MMORPG: The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2892

Chapter 2892: Chapter 2880, the trial began

Translator: 549690339

After returning to his room, Jiang Fei laid down on his bed. He began to recall everything that had happened in the magistrate’s office today.

“It seems that I have underestimated the magistrate!”Jiang Fei nodded to himself.

All this while, Jiang Fei had thought that he had fooled the magistrate. However, how could a person who could rule a region be stupid? Even Lina could guess that Jiang Fei was related to the three-dimensional world, let alone the Archon. Fortunately, Jiang Fei had been prepared from the beginning, so he did not panic at all, he immediately brought out the words that he had prepared beforehand.

This was because the people of the gamma dimension had never thought that people from the three-dimensional world could come to their territory voluntarily. In fact, in their understanding, it was impossible to take the initiative to cross over from the bottom up, therefore, regardless of whether it was Lina or the Archon, none of them had ever thought that Jiang Fei was someone who had come to the gamma dimension from the three-dimensional world and had the ability to return.

It was precisely because they had never considered this possibility. Therefore, although they had their suspicions about Jiang Fei, it was within a certain limit. Moreover, as high-ranking people, they had never had any thoughts of self-sacrifice, therefore, when Jiang Fei said that he was willing to stay in this space and live in this space, the consul and the others did not doubt him.

When people were thinking about something, they would subconsciously put themselves in it. They would put themselves in their shoes and think about what kind of choice they would make if they were in that position, whether it was the consul or Lina, if they were clones whose memories had not been completely erased, they would definitely be content with the current situation. They would live in this space as a gamma space person and use these memories, they would seek a better life for themselves, just like what Jiang Fei was doing now.

It was precisely because of this kind of empathy that made selfish people like the magistrate and Lina feel that Jiang Fei’s actions were justifiable.

“Although I have managed to muddle through for the time being, I can not let my guard down. Since the magistrate has become suspicious once, he will have a grudge in his heart. He will not be able to trust me as much as before. Therefore, I have to hide it better!”Jiang Fei thought to himself.

Regarding the trial that was going to start tomorrow, Jiang Fei thought about it. The magistrate was obviously hopeless. However, in order to win Lina over, he decided to help the magistrate again, although he had no right to help the magistrate avoid the death penalty, as Lina had said before, he could still help the magistrate find a relatively decent way to die.

The night passed in the blink of an eye. Although Jiang Fei slept for a while in the second half of the night, he did not sleep too well.

The next morning, Jiang Fei opened his eyes. After washing up, he did not eat breakfast. Instead, he drove to the court.

There was only one city in the entire gamma space, so it was not very big. Almost all the administrative offices were near the administrative hall. Therefore, Jiang Fei was quite familiar with the place.

“Chief Examiner!”

“Good Morning, Chief Examiner!”


After Jiang Fei arrived at the court, everyone took the initiative to greet him. After all, everyone now knew that he was the most popular person in front of the magistrate.

“Okay!”Jiang Fei nodded to everyone who greeted him kindly, even though he had no idea what these people were doing.

After waiting in the lounge for a while, someone came to inform Jiang Fei that the trial was about to begin. Although Jiang Fei did not understand the procedure of the trial at all, as the magistrate had said, he was just going through the motions, other than the final reading of the verdict, there were naturally professionals who would handle everything else.

After Jiang Fei took his place, a lot of people came to the court. Other than the prosecutor and the other judges, there were also a large number of reporters and civilians in the gallery. The meaning of the magistrate was very clear, he clearly wanted to rely on the public magistrate to put all the blame on him. He wanted to channel the anger of the people onto the magistrate to reduce the pressure on the current government.

After about 20 minutes, everything was ready. A judge at the end of the court shouted, “Bring the defendant!”

Then, a bailiff brought the sheriff and Lina up. Jiang Fei looked down at the sheriff and Lina from above. It was obvious that both of them had been dressed up. Lina was fine, her previous state was not particularly bad. Now, it was not much different from yesterday when Jiang Fei saw her.

However, the sheriff was different. He was clearly well-groomed. The messy stubble on his beard had been shaved clean. His face that was full of oil had been washed clean, he had even been given a clean blow on his head.

The magistrate obviously did not want anyone to find any evidence that he had abused the magistrate, or even tortured him into confessing. Now that he was the victor, he could make up the charges against the magistrate at will, so he paid a lot of attention to these details, he did not want to let these small matters affect his reputation.

Soon, the sheriff and Lina were brought to the dock. They didn’t carry any instruments of torture on them. Normally, a felon like the Sheriff would have to wear shackles, but in order to show his mercy, the consul.., didn’t put any instruments of torture on the father and daughter of the sheriff.

Although the consul did this so that he could have a reputation of being merciful, in fact, it also saved the last bit of face for the sheriff and Lina. After all, they used to be at the top of the gamma space, if they were to appear in court with their arms and legs shackled, it would be a humiliation to them.

“Now, please read the indictment!”The judge shouted.

Then, the prosecutor next to him began to read the indictment of the magistrate. This was a thirty-five-page indictment. According to the description in the indictment, the crimes of the magistrate were uncountable. Death was not something to be regretted!

Jiang Fei listened quietly. The contents of the indictment were half-true and half-false. Even if it was false, it was not the wish of the magistrate. It was just that the magistrate had shifted all the responsibility to him, it was very obvious that the magistrate intended to use the death of the magistrate to shift all the class conflicts onto him and then eliminate them all.

The thirty-odd pages of the indictment were read out by the public prosecutor for nearly two hours. The reporters below were fine. After all, they were doing this job, but the commoners who were listening in could not take it anymore, at first, these commoners were still excited when they heard about the crimes of the magistrate. One by one, they wished they could eat his flesh and his blood. But in the end, everyone’s patience was exhausted by this lengthy indictment, they all began to feel drowsy.

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