One Wild Night

Chapter 454: The Truth

Chapter 454: The Truth

“Get the car, Tom, and let the hospital know we are coming,” Harry called out in panic as he immediately tried to carry his father, not minding his weight.         


Lucy who was still crying, rushed ahead of them to the door and held it open while Tom hurried past her to take the private elevator in his office to the private parking lot, and Harry did the same carrying his father.     

As soon as Tom ran into his office, Jamal who was still seated on his seat and swiveling around, sat up and looked at Tom with alarmed eyes as he watched him run past him to take the elevator.     

He was still trying to understand what was happening when Lucy and Harry, who was carrying Aaron hurried into the office, and Lucy quickly tapped the elevator button while Harry’s secretary watched them with a concerned frown wondering what was going on.     

“Lucy?” Jamal called when Lucy started getting into the elevator, and she looked back to see him standing by Tom’s desk and watching them with fearful eyes.      

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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