MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 642  The Quest to Open the Demon Realm

Chapter 642  The Quest to Open the Demon Realm   

  Ren's voice carried a tone of authority as he continued to unveil the secrets of Solomon Krane. "Solomon Krane is his true name. His core nature is shallow and bloodthirsty. He yearns to be feared, revered, and worshipped by the frail mortals he can easily crush and sacrifice at his whim. Occasionally, he assumes other personas –– that of a child and a commoner."

Evie's face was a picture of concern, and she posed a crucial question. "So, how do we approach this?"

Ren replied, "We will head directly to the Empire and locate Salister Kane."

"Do you know where he is?" Elena inquired.

Ren's response was quick. "He can often be found in a chapel dedicated to the Grand Benefactor."

Then, with a stern glance directed at Elena, he issued a command. "But, let me be perfectly clear. You are not to confront him directly. Our primary objective is to expose Salister Kane's true identity to Princess Lorelai."

Evie's unease grew as the name 'Princess Lorelai' entered the conversation. She had a nagging feeling that this venture was about to become much more complicated.

"Elena," Ren's tone brooked no argument, "you will locate Princess Lorelai for us."

Elena's expression spoke of her dissatisfaction. "You want me to find the Princess?"

Ren nodded. "You know her, don't you?"

Elena's eyes narrowed at Ren. Suspicion was etched on her features. "Are you certain you're not sending me away simply to have some alone time with Evie?"

The tension in the carriage grew palpable as Ren found himself caught between two strong-willed women, both with their own motivations and agendas.

"I don't see anything wrong with that," Evie interjected, her voice calm but firm, a hint of mischief dancing in her eyes.

The scowl on Elena's face deepened at her remark.

"Let's not quarrel over this," Ren intervened, his gaze firmly fixed on Elena. "This task requires your unique abilities, Elena. I'm relying on you for this."

Elena's face turned brighter, and her smile returned. "Leave it to me, Ren." She couldn't help but shoot a smug smirk in Evie's direction, who, in response, muttered softly under her breath.

Ren sensed the tension in the air but chose to push it aside for the time being. He was fully engrossed in strategizing their approach to confronting Salister Kane.

As he pondered, Ren remembered the different personas that Salister Kane had used to conceal his true nature. One of them was Simon Kingsley, a young orphan. This persona was marked by curiosity, caution, and a relentless desire to learn.

Simon was notorious for asking countless questions and occasionally getting entangled in situations beyond his understanding.

If there were rumors of undead lurking in church catacombs, Simon would be there, seeking answers. It was essential to remember that behind the innocent facade lay the cunning manipulator.

The other persona was Sasha Kamenov, the only female identity Solomon Krane assumed.

Sasha was portrayed as a compassionate, common young woman with a deep admiration for adventurers of all kinds. While she had no intention of becoming an adventurer herself, she thoroughly enjoyed hearing tales of their exploits and often invited them to share home-cooked meals.

Ren strained his memory, attempting to recall every detail that would aid him in confronting this devilish adversary.

Solomon Krane had been a peculiar devil since his birth. While the origins of devils remained a mystery to mortals, there was no doubt that something had gone awry in the case of Solomon.

Some devils were alluring, inciting lust and devotion in their admirers. Others were nightmarish, instilling fear and revulsion.

Solomon, on the other hand, elicited pity. His weak physique and lack of power led him to masquerade as Salister Kane for decades, concealing his true sinister nature.

Salister Kane, in his role as the kindly priest, often offered quests to players and then let them go about their business. He also provided valuable healing services, particularly in towns where he was the sole healer.

Traveling parties frequently came to rely on him for their well-being, unaware of the sinister secret that lay behind his facade.

Salister Kane's persona as the kindly and meek priest was cunningly crafted. He often portrayed himself as agreeable, readily accepting the party's ideas, and proactively assisting them with various quests.

For the unsuspecting players, he seemed like a genuine helper, always ready to lend a hand.

However, beneath this facade lurked the smug side of his devilish personality, waiting for the right moment to reveal itself.

Princess Lorelai needed to witness this sinister aspect firsthand to trigger the World Quest that would open the Demon Realm.

Salister Kane had perfected the art of deceiving players for extended periods, and when he finally unveiled his true nature, he took great delight in rubbing it in their faces.

Many players found themselves venting their frustrations on forums, sharing their experiences of being hoodwinked by the seemingly benevolent priest.

Yet, the very next day, Salister Kane reverted to his familiar kind and helpful demeanor. Without concrete evidence to expose his true identity, he remained at large, continuing to weave his web of deception with different personas.

Solomon Kane's origin was a tale of torment and desperation. He had been a pariah among devil lords in hell, enduring relentless abuse until he managed to escape by deceiving another devil.

Despite his earnest pleas to avoid banishment to the material plane, this was, in truth, his deepest desire.

Once on the material plane, Solomon assumed the guise of a human and embarked on a sinister mission, signing contracts to claim mortal souls. With each soul he acquired, his powers grew exponentially.

Initially content with elevating his status and appearance, the burning desire for revenge against his devilish tormentors fueled his transformation into Salister Kane.

In the material world, Salister Kane meticulously crafted his persona, performing genuine acts of kindness and good deeds. This was his way of making friends and staying off the radar of crusading paladins and self-righteous clerics.

After all, it was much simpler to persuade friends to sign contracts than to make enemies.

Salister Kane's ultimate goal was to amass as many mortal souls as possible, as power in the Netherworld was derived from the souls he claimed. To achieve this, he hid behind a veil of benevolence while continuing to sign contracts and solidify his influence.

Though the primary story arc involving Salister Kane was designed for parties with a stat level of 1000 or higher, Ren's unwavering confidence in his abilities, coupled with the upgraded equipment he and his companions now possessed, emboldened him to undertake this challenging quest.

As Ren, Elena, and Evie engaged in discussions, their animated conversation was suddenly interrupted by a jarring halt.

The abrupt stop caused both Elena and Evie to instinctively grab Ren's arms for support as the coach came to a halt.

"What's happening?" Ren and the others exclaimed in unison.

The coachman's voice echoed from outside, filled with alarm. "Augh . . . I believe we're under attack!"

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