Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 600 Conscience

Jun harshly let go of Shi Shuren, and his knees stumbled on the ground crying hard.

Chyou’s laptop flashed with a signal, and she smiled victoriously. She pulled Nian’s coat and whispered into his ear. “Found Hou Lin. It was a hard catch but I tracked the route he used to take Xing Bi with him.”

His gaze flickered with concern for Xing Bi. “You are the best, Chyou,” he whispered back, making her grin.

Nian took Jun’s phone where Hou Lin and Xing Bi were on the line the entire time. “There is nothing left to reveal anymore. Whether why Ouyang Haitao had to die or why Zhan Kai-Ming committed suicide – the truth is right before you. The entire motivation for Zhan Yahui to have revenge on the Liu family never held any water, that’s why there is no meaning in keeping Xing Bi in harm’s way either. So it’s in the best interest for you to let go of her right this instant.”

There was silence on the other end. Hou Lin didn’t speak, which only irritated Nian more and more.

Ai glanced at Zhan Yahui’s side as well but she found her reactions to be confusing. She was trembling and muttering to herself. Her gaze was unfocused and shaky, making Ai unsure if she had really accepted the truth or not.

Nian violently kicked a chair aside. “Don’t test my patience, Hou Lin! Don’t tell me that even after knowing all this-”

“Nian,” Jinhai raised his palm, signaling him to calm down.

“But he-”

Jun quietly asked, “Can I talk to him?”

Nian cursed Hou Lin and eventually handed Jun his phone back.

Jun stared at the number. He knew Hou Lin was listening to them from the other end. “Hou Lin.”

It was very faint, but he heard a shaky exhale of a breath.

“You have supported Zhan Yahui with her plans all this time. I don’t know if she will ever accept reality or not. But you have a choice. You know everything now. Do you think that Ouyang Haitao had a clear conscience?”

Nian scoffed and murmured under his breath. “Why does a traitor’s opinion matter?”

“Nian,” Jian blinked at him once to reassure him. “Jun has worked with Hou Lin for all this time, not us. He would know the best way to talk to him. Let us believe in him.”

He whispered. “Chyou has already tracked him.”

“Which could prove to be dangerous if we barge at the location with our guards. He might flip and hurt her. It would be safer if Jun could talk him out to switch sides instead of going the violent way and potentially hurting Xing Bi.”

Nian exhaled a deep breath and nodded.

Jian is right. I have to be calm and rational. I have to be calm and rational, he repeated like a mantra.

Jun patiently waited for his answer, which seemed to take an eternity but he didn’t mind. In the end, Hou Lin said, “…I don’t know if he was right or not, Sir.”

Nian’s expression twisted. .

Jun said, “I am not asking if he was right or wrong. I am asking if you think his conscience was clear or not.”

“Is there a difference, Sir?”

“Yes. Going the right way or the wrong way in life depends on our circumstances but more importantly, our conscience. Even a good person can make wrong decisions and even a bad person can make the right choices. Being good or bad or right or wrong are just labels. What matters behind those commitments are our intentions. Do you think Ouyang Haitao’s intentions towards his daughter were clear?”

On the other side where Xing Bi was trapped, she clearly figured out how Hou Lin was struggling with Jun’s question. It might be an easy question for others to answer but apparently, not for him and she wondered why.

Xing Bi gave it some thought and added to Jun’s question. “Let me ask you this. If you become a father to your child tomorrow, what would you like to do with him or her?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t thought about it.”

She shrugged. “So think about it now. Anything random that comes to your mind.”

Hou Lin’s hesitation settled down and he blinked his eyes as if in a deep thought. “I think…it would be nice if…we could go fishing together someday. Hiking on mountains sounds good too. Shopping together on weekends is a good idea too. Then…reading books is a good habit. It would be nice if we could build our own small library at home. Working on school projects together sounds fun too…”

Jun slowly asked, “Do you think Ouyang Haitao wanted to do any of this with Zhan Yahui?”

Hou Lin parted his lips to answer, but he immediately closed them. Then he spoke as he was simultaneously thinking his answer in his mind, “I don’t think so…”

“Does that give him a clear conscience? The one that says to treat their child well?”

“No, Sir,” this time, his answer was fairly immediate.

“If you think that, then do you think you should let Xing Bi free?”

Jun stared at the seconds passing by on the phone with no answer. After what it seemed like forever to Nian, Hou Lin finally said, “I will release Miss. Xing.”

Jun softly exhaled in silence, closing his eyes for a moment. Ai cried in joy too with the good news. She knew it might look stupid to trust a kidnapper but with the way the conversation was going and with how Hou Lin was answering, she felt it deep inside her heart that he was speaking genuinely.

“I will release, Miss. Xing,” Hou Lin continued, “but I would like to meet Yahui too. I want to see her. I want to talk to her if I can.”

Jun glanced at the twins and his father, taking a moment to think about this request.

Jinhai gave a nod, and Jun replied. “Okay. I will bring Zhan Yahui with me to where you are.”

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