Empire of the Ring

Chapter 587 - Better Safe Than Sorry (3)

Chapter 587: Better Safe Than Sorry (3)

Although Kazakhstan was a large country, most of the areas were semi-desert, so the country had traditionally been dominated by nomadic life rather than farming.

However, during the Soviet era, even semi-desert areas were developed in order to grow food supplies, forcing people to farm.

Due to the dry environment, people used water from nearby lakes and rivers as agricultural water, causing side effects such as lowering the water level in the Caspian and Aral Seas.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, most of the farmland was left unattended, accelerating desertification especially in West Kazakhstan, where rainfall was absolutely scarce, causing it to turn into barren land.

Before the development of farmland, even semi-desert zones could grow grass fields for cattle to graze in the spring due to the influence of the winter rainy season, but fields disappeared due to the excessive use of agricultural chemicals. Even so, the region along the Ural River could remain as farmland as the energy of the land was revived by frequent flooding of the river.

This was where the Arirang royal territory was located. Since the land was flat without mountains, it was easily utilized for residential areas and factories.

Although it was still winter, preparation to grow grassland had begun, so they could grow livestock.

“Your Grace, an unexpectedly large number of Kurds have offered to farm or raise livestock.”

Because they would be offered long-term rentals without interests, many Kurds volunteered to farm or raise livestock. Since they had always lived as if they were being chased without a country of their own, they never had a chance to farm or raise livestock in peace. To raise farming or livestock meant that they have already settled in the royal territory.

“Distribute land and livestock resources appropriately while keeping in mind of future migrants. It’s a problem if people who come later receive land too far from their home.”

“So I’d like to develop a small residential area, too. This will be necessary for the balanced development of our city. It’s because there’s only a limited amount of farmland or grassland near the current residential areas.”

“That’s a good idea. Consult with the construction director and decide what to do. And I would prefer to develop more grassland rather than farmland. The production of agricultural products in Kazakhstan has exceeded the proper level already. Kurds are also more familiar with livestock farming than with farming.”

The grain reserves were overflowing even after exporting them to foreign countries and supplying leftovers to Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

The reason why Youngho was trying to encourage livestock to be raised was that there was far too little meat to make combat food. There was surging demand for it, but the lack of food ingredients was causing a setback.

“Your Grace, we are also planning to develop grain-based combat food. It’s time to find a substitute because people are only looking for processed meat products. It’s also a way to store the grain for a long time.”

“That’s a great proposal. If we can process the grain and store it for a long time, we won’t have a problem even if there’s a sudden change.”

The grain storage period was limited by one to two years at most, and all the grains that passed the preservation period were being used as feed for livestock.

No matter how much people wanted to stock up on grain, they rotted quickly without preservatives. Food made from preservative-covered grains was not encouraged since it was like a poison.

“Sterile vacuum packaging can also be a solution, and we’ll look for ways to seal the powder-dried grains. Still, you can store them up to three to four years only.”

“Can’t you eat it at all after the storage period?”

“Not necessarily. If you cook it as soon as it’s out of the package, it won’t cause a problem.”

“Find a way to extend the storage period as much as possible. We need to keep it in stock for a rainy day.”

“I know it can be kept for up to seven years if you can it, so I’ll figure out a way. But how much of grain do you want to have in stock?”

“For now, we need a year’s worth of stock for the whole residents of the royal territory.”

Kim Chun could not keep his mouth shut when he heard the amount. It was not a small number.

“No, what on earth are you going to use that much for?”

“I told you, didn’t I? We’re prepared for a sudden change.”

“Your Grace, have you thought about how much it will cost us?”

“It’s not about the cost. It’s for survival.”

“Can I ask you what kind of risk you’re assuming?”

“There will be cases of air pollution to the extent that people can’t go outside freely, or the farmland is polluted to the point where it cannot be harvested immediately.”

“If we don’t have to use the stock we’ve created, we’ll have to dispose of it all.”

“Why do you dispose of it? You can make a certain amount every year and replace it with one that has a short shelf life. The replacements are circulated in the market so that the costs are recouped.”

“Who’s going to buy such old processed food?”

“Our combat foods are selling like hotcakes, aren’t they? If they’re nutritious and delicious, we won’t be able to sell them because they’d be sold out immediately.”


“So encourage the related officials to make legitimate long-term storage food. I’m planning to expand this project all over the country.”

