
Chapter 204 - 'Demon Hunter'

"The actual goal of this unit is to destroy all 'Special' caves, as we have already spread our scouts and rangers to search for anything that would have a similar Dark read to that we found at the cave you entered, you will have to be ready to move on within a few hours' notice and eradicate the demons inside."

"As for what are your responsibilities till these 'Special caves' locations are discovered, it will still be dealing with 'Demon Caves'..."

"The intelligence unit will relay a list of 'Demon Caves' that are within our empire's authority to you, as the Imperial Palace has already sent the order to eradicate them within the lowest time possible, finishing that list will be the unit's secondary objective!"

The Head handed me a coin like object as he continued.

"This will be your token as the leader of 'Demon Hunter', which will be known as the Special Second unit for outsiders, with this you can start looking for members within the Brigade to recruit into the unit, and it also represents your authority as a unit leader…"

"Lastly, the 'Eradication' list will be delivered to you within 5 days, and you will have to move out and start the 'Eradication' within 10 days from now, good luck, also, you don't need to report to me, just focus on your work, we will leave the details for later."


I swiftly left the room with the token in hand, it did indeed seem that leaking the information to them was indeed a brilliant Idea!


"Oh, Zero, here you are, your new room is ready, these are the keys, it's situated at the outer wing, you can easily find it as your name is written on the door."

"Ah, thank you."

"You are welcome."

Taking the keys, I went to check my new room, which seemed to be much better than than the guest room.

Not only was the room 1.5x bigger than the guest room, but it also had a softer bed, which could be considered the biggest advantage the room had!After all, since I entered the game, the only thing I enjoyed more than growing stronger was sleeping, so this could be considered a great bonus for me.

Sitting on the comfy bed, I started thinking about the surprising assignment as the leader of 'Demon Hunter', I was quite pleased with the fact that I had finally filled the strongest weakness of being a solo player all while not losing its advantage!

As a person who has been doing stuff on my own so far, what I had done in this little time could be said to be great, but the only reason everything went smoothly was because a few strokes of fate sent my a lot of opportunities starting from the point I left Thunder village or even before that!

However, there were no way opportunities would come and gift themselves to a person so easily, I was pretty much out of opportunities with the destruction of the two floor special gate.

Even though my speed had already surpassed most humans, going around blindly searching with little knowledge about the big map of the Light Domain, would turn my incredible efficiency into that of a turtle, I was only one person trying to find demon bases in a very big haystack ( being the Light Domain ).

Joining the Brigade was my attempt to see if I could make use of being in an organization to access more info and support.

Luckily, being the leader of 'Demon Hunter' could be considered as the perfect opportunity for me, as I won't only have access to the Brigade's large net of intelligence when it came to gates, but I would also be able to use the backing of the Lightning empire to access all the gates they wanted to destroy.

A perfect Win-Win situation!

The only thing that I was doubtful about was whether I really needed to recruit some members into 'Demon Hunter', after all, I was more efficient when it came to working alone, who knew if adding more members would do more help than just becoming an obstacle or some sort of a burden…

Of course, having more members would also have glaring advantages such as the ability to split up and deal with several gates within a short time frame, but the question was, would the advantages be worth the disadvantages?

'let's take a look first then…'

Making baseless assumptions would obviously deliver no results, so I decided that this was the best time to take a look at the comprehensive strength of the Brigade's members to judge whether they could be of assistance to 'Demon Hunter' or just be plain nuisances…

As for where to start, the most optimal decision was to head to the general library first and spend the rest of the day there to understand the general structure of the Brigade!


Next day…

'I guess I need to observe and check the junior members first…'

Spending the whole day to read in detail about the structure of the Lightning Knight Brigade proved it to be quite a simple yet powerful organization.

The Brigade itself consisted of an overall of 5 units.

Three normal units, with the First unit being the strongest of them were the units that would be usually dispatched for normal missions according to the grade of the task or mission, they also had the highest number of members as their missions were assigned in a daily manner.

The Special unit, was the unit which pretty much held the big cannons of the Lightning Knight Brigade, boosting unordinary firepower, and being dispatched for missions that surpassed the First grade, also known as Zero grade missions.

The last unit, The Imperial Protection unit was responsible for keeping the Imperial family unharmed & keeping the safety of the Empire as a whole in case a major disaster was to happen, their numbers were unknown and they would be always hiding in the shadows, as information about this unit was pretty limited compared to the other four.

Of course, starting from today on, the number of the Brigade's units has increased to 6!

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