Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 413 No Man's Land 4 : The Team

A/n: had some employment drama to deal with.


"Hey, my face is up here."

"Oh, sorry."

Normally, the first sentence would be said by a girl to a rude guy staring at her feminine assets but the situation was reversed in this case.

Ever since Miranda broke her leg trying to kick Little Jon, somehow, everyone kept staring at where Little Jon is for the past week.

"Hey, I just want to ask a question." Isha spoke.

"As long as it is not about Little Krilon, then don't bother asking." Jon said.

"You really... fine. Just why do you keep such a thing a secret?"

"What thing?"

"Your little brother. It can break a mountain at this rate."

"Hey! Stop spouting nonsense. I was just using an armored plate at the spot."

"Ha! Who would believe that?" Isha dismissed Jon's answer.

Indeed he was lying. Jon has refined his bones and skin to the peak of humanity. Unless it is some sort of specially enchanted weapon for piercing like the [Spear of Bitter Mercy] or [Mehrune's Razor], nothing can really wound him especially when he uses his Aura. One of the reasons why Jon only uses [Greed] as armor and passed the [Savior's Hide] to Aela.

"By the way, where are the other three? No signal yet?" Jon asked.

"No. These elves are not your best fans anyway so they lump us together all the time." Isha said annoyed.

"Hehe! Sorry about that."

The two were sitting on a large tree overlooking the road between Mournhold and Narsis. It was dead night and the two were good at hiding.

"So... how were your advances on Mirren?" Jon asked.

"... Not good." Isha groaned.

"Oh! I told you before, stop creeping the guy every time you meet him."

"I don't creep him!"

"You smacked his butt."

"By mistake."

"You peep on him."

"Wrong place, wrong time."

"You cornered him to a wall when you were drunk."

"Fine! I did all that! I like cute boys... not some muscle freak like you." She said as she threw the wineskin at Jon.

"Dude, I know it is hard to find cute boys in this day and age but take it easy, you will have a million chance to save your prince in distress and be the gallant damsel... Wait! Shouldn't it be the gallant prince and the damsel in distress?"

"Are you trying to say that girls can't be gallant?"

"Who said so? One day I'll introduce you to my wife... pray she doesn't hate you on the spot."

"Whatever, man. Just help me with Mirren this time."


"Thanks... Hey, here it is, one of them is out?"

As the two found what they were waiting for, Jon focused right away.

"Won't you wait for the others?" She asked.

"Just give them a signal that we found a way in once I infiltrate." Jon said and quietly jumped off the tree.

He hid behind a large mushroom tree and waited for the target to arrive. A minute later, an Argonian brute appeared around the area and seemed to be out to water the flowers. As he was getting started, he heard a swift swooshing sound and the world darkened around him.

The head of the Argonian fell on the ground and Jon picked it up. He hid [Mehrune's Razor] back in his pocket and took out a potion flask.

"Here goes nothing."

Jon checked the Argonian's appearance then swallowed the potion in one go. Little by little, he started transforming to the Argonian's appearance.

"It turns my stomach every time I see you do that." Isha said.

"Just, keep, watching. Ah! The tail! It hurts! It fucking hurts every... damn... time."

He changed his clothes and got used to his body before turning around and walking to where the Argonian came from.

Fifty meters from Isha's position, Jon entered a small encampment of Argonian marauders. They looked at him and didn't seem very impressed or moved, the same guy who went out to take a piss is the same guy who returned.

"Hey, gather around! I have found something!" Jon suddenly called to the bandits.

"Heem-Jas, what is it?"

The other Argonians gathered around some out of curiosity and some looked bored.

"I have found this blade." Jon, in disguise, took out the large Nodachi blade from the Cube.

"What is that?"

"Hm? Looks a bit rusty?"

"Is that Ebony?"

"No, stupid. Ebony never rusts. Maybe some old Telvanni antique or something."

The Argonian started arguing.

"Well, none of that is true." Jon said, "It is an Akaviri Nodachi or Odachi, the first means 'field sword' and the second means 'great or big sword'. That's just the shape but the origin is really different and it is really ebony despite the rust."

"Oi, Heem-Jas! When did your wise scaly ass become that of a scholar."


"Sigh! Ignorance... Anyway, it is about time you all gathered around. I really hope that the relationship you guys had with me so far was good and you will never hold a grudge against me."

"... What is that abou..."


"♪ Let's get ridiculous! ♪"

Jon waved the Ebony Blade around like the wind and beheaded all those in his reach. About seven heads rolled on the ground with smiling expressions freezing on their faces. The Ebony Blade is a blade of deceit and those who are killed by it die with a smile on their faces if they were on good terms with the user.

"Heem-Jas! Have you gone mad?" The Argonians saw the seen of their comrades getting killed by their comrade and their reverse scales twitched.

"Sorry, guys. I really hold nothing against you. This is just as you see it, me killing you for no reason."

"Stop! I said sto..."

As an Argonian who looked like the leader came out, Jon teleported behind him and thrust the Ebony Blade all the way through then took it out so fast that a fountain of blood gushed out from the leader.

"No! This is not right. This blade... it is evil."

An Argonian shaman seemed to have sensed the whispers of Mephala from the Ebony Blade and shouted in a fright.

"Your have some keen senses." Jon waved the sword splitting the Argonian from head to waist.

"Stop him!"

"Kill him!"

The bandits rushed from all sides at Jon. He thrust the blade to the side sticking it in one then waved the corpses with the blade and created an opening to retreat. An Argonian chased with a large axe but Jon's slash crushed the axe and its user. Another jumped from the side with a dagger rushing to Jon's vitals but Jon swung the blade and the Argonian's vision split. Another charged with a thorny shield but Jon took him on by jumping over and beheading him in the process.

