight for what the Hillclowd represents and for trying to get rid of Ralph's and Athena's children, the Lionheart family for what the Hillclowd family is trying to attempt, and their dark intentions for the women of the family.

All of them want the raw feeling of pain they can inflict on the members, and in retrospect, everything is safe with Mira being here. With her, no one shall leave, and no one she deems an ally shall get hurt. It's a foolproof system, but then again, with such a hidden family, they can all never be too careful.

"Nothing will happen to Austin; I guarantee it,"

Mira spoke, her eyes peering into the mansion, while her heart stayed calm at the fact that she could still feel his mana signature being calm and well.

'This time, nothing shall happen to my family.'

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