Kim Chun was dumbfounded by Youngho’s remarks. Even though he could not say it openly, he must be thinking that Youngho was crazy. Although the Chinese border area was a bit unstable, it was not bad enough to have food in reserve.

“Commissioner, one day a great disaster will hit the Earth. Whether it’s a war or a threat from outside the Earth. We never know if our efforts will be worthy, but we shouldn’t be lazy in preparing for a rainy day.”

“I know what you’re saying. I don’t agree with you completely, but I will trust your insight. I will let the public know about this. More heads in this matter will give us many good ideas.”


Even though Kazakhstan was the world’s ninth-largest country, most of the country’s land was barren, and there was a limit to its growth as it was an island-like place on land.

So Youngho was thinking of going out to the ocean. That was why he focused on building up the country’s naval power despite the limitations of an inland country.

When it came to trade with the world, everyone could be an enemy or an ally.

Allies had no choice but to compete with each other fiercely for their own economic interests, which could sometimes lead to armed conflict due to excessive competition. This could turn into a trade war, so he was investing in naval forces. Although science had developed and opened the way for the sky, it was still true that the man who controlled the sea still dominated the world.

“Your Grace, the number of permanent residency applicants from the former Korean Navy is now over 200. I’d like to receive the first group of immigrants now.”

“That’s a smaller number than I thought.”

“Most of them prefer to work on ships for overseas service or deep-sea fishing vessels. How many people would want to re-enlist themselves in the navy of another country when they’ve already been discharged from it?”

The Kazakh government and the administration of the royal territory had decided to receive former Korean navies to operate Aegis destroyers and submarines. However, fewer people applied than expected.

Cho Chul-hwan, the commander of the Royal Bodyguards, mentioned this issue at the royal regular meeting. He also showed disappointment over the small number of applicants.

“Do all applicants have experience in related ships?”

“We have already confirmed that with the cooperation of the Korean government. Most of them have more than two years of experience on Aegis destroyers or submarines.”

“If they’ve worked for more than two years, they must be noncommissioned officers or officers.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Well, we can’t help it. I guess we have no choice but to hire them as instructors so that our navies can learn their skills.”

“We will be able to fill some of the empty spots with troops dispatched to the Korean Navy for education.”

“I don’t know if they’ll be able to operate state-of-the-art equipment properly after training for only half a year.”

“Why don’t we tell the Korean government to send engineers until our soldiers are skillful enough?”

“I’ll see what we can do through the embassy.”

“Actually, there’s no need. I’ll check it out myself. I think it would be better if I ask the head of the Defense Acquisition Program Administration.”

Youngho was going to use his connection to the Korean head of the Defense Acquisition Program Administration, who had visited the royal territory before. He would be willing to help since he was a guy ambitious and daring enough to dream of nuclear armament.


“How are you, Director?”

-Your Highness. I’m doing fine. No, I’m excited by just looking at the latest news of Kazakhstan. It makes me want to drink with you.

“Have we done anything wrong that’s making you want to drink in bitterness?”

-Oh, don’t pretend that you don’t know about it. Thanks to you, I feel so refreshed these days. Who will make a decision to go against China like that?

“What do you mean? It’s natural for any sovereign nation to deal with a country that’s threatening your territory and people that way.”

-Not many countries can react as strongly as you are doing. We are always careful to watch China’s reaction.

“That’s why China thinks of Korea easily and treats it bad. You have to say whatever you need to say. Look at Vietnam. China put down its tail because Vietnam aggressively rips at China.”

Vietnam’s force was not even a handful compared to China, but it was speaking out its voice without being daunted. So China could not push harder on it either, not because it was scary, but because it was difficult to deal with.

“I’m calling because I have a favor to ask of you.”

-What is it? I’ll do anything for you for any reason.

“Great to hear that. We’d like Korea to send engineers to Kazakhstan until our navies master the operation of Aegis destroyers.”

-It’s not a particularly difficult request. Of course I will. Do you have any other requests?

“Thank you for accepting my request. That will be an enough favor from you.”

-May I ask you to do me a favor as well then?

“Of course, whatever you ask.”

-I’d like to visit you. Is that possible?

“You’re welcomed here any time. But can I ask you in advance what it is for?”

-I can’t talk to you over the phone. I’ll just say it’s helpful for the development of both countries.

“If that’s the case, come to the palace. I’ll share the drink I’ve been saving for an important occasion for you.”

-It’s an honor to be welcomed by you with such treatment. I’ll visit you before long.

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