Each Argonian tried to attack Jon was just slashed at by the sword then limbs and heads flew from their bodies. The beauty of it was the blood strokes. The Ebony Blade was not just a simple weapon, it could heal Jon and with a small trick Jon can add a bleeding effect to the blade.

Each body beheaded had a gush of blood coming from the neck, each limb, each stab, every swing were all lethal.

By the time it ended, the rust on the blade was all gone and the sharpness increased.

{Ah! I can feel their agony, their shock for betrayal swelling in my blade.}

A moan came from the blade insinuating the conscious of Jon.


[The Ebony Blade] <Daedric>

• [Awakening] (3/10)

• [Absorb Vitality]

• [Fortify Swordsmanship]


"... Well, it has been a week and I only Awakened two digits of the seal. It is getting harder."

Jon had to use the hard method to cultivate the Ebony Blade. Not all Blood of Deceit is equal. If one used the blood of their family, then the blade will awaken in no time.

To understand the principle behind it is to understand who Mephala is. She is the Prince of Assassination and also Genocide, Courtship and Orgy, Tact speech and Poetic. These spheres made Mephala known as the Daedric Prince of Sex and Murder but that was an understanding or rather an underestimation... a fatal one.

Mephala is the Webspinner that connects the strings between mortals. In other words, she is the Daedric Prince of all sorts of Relationships. One can't even imagine what will happen if a social media got introduced to the current day Tamriel with the existence of Mephala.

The Blade works by feeding on the strings of Mephala. The thicker the string, the more power it holds. That's why Jon not only change his appearance but interact with his victims using the faces he gained to make a relationship of any kind before he kills.

It is not as effective as other methods and it is takes a lot of time but it is the safest so far.

Jon looked around himself admiring how the blade made a great massacre.

"Goddammit, Krilon. He did it again?" Outside the encampment, some voices could be heard.

Jon hurriedly returned to his appearance and awaited. It was Isha, Galam, Mirren and Miranda.

"Sup, guys? Look at this place, it's as if Sheogorath himself passed from here just a second ago." Jon said with an innocent face... which was also stained with lines of blood.


"Krilon, what was the plan?" Galam asked with an angry tone.

"Oh, Captain! Didn't see you there, you shouldn't dress in all black at night." Jon, who was in all black, replied.

"What, was, the plan?" Galam repeated.

"Something something signal buzz buzz beat them... I may have skipped to the 'beat them' part."


"... Maybe I killed them all."

"You left no prisoners."

"Well, you know, Captain, the blade is a bit demanding. I finally got to remove the rust and get the blade nice and sharp."

Jon showed off his blade to Galam.

The two were completely clashing with each other for the past weak. Jon didn't like the Champion of Azura for personal reasons from the game and Galam didn't like Jon challenging him around every turn.

"When I say something, you better listen or..." Galam started making threats while pointing at Jon.

"Or what? Frankly speaking, will I get Good Behavior points if I acted like I care? The plan was to come here and kill the fuckers, why keep watching them for a whole damn night?" Jon replied with a cold tone.

The two seemed to be ready for a fight. As a superhuman as Jon is, Galam had the Ebony Mail and didn't fear Jon, even the Ebony Blade is not sharp enough to go through the Ebony Mail.

"Okay, you two need to calm down." Isha went in between the two.

"He is your partner, control him... And search the camp for any letters or evidence." Galam said and walked away.

The five kept it silent from that point on. Galam, Isha and Mirren started looking around.

"What's up?" Jon winked to Miranda.

"..." She just stood there ignoring him.

"Say, that guy Galam, is he okay with you as a partner?"


"Just asking. If you don't mind telling, then okay."


"Are you always this aloof?"


"Sigh! It is about time I say sorry for the sparring day. I was putting a Codpiece (crotch armor) just in case your brother tried to crack my nuts... turns out we should be wary of you."

"..." Miranda didn't reply again but Jon noticed that her lips arched up a little.

"Fine, I won't bother you." Jon said and turned away.

"I don't like the way he looks at me." Out of the blue, Miranda spoke.

"... Oh!"

Jon didn't expect her reply so he turned around only to see her go away.

"Hmmm... I see."

Jon looked around and reached to his pocket, he took out a bloody piece of paper he salvaged just a while ago.

"Hey, I found something." He then called out raising his hand up.

The others looked at him and came closer. Galam opened his hand demanding the letter.

"Looks like the Great House Indoril is tipping the Argonian Marauders on the supply wagons that travel from Mournhold to Narsis. This nickname on the letter is the same one from the shell company that the Indoril use for shady business."

Jon seemed to have immersed himself with the letter before handing it to Galam who snatched it away.

"Hm! This is bad, we should report to the Old Woman." Galam said.

"My thoughts exactly." Jon replied.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing in particular. I don't think I am here to tell you your job so don't bother with me."

"We didn't hire you to think, Nord."

"Great, so don't make me feel like it's a vacant role."

The two went in another argument.

"For fuck's sake. Let's go home."

Isha became fed up with the argument and left first follows by the Altmer twins then Galam.

"Your mess to clean up." Galam said and left.

Jon stood in his place with a smile.

"Nefertiti, did you do what I ask?" He asked.

"Yes." Nefertiti, in the child form, appeared while dragging a large sack with something quivering in it.

Jon pointed the Cube Ring in his hand toward her and the sack and took them in.

A mischievous smile appeared on Jon's face as he snapped his fingers and sat everything on fire.

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