Monster Integration

Chapter 490 108!

I reached 48th to move within the five minuits, usually, I need three times than this but today I've done it but this isn't time to happy about it as the front poses that I have to perform will take more and more time.

I am even worried if I would be able to reach 83rd pose before the 45 minuits over, at 83rd pose the energy of miracle fruit came out and I am counting on it to eat the ominous ghost tooth poison and more poses I perform, the higher home field advantage it will have against the Ominous Poison.

Seeing the power of the Ominous Poison, I know the energy of the miracle fruit won't be matched to the poison but if it has the furnace-like environment to boot, a place where it is born and have an

advantage in.

Even if it had not able to strike against it, even if it only able to confine it securely, that would be enough for me. After going out of this realm, I would be able to find an antidote or I might get lucky and find something against this poison.

With the intense hope to survive, I continue performing but forward I go, the more time it needed for me to perform the poses. Still, I kept trying will my all, trying to be faster than last even if it is not possible than became faster than the last pose, it will be enough if I take some time performing current pose last post.

Sweat could be seen dripping from my body, there is no single part of my form where the sweat isn't coming but I dont have time worried about that as I am most focused on performing the poses faster.

Ominous Ghost Tooth poison is sucking all the energy released from the digested part of my heart that I had eaten and one surprising thing is that I had underestimated the medicinal energy heart has.

Its not surprising that till now all the monster I have hunted, I have never eaten their hearts. I had known that hearts have way too much energy and I didnt want to eat them in a place like aferian ruin.

It's a good thing the heart I chose to eat is that of the weakest monster if it had been the heart of the powerful monster then even if Ominous Ghostblood poison sucking the energy, some would have surely would have leaked and popped me up like a balloon.

Time passed and I continued performing like a mad and finally, I had reached the 83rd pose in 37th minuit, just as the miracle fruit energy came out it moved toward the Medicinal energy and started eating crazily.

The eating speed of Miracle fruit energy slow by half compared to the ominous poison, I had already expected this but it still made me very disappointed.

Now it completely depends on the Body Cleansing Technique and how much it could suppress the ominous poison to give the energy of the miracle fruit a chance.

But for that happen, I will have to continue performing and reach 108th pose at least, only then will I able to give the fighting chance to the energy of the miracle fruit.

I kept performing while both of the energies kept eating the energies, I could see the energy of miracle fruit growing continuously and with it growing, it is also eating more and more energy but it was never able to match to the Ominous poison as its speed of eating also increasing with the time.

More than an hour had passed and finally, all the heart is completly digested and all of its energies were eaten by the Ominous poison and the energy of the Miracle fruit.

A few seconds after the monster's heart finished completly digesting, tiny drops of darg grey tar-like liquid started to come out and before my miracle fruit energy could try to eat any single one of those dark grey drops, all the grey drop sped toward each other and started merging.

Soon all the dark grey drops merged and turned into a ball which had a crown of ghostly smoke top of it as it radiates the ominous aura, the name it got perfectly fit it.

After merging into one that ball of a dark grey liquid shot towards the miracle fruit energy, as if wanting to eat up before it started to eat my body.

Seeing that I started to perform even faster with the energy that is hidden deep down inside me, I had already reached the 106th pose, to get the chance of survival I just have to perform 107th and 108th pose.

The dark grey ball of energy crashed into the big cloud of miracle fruit energy and started to eat it, the energy fo the miracle fruit resisted at first but as the passed, its resistance wavered and the poison started to eat it.

Though its speed of eating is very very slow, its still eating if this kept happening for a while, I will seriously die.

I can not waste any time! I thought and started to perform even more furiously but no matter how furious I am, I am performing slow as a snail, no matter how much I try I can't seem to go faster.

It still took me more than ten minuits to reach the 107th pose and by that time, that ball of Ominous ball had eaten quite a bit of Miracle fruit energy.

As I reached the 107th pose, the temperature in me got even hotter and suppression on ominous poison got even greater than before it had stopped taking a bite on the miracle fruit.

Now both of the energies had reached the stalemate, no one gaining upper hand on the other, I could sense that Ominous energy wanted to take the bite on the Miracle fruit energy but no matter it tried, it didnt able to do it.

They are now at a stalemate but if I have to confine it, I will have to perform the 108th pose otherwise all will be futile once I stopped performing.

I had already reached my limit and performing, moving a single had become extremly difficult for me had become extremly difficult for me.

Time passed and I kept performing at a very slow pace when suddenly Ominous poison which had been trying to eat the Miracle fruit energy started to enter the deep again.

I paled seeing that, I thought as long as I continue moving I will be able to reach the 108th pose but now seeing there is no point eating it had moved toward my body.


A few seconds after it had entered my body, I felt pain from the deep inside me. It was the most intense pain I've ever felt in my life.

This Ominous Poison is eating my lifeforce away, I have suffered through many things, beaten till every bone of my body broke, till my body became volcano by monster core or ballooned by the medicinal energy but I have never had my lifeforce eaten.

Lifeforce is the basis of life, once is sucked more than the body could handle then there will be deep consequences for a lifetime even if I am able to survive.

I am feeling the pain that I had never before but it is not affecting a bit as I am most about my life force that has been eaten away bit by bit.

I have to do something now that I am capable of because a few minuits later, I won't be capable of doing anything as my life force will be sucked away.


I screamed through my gritted teeth and started to move my body with all the strength I have, my body which had been half immobile started to move and it moved fast.

I dont know where did I got the energy but my speed became a little faster than a snail. I moved and moved and come across the chasm.


Seeing the Chasm, I did not stop instead crashed through it with every bit of will I have and I finally able to cross that chasm.

I had finally performed the 108th pose and when I looked inside me, I saw something very inconceivable, very inconceivable.

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