Perfect Superstar

Chapter 150

Chapter 150 - This Is The Kind Of Feeling I Want!

You were tooexcited!

When ChenJianhao heard Lu Chen say that he has a work that met Zhang Wentian's requirements,he secretly screamed bad in his heart.

Lu Chenobviously lost his composure in front of the great director and was too eagerto express himself.

A professorin the Composition Department of Beijing Conservatory of Music and a professorin the Chinese Department of Peking University. These two mentor-level figures workedtogether, but they were not sure that they can come up with a work that cansatisfy Zhang Wentian. Lu Chen dares to boast here.

Chen Jianhaoblushed a little.

Chen Jianhaocalled Lu Chen here today, mainly for the permit to attend a lecture. He andGao Yue are distant relatives, so he called the other uncle. Their relationshipis not very deep, but there was not much problem in helping him with gettingthe permit to attend.

ZhangWentian’s presence was a complete coincidence.

If Lu Chencould get familiar with this great director and get recognized, it would be verygood for him as he could gain a foothold in the entertainment industry and evenenter the film and television industry in the future.

But ChenJianhao never dreamed that Lu Chen was so eager for quick success and quick benefits!

Of course,he thought he understood Lu Chen’s thoughts.

In thepan-entertainment industry, the status of artists and the size of theirpositions are closely related to their careers.

Generallyspeaking, a movie actor's appeal is the highest. If they can achieve theposition of movie king or movie queen with enough gold content, they are worthyof being big shot in the circle and respected by everyone.

Althoughsingers may be more popular than many actors, their appeal are really a little bitworst.

Therefore,after becoming famous, many singers try their best to drill into the film andtelevision circle and become the so-called triphibian stars! (TN: Triphibianstar – refers to a star who has developed well in three areas: film, TV, andsong.)

Like thosenew generation idols, after their debut, they like to shoot TV dramas the most,and they also enjoy doing dog blood plot. For a supporting role in a few episodes,they would fight for it fiercely. There has been countless gossip about this.(TN: dog blood plot - a plot that have been used over and over again, where peoplecould already guess the ending or what would happened.)

Therefore,no newcomer can maintain a normal state of mind in front of Zhang Wentian.

If one canget the favor of this great director, and even get one's face show in his bigfilm, then it's worth the hype!

This wasunderstandable, but Chen Jianhao couldn't help but feel disappointed.

And the goodimpression Gao Yue had for Lu Chen also drastically dropped in an instant.

To say thatLu Chen has a dashing spirit of a fearless young man is just a polite way ofsaying it. And to say that he does not know the complexity of things is thecorrect way of saying it. (TN: The polite way is he is fearless and the correctway is he is ignorant, in their view.)

ZhangWentian, after all, is an old man who has experience a lot of things. So, afterbeing surprised, he soon looked calm, nodded and raised up his teacup.

Actually, hedidn't agree with Lu Chen.

He didn’task about Lu Chen’s work. This clearly stated his attitude.

Chen Pushowed a faint smile and said, "Really? Then can you sing it to us old fogy.”

He was theonly one who was willing to give Lu Chen a chance, even if his tone was full ofridicule.

Lu Chen'sheart was clear, and he knew that his words had aroused the dislike of the severalelders.

But since hedares to say it, of course he has the confidence!

Thinking fora moment, Lu Chen picked up the sterilized chopsticks on the tea table and tookout a bamboo chopstick from the paper sleeve.

He pinchedthe tip of the chopsticks with his right thumb and index finger, and said neitherhaughty nor humble, “This junior will reveal his shortcomings…”

As soon as hisvoice fell, he struck the table with the chopsticks at the same time.

He used the chopsticksas mallets and the table as drums. The sonorous sound strikes the prelude and hesing and roar along with the rhythm. (TN: Sing and roar: you'll understand onceyou listen to the song)

“Vigorouswhen facing the beatings of ten thousands heavy waves,

Ardent justlike the rays of the red sun!

Havingcourage like forge iron,

And bones ashard as refined steel,

Having loftyaspirations,

Andexcellent foresight.

I workedextremely hard,

Aspiring tobe a strong and courageous hero!


Lu Chen justsang a few words, and the looks of the two professors and Zhang Wentianchanged.

Chen Pu was shocked.

Gao Yue was surprised!

But DirectorZhang suddenly opened his eyes wide, and he stared at Lu Chen as if he haddiscovered some treasure!

ZhangWentian is a very stubborn person, stubborn to the degree of paranoia.

He has verystrict requirements for his career. Whether it was shooting TV dramas ormovies, he was never sloppy. He can do a lot of work and never spend only ninepoints to complete it. (TN: He never rush things.)

In 1991,Zhang Wentian began shooting "Romance of The Three Kingdoms". It wasn’t completeuntil 1994.

The crew ofhundreds of people traveled more than half of China for three years, takingnumerous scenes and setting up numerous scenes. The costumes, props andbuildings involved in the film all strictly followed historical facts. As aresult, the final budget was greatly overspent, causing the investors to be ina mess, and almost announced the end of the project.

However, whenthe shooting was finally finished, it was broadcast during the prime time onCCTV, setting an audience record of 89.35%. Even though there were no majorsatellite TV stations at that time, it was nothing short of a miracle.

This was thecase for shooting a TV series, let alone making films. Zhang Wentian’sseriousness and persistence often make investors want to cry but have no tears.After 2000, several films he made lost money and he gradually became quiet.

However, askinny camel is still bigger than a horse, and Zhang Wentian is still a bigshot in the film and television industry. This time, he came out again afterten year of dormancy. He is also full of lofty aspirations and ambition, and hewants to make a splash both in reputation and at the box office.

