Hail the King

Chapter 162: Explosive Growth of National Strength

Chapter 162.1: Explosive Growth of National Strength

The moment the bell rang, almost everyone from Chambord City had the urge to let out a long sigh of relief.

This time, the bell didn’t sound because there was an enemy attack, but rather because their King had come back.

Everyone saw the two Golden Horsemen below Chambord King’s Throne, and all levels of military and political officials hurried towards the royal palace. The city streets suddenly became quiet, and all the citizens came out of their homes and looked towards the direction of the palace, which was situated on a high ground in the north. Now, everyone was completely impressed by their young king, not to mention the fact that they defeated the Black Armor Army and the Nine Kingdom Coalition. Even during this short period that King Alexander went on a hiatus, the whole city could clearly feel the influence left behind by King Alexander.

During this time, a lot of things happened in Chambord City.

The first was a command left behind by King Alexander before he went on a hiatus. The large amount of garbage that was piled in the garbage section of the city was all cleared by Warden Oleg and his men within one month. It was a very strange processing method which most people didn’t understand. But after seeing the how the garbage was soaked in a pool until it became a thick paste, which was then processed into paper, the whole city started boiling.

These piles of garbage had been a little cancerous tumor in Chambord City, and during every summer, there would be flies and bugs everywhere. This was the source of the mess and disease. One month before the whole city underwent a reorganization of all the functional areas, someone suggested to dump all the garbage into the Zuli River, but it was stopped right away by the King. No one would’ve thought that these piles of filthy trash that not even stray dogs would get close to would one day be turned into paper.

It’s not like there was no paper on Azeroth Continent, but in rural and poor places like Chambord City, paper was a very rare thing. Even when people recorded or passed commands in the Royal Palace, they would usually use soft cloth or processed animal skin. Little gadgets like paper could be regarded as a luxury item. But now, with large amounts of garbage being made into thick paste and then processed into paper, all the poor people in the city could afford to use paper now.

To the many lower class citizens in Chambord city, the disappearance of garbage and appearance of paper also brought them many benefits, because anyone that was willing to go to the “Chambord City Paper Mill” to help out could earn 2 silver coins per day. To most people, this was a very rare money-making opportunity. It was almost deep into autumn, and the harvesting season had passed, so everyone wanted to make some money safely to get through the winter.

The second thing was that all the sewage systems that were previously clogged due to wrong usage and poor maintenance were renovated and put into use again. These accessible sewers and drainage systems existed since a long time ago, but the kings in the past did not pay much attention to their renovation, causing these drainage systems to become blocked. There was also another order left behind by King Alexander. Warden Oleg led a bunch of people and painstakingly dredged up these drainage systems that had been clogged for years. At first, some people did not understand why it was worth the hassle, but helpers could receive silver coins everyday, so they were happy to go and work. Once the drainage system was completely cleared and every household added a simple water pipeline, the citizens found out that the original drainage system could make life much easier. Then, the way people looked at the fatty warden Oleg also became warmer. Oleg was once the representative of darkness and cruel torture, but after the introduction of the papermill and sewage system, people realized that this fatty was also slowly changing.

The third thing was that one month had finally allowed the city’s people to adapt to the 12-bronze warrior’s code. Not only did they get used to it, but even the recent influx of foreigners also adapted to the code. There was no other way; they had no choice but to adapt… At first, there were indeed some blind d*cks that didn’t take it seriously and deliberately broke the law. The result was that the city of the Holy Warriors and urban management surrounded them and gave them a ruthless beating. Then, they were taken to the “little black house” for a few days. After a few times, all the outsiders learned to behave, and the first thing they did when coming to Chambord City was go to the temple and recite the 12-Bronze Warriors’ code of Chambord city, just in case they accidently breached the law and got beaten up into a dead pile of sh*t by those stubborn bylaw enforcers.

During this process, Chambord city’s cohesion rapidly increased.

