The Conquerors Path

Chapter 528 528-Nyla Almost Got!

Chapter 528 528-Nyla Almost Got!

An hour passed till finally Nyla started to wake up, her eyes lids trembling till they opened wide, and within her sight, the first thing that came was my wide smile as I kept lightly patting her hair, her body now utterly tired lay there as her confused eyes soon gained its intelligence back, a sigh leaving her mouth as she spoke.

"So, I lost...."

"Not entirely that attack did get me and if it was anyone but me then they would have been a goner, no wonder you kept those healers at bay"

I responded back with a smile as I kept patting Nyla's hair, a small green light leaving my hands as it covered over Nyla, slowly healing the major damages done to her core, the use of such power Nyla used doesn't come without a cost.

"Are you healing me?"

Being sharp to the point Nyla asked, to which I just subtly nodded my head.

"You sure are a bundle of mystery"

As she said this Nyla licked her lips, both intrigue and battle lust filling her face as she kept looking at me from below, once again showing off her strong mentality, anyone else in her place would have been completely crushed by the difference between us yet here she lay wanting to start another battle.

"Does your battle dress old spatial control?"

I asked, trying to divert the conversation for Nyla and thankfully she started to follow that lead.

"Indeed it has that function but its extrmeely dangerous and places a heavy burn on my body"

Nyla spoke.

"I can see that"

I responded as I kept slowly treating Nyla's injuries, being the Holy Son of Life, I can actually treat Nyla in a second by snapping my finger but then again, what kind of guy would I be if I didn't use this situation to my interests? a few seconds of silence fell between us until Nyla spoke again.

"Just what kind of power is it that you use? That energy which seems to break apart all powers that I throw at you?"

I didn't respond to that question as I kept looking deep into Nyla's eyes, as the silence between us started to get louder I spoke.

"It destruction, the energy of the church of Razellia, I'm their Holy Child"

My words lingered in the air, a stifling silence filling the room, as Nyla's expression turned taunt.

"My ears must still be ringing, cause I think I heard some bullshit...."

She murmured, her eyes looking at me, seemingly begging for me to take back my words but sadly for here, there was nothing for me to take back here as I kept slowly patting Nyla's hair as I kept healing her, the longer the silence lasted, more dangerous my proclamation became.

"Th-That is im-impos-"

"Impossible? Well, there are rumors around, aren't they?"

Just seeing the trembling eyes of Nyla is to show what a shocker is the news that I gave her, the normally I don't give a shit Nyla's attitude changed completely for the words I spoke are more than enough to change the dynamics of the world, for since the creation of any church the first Holy child is chosen, one that will have untold power at his hands.

As the news sunk in the expression of Nyla changed, those laid-back eyes getting serious as she asked.

"Why did you tell me?"

"Just cause"

I replied in a simple tone, stunning the focused Nyla, her eyes boring into mine, trying to seek any lies but then again she can't find anything on me, not me who even lies to the Gods to survive.

"Just cause? what does that mean?"

She asked again.

"It means what it means, after all the fights we went through, I feel closer to you, as if I understand you on a fundamental level, Perhaps you can take it as an attraction to you or some kind of blooming trust? anyhow I just simply said it"

My deeply powerful words brought a blush to Nyla's pale face, bringing in a unique look to her haggard face.

'Guess that's working...'

Everything that was up till here was very specially controlled by me, I mean how else would a situation come where the vampire princess lay with her head on my lap, completely defenseless within her own mansion, left completely alone?

Nyla might be carefree and open-minded but she ain't that carefree, her mind still has the innocent will of a noble lady and her qualification for a male is greatly high, even in the situation of her wanting to drink my blood directly from the source itself is a controlled move.

Vampires rarely try to drink blood from the body, there are many reasons for this, as this can increase addiction to the vampires, a chance that they might lose control of themselves during the drink, and there is even the fact that to a vampire directly drinking the blood is a sign of intimacy, there is also the chance that while directly drinking blood certain complications can arise too.

So all the vampires are given strict details about drinking blood from a body but now Nyla is to go against all of this and a small part of this all lies thanks to Sonia, I didn't just ask Nyla to be her teacher for just the experience, no there lay the deeper detail of the things Sonia will pull in front of Nyla.

I made sure to give lots of blood and even a small sense of addiction to Sonia such that she would definitely raise the desire to drink my blood in Nyla, now that is just the catalyst, the one that helped me achieve all this is the very thankful spell from the system.


Spell Name: Love Battle Touch.

Description: A technique created by a battle-hungry berserker of the cultivation world called Riker, he went around challenging other people around the world but the thing no one knew was the fact that Riker was a huge sex addict and he loved to control the woman he slept with and to achieve his harem he created this technique.

-->The poor women that he fought with had no idea that Riker had created a technique that would guide their feelings and a bit of their thought process during fights, making use of this he manipulated the feelings and ideology of several women that he fought with, making them his sex friends.

-->Was killed by the Great HeavenEmperor after Riker used this technique on his sister and was found out, poor guy died with his dick in a pussy.

Requirements: The person you are fighting with should have the heavy will to fight.

-->The focus of said person should be 100% on the fight.

-->The person should have a great inclination towards fighting and war.

-->Should have a strong mentality.

-->The user should use heavy punches to transmit control and feelings.

Remark: Just be careful not to die in any crazy pussy, well not like you can die or avoid a crazy pussy.


The first thing I did when I read this spell was to give a heartfelt prayer to whomever this Riker is, the guy is the master I tell you, back after I got my notice that Nyla became the new capture member I didn't hesitate for a second to buy this spell, from then on things were quite simple in the fact that I minutely lead Nyla's thought process during all the fights that we had.

The heavy punches I gave her during the battles were for this, I wasn't crazy or bored to just keep fighting her whenever she wanted, no I had my agenda, and now it's close to being fulfilled, The thing I did with this spell was to slowly place a marker in Nyla's mind that kept pushing her like towards me whenever we battled.

so whenever we dueled, I kept passing on feelings to Nyla that: {Austin is amazing}, {He has such an amazing mind and heart}, {Austin is a true warrior}, {Perhaps I will have an amazing time If Austin is my lover}, {He is so my type}, {He looks so perfect}, {I want to keep battling with him all the time}.

Subtly but powerfully I kept leading Nyla's thoughts, My first idea was to fully get control of Nyla's feelings to make her hopelessly fall in love with me but I stretched off that idea when Farah told me about the effects my blood would have on people who drink it, that gave me another idea, thus changing the words that I send to Nyla.

Long story short we arrived at this position where Nyla was minutes away from tasting my blood and finally falling under my complete control.

"You know your words can be mistaken for something else, Elda might get jealous, she is quite the bro con"

Nyla spoke.

"She is, isn't she?"

I asked back with a smile as I saw Nyla's eyes starting to shine with a hungry gaze.

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