The stubbornside of this great director was once again revealed. The script had alreadybeen completed and the crew and cast were all in place, but they still haven'tstart shooting because the theme song has not yet been selected. It reallymakes people speechless.

But ZhangWentian himself didn't think so. What he's searching for is a kind of feeling.

When the feelingis in place, the shooting will naturally go as smooth as floating clouds and flowingwater, otherwise it is like lacking a soul, and he can't shoot what he trulywanted.

The themesong is the soul of this movie!

ZhangWentian personally found four or five songwriters to write the theme song forthe movie.

To be fair,these works are of good quality, but none of them can satisfy Zhang Wentian.

Having no alternative,he looked toward his two old friends, hoping to gain something.

As a result,Zhang Wentian didn't expect that a young newcomer in the circle who happened tomeet him would say that his work was suitable, and even dared to sing it on thespot.

At thebeginning, Director Zhang really had the idea of watching a joke, and just consideredit as Lu Chen had come to amuse them and relieve boredom.

But he wasstunned silly!

Lu Chen’s chopsticksaccompaniment was close to child’s play. He lowered his voice and didn't singloudly, but as soon as he opened his voice, a majestic atmosphere and hot-bloodedaura contained in the melody of the lyrics rush to his face, which instantlyshocked his soul.

Differentfrom Chen Pu and Gao Yue, the two professors were only purely surprised. Theyweren't excited or anything else, but Zhang Wentian was really shocked.

It wasprecisely this kind of feeling that he has been searching for, that is, thecharm contained in this song!


The nextmoment. Zhang Wentian pounded the table fiercely, his eyes wide open: “Stop!”

He slammedhis hand very hard. if it wasn’t for the exquisite workmanship of the tea tablein the elegant room, the tea bowls placed on it would have been knocked over.

Lu Chen wasstartled. He immediately stopped roaring and singing.

Yes, thissong needs to be “roared” with spirit, otherwise one can't sing itscharm at all.

“It'snot right, it’s not right…”

ZhangWentian lowered his head, deep in thought, and walked back and forth, as iftrying to find something.

Chen Pu and GaoYue looked at each other, wandering what this great director was doing.

Lu Chen’swork sounds interesting, but it's not enough to make him lose his cool, right?

Gao Yue askedwith a smile, “Young man, you use the tone of a general order for thissong, right?”

The BeijingConservatory of Music Composition Department professor felt a little guilty inhis heart. Just now he thought Lu Chen was being ostentatious and wanted to bein the limelight, but now he knows that the latter was really talented.

Lu Chen quicklyreplied, “Yes, Professor Gao.”

Gao Yueasked again, “What is the name of the song?”

“A ManShould Strengthen Himself!”

In Lu Chen’sdream world, this song is a classic movie theme song. Its influence is greaterthan all the works of the same type. It was created by a character who can beregarded as a master.

In hismemory, the one who liked this song the most was neither Xu Bo nor Mo Ran. It’sFang Mingyi!

“A ManShould Strengthen Himself!”

Gao Yuerepeated, praising: “Good name, good song!”

Chen Pu alsonodded: “The lyrics are better.”

At first glance,the lyrics of this song sounds very rough and full of reckless atmosphere. However,it has been greatly sublimated under the accompaniment of the melody, whichmakes people, who listened to it, feel passionate. It is full of chivalry.


At thistime, Zhang Wentian finally came back to his senses, and he said aloud, “Theonly bad thing is the accompaniment. This song should be played with a big drumto really show its charm!”

The greatdirector stared at Lu Chen with eager eyes: “You sing it again. Sing thewhole song and accompany it with a drum!”

Usingchopsticks is simply an insult to this work!


Lu Chen wasunable to complain. This is a quiet and elegant teahouse. Where can he get adrum instrument?

But hereally underestimated the teahouse called “Yuming Tea Garden”. ChenJianhao called the waiter and asked to borrow a drum. The latter didn't showthe slightest look of surprise or embarrassment and quickly took the order.

Aftertelling the waiter, Chen Jianhao looked at Lu Chen with strange eyes - this guyreally hid deep!

Theso-called should one desire to sing, one would amaze the world with his firstsong, and that’s probably the case!

Lu Chennoticed Chen Jianhao’s gaze and could only smile bitterly.

He himselfdidn't expect to play so big. Just now, when he had heard Zhang Wentian's moviescript, the song “A Man Should Strengthen Himself!” came to mind and hesaid it without thinking too much.

This song isvery suitable for the plot, and Zhang Wentian’s masterpiece will not bringdisgrace to this classic!

Unexpectedly,Zhang Wentian’s reaction was so fierce.

Of course, LuChen was calm at this point. He didn't expect to play a role in Zhang Wentian’sfilms with a single song. As long as he establishes a friendly cooperativerelationship with this great director, it is already a great advantage.

And creatinga movie theme song can greatly enhance his appeal!

In theindustry, one's appeal represents the value of one's position. The higher LuChen’s appeal is, the more valuable his work will be.

He willnever miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

After about10 minutes, two waiters came to the elegant room carrying a drum.

Along with themwas a beautiful woman dressed in Chinese dress.


TN: For those who have watched the movie "Once upon a time in China" starring Jet Li. You might know this song as this was the theme song of the movie. I also have watched this movie when I was little, so when I listened to this song, it brought back memories.

TN: Thesong: Here. (This isthe one that the author is referring to because of the intro. Like how Lu Chenstruck the table with the chopsticks and the roaring while he sang.)

TN: The songwith English Lyrics: Here.(This has different instrumental.)

TN: The songwith clips from the movie: Here.

TN: The term pan-entertainment industry was coined in China in 2011 and refers to multi-level creative products developed from intellectual property.

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