In the past during every autumn season, there would be some mercenaries, caravans, samurais, small merchants and thieves coming to the Chambord city. It was because autumn was a good hunting season, and many magic beasts would be laying cubs during the spring and autumn. It was a good time for adventurers to make money. These foreign people would often get into conflicts with the natives of Chambord city. With Chambord’s past strength, they have been unable to protect their own people. To the natives, these foreigners were the source of nightmares. But now, it was different. Chambord King Alexander’s fame became increasingly prominent, and under his command, the two Golden Horsemen, Saint Seiyas, and 200 Bylaw Enforcement Officers were like wolves and tigers. They had already conquered those damn outsiders with their fists. Other than the first few days, no one dared to riot in the city. Therefore, the natives of Chambord city could now walk in the streets with their head held up high and enjoy the eyes of outsiders that were filled with respect. Even if they met a stray dog on the streets, those outsiders who used to be very aggressive and arrogant wouldn’t have any choice but to show some respect!

This kind of powerful and protected feeling was a wonderful thing, and it made everyone feel that being a member of the Chambord city was a fortune.

Everyone knew who brought this to Chambord City.

Now, that man was back.

And with half a month left, the biggest grand Prix of the Zenit Empire – the Arms Drill Battle would be taking place. Almost every citizen in Chambord city, from the oldest elder to the youngest kids, were all firmly convinced that the Arms Drill Battle, which had been a disaster for the past Chambord city, would be the chance for Chambord to shine on the world stage.

All eyes were on the palace.

There was a figure that was their source of confidence, as well as their belief.


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Hail the King Chapter 162.2

Chambord City Palace.

King’s Hall.

On the white stone king’s throne accompanied by two giant magic beast lion stone statues, Fei’s eyes were like electricity, overlooking all of his followers.

The atmosphere in the hall made Fei feel satisfied.

In the past month, no one had been lazy. With Fei’s current strength, just one glance was all he needed to tell that the strength of those in the hall had grown significantly.

Drogba and Pierce, the two big men, had grown to the two-star peak, and their breakthrough was imminent. They were one foot into the ranks of a three-star Warrior. If coupled with their Taurus helmet and Excalibur which they acquired earlier, the strength of these two would even be able to match pinnacle three-star warriors.

Saint Seiya leader Peter Cech’s growth also shocked Fei. Currently, he broke into the three-star level rank. This former pinnacle two-star warrior was once turned into a useless samurai by the herald official Barzel, but after receiving the [Hulk Potion]’s refinement, his recovery speed was appalling. If Fei let Cech fight against the former Black Armor Army’s number 1 swordsman, Cech could instantly kill his opponent. However, for Petr Cech’s real combat ability, Fei didn’t have a good estimate. It was said that this Saint Seiya leader was a genius in terms of defense. Back in the old days when he was at the pinnacle of 2-star level, he could already defend the attacks from 3-star elites. He was quite famous among the affiliated kingdoms, and now Cech’s energy level had reached intermediate 3-star level, in addition to his [Hulk Potion]-enhanced physical body that already far exceeded others at the same level. It was absolutely worth looking forward to the combat ability he could exert in the future.

Chambord City’s military giant Brook was at the intermediate 2-star level. Although his growth was far slower than Drogba, Pierce, Cech and the others, in comparison to other warriors, this speed was already incredible. Of Course, Fei knew that there was a reason behind this situation. Brook managed the Bylaw Enforcement and Saint Seiyas, which were the two major military forces. Moreover, he was normally very busy, exhausting himself just to completely carry out Fei’s design for the city’s military. Naturally, he would have less time for training, but his loyalty towards Fei was undisputable. He was more careful than the big muscular men Drogba and Pierce, and also more intelligent than the training maniac Pierce. He truly had the glory and honor of a true knight. Whether it was before or after Fei’s rise, Brook deeply won the hearts of Chambord citizens. For such a person, although his strength may have not been the highest, he could let the others listen to him, and then use his own charisma to affect others. This was also why Fei appointed him to be the military leader in Chambord City.

Warden Oleg’s strength also surged. His energy almost approached the immediate 2-star level, except that he seemed to enjoy violent hand-to-hand combat with Drogba and the others. For a short and fat man that wasn’t even 1.7 meters tall, it was hard to believe that he went through a second growth with the residual [Hulk Potion], thereby reaching a height of 1.9 meters tall. However, all his fat was still there.

Of course, among everyone, the one that surprised Fei the most was the #1 elite of Chambord City in the past – Frank Lampard. Now, Frank still carried a big black sword on his back, but his water energy seemed to be gradually disappearing. Instead, what took its place was a rich thunder-type energy ready to surge. Fei could clearly feel that Lampard’s thunder-type energy’s level had faintly reached the intermediate 4-star level… This was too fast! To be able to re-start his energy training in a month and reach the intermediate 4-star level, how did he do it? Even with the help of the thunder-energy scroll [Thunder Lightning-Speed Punch], it still wouldn’t be possible to accomplish this much. What kind of secret was hidden behind the back of the former #1 elite in Chambord City? Fei became a little curious.

Besides a few newly rising elites, Fei’s personal bodyguard, Fernando Torres, also made some progress. This young man with a chivalrous heart had finally acquired the spirit of a soldier. This was a very talented teen. Fei previously gave this young man a book called [Aurora Sentence], which was an ice-type energy scroll. This was a 3-star scroll with 25 energy passages, and it seemed like Torres was practicing it well. Fei could feel that an incredible force of frost been cultivated inside this young man’s body, and it should have reached about the beginner 2-star level.

These few people are all elites that Fei focused on cultivating, and he was satisfied with their progress.

In addition, the strength of the several muscular men who participated in the Battle of the Stone Bridge had also improved. Due to being refined by that “holy f*ck why can this exist” potion, their physical body strength reached the intermediate 1-star level. However, among these people, not everyone had the talent to cultivate energy. Although their energy channels had been expanded, their progress in cultivation varied, with the best staying at around the 1-star level, and the worst not showing any signs of energy cultivation.

But besides these natives at Chambord city, Elena, Charsi, Kane, Akara, Kashya and the other elites from the Diablo world also showed up in the King’s main hall. Since they had previously appeared before in the underground stone maze at the back mountain as teachers, everyone was used to seeing them.

In terms of the civil side, although Bast was really busy, because Fei secretly arranged Angela to occasionally add a little [Comprehensive Recovery Potion] in his father-in-law’s daily diet, Bast’s stamina stayed at a good level, even showing a little sign of growing back towards his youth. Unfortunately, this old handsome man showed no interest in the world of cultivation.

But besides Bast, it was a bit awkward to discuss the talents in the civil side of Chambord city. The people by Bast’s side were all reputable old men with white hair and white beards. They were aging terribly. Right now, Bast occupied the spot of left and right prime minister, and the officials of the six sectors were all temporarily given to the old people. Right now, Fei could only wait for a few more talents in this field to come out from Chambord University. But fortunately, Chambord was a small kingdom that didn’t have too many citizens, so it wasn’t that hard to manage. Plus, during the battle on the Eastern mountain, Fei already borrowed someone else’s blade and completely cleaned up all the nobility, so of his new orders experiencing no opposition.

Fei’s eyes slowly swept past everyone in the main hall, and a sense of accomplishment arose in his heart.

In just four months, who would have thought that Chambord City’s strength would experience this kind of explosive growth?

With today’s national strength, even if the Black Armor Army invaded again, Fei was completely confident that he wouldn’t have to resort to the turtling strategy. There was no need to rely on the terrain advantage, nor was there a need to fake death again. Only one charge was needed, and Chambord’s army could eliminate the entire Black Armor Amy below the city’s feet. For those black knights that were once high up there, Chambord’s current saint seiyas could kill them within seconds.

“The Arms Drill Battle competition is right around the corner. I know that everyone already can’t wait anymore…” Fei faintly smiled, and his majestic voice sounded in each person’s ear. “During this drill battle, we will use our own hands and take back everything that we once lost!”

Then, Fei stood up and said, “Pass on my order. After three days, dispatch the entire army. Our destination is the empire capital St. Petersburg. Get ready to participate in the Arms Drill Battle competition!”

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