Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 358 Clash of the Titans

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Mess has methods to ruin everything in mysterious ways and that was the title of the day, a 'Messy Day'.

The Sky turning blood red for the radius of 5 kilometers was seen from nearly everywhere in the Reach and even from Whiterun and Solitude.

Under that red sky, there was a fake red sun created by the Aura of a powerful expert who was probably the cause of the event. The suffocating presence was already nerve-wracking.

This power was not ordinary in any way possible. It was the power of transcendent being. The weak-willed fell in a state of complete loss and absence of all the hope in the world. Barely those who could use their Auras enveloped themselves with it to stand still.

The ones much better off were the strong experts like Jonrad, Tyr, Nurina, Jon and Alina. Those five were the only ones withstanding the pressure with no need for their Auras to be active.

"What in Oblivion is that?" Alina was horrified by the appearance of those monsters.

Only the other four could tell what they are.

Nurina was the first one to snap out of it.

"Retreat! All of you! Alina, take Jon and Jull with yo… NOO! JON!"

As she was about to prepare for retreat, the leader of those monsters extended its hand towards Jon and a strong suction force pulled Jon up the air towards the monsters.

Jon was frozen solid as if he already knew it would happen and he had no hope of stopping it.

"Vampire! What do you think you are doing? Release him!"

A strong Aura shook the world and an angry voice sounded. A mighty Flame was unleashed from Jonrad and a gigantic whip of fire was unleashed towards those vampires.

Behind the leader of the vampires, ten vampire lords moved to block the whip of fire three of them stood between their Lord and Jonrad blocking the mighty fire of Jonrad and counter-attacking at him.

"BREAK!" Jonrad powerful attack that was aimed at the leader of the vampires was blocked but it obliterated the vampire that blocked sending it crashing to the ground.

Jonrad body started to glow as his Flaming Aura was already unbearable for others to be near him. The other two vampires started to battle him and soon the third recovered and joined the fray, it was one man against three vampire lords.

"Alina, focus. Take the girl and retreat as far as possible. Don't leave any mortal around or the vampires will try having their way on us." Nurina gave a series of orders to Alina to wake her up.

Still dazed, Alina barely responded while pointing at Jon.

"I got her." Out of nowhere, a voice sounded and a small person appeared beside Alina.

Gleam looked at Alina then slapped her.

"Out of it."

"But… Jon."

"You'll make things worse."

Alina could only take Jullanar from Nurina and retreat. The two girls were looking at Jon while being dragged backward by Gleam towards Lokthur.

Nurina didn't even bother with the identity of Gleam and leaped forward towards Jon. A strong lightning spell broke through the air and targeted the leader of the vampires that was pulling Jon towards him but three vampire lords stepped forward to face Nurina and another fight broke, one woman against three vampire lords.

There was still Tyr left, his hand moved like lightning and a dozen silver streaks targeted the leader of the vampires. One of the vampire lords stepped forward to block them only to find those hidden weapons are actually made of silver.

Its body was wounded as it shrieked loudly. Recognizing his strength, three vampire lords assaulted Tyr all at once.

The three masters were facing nine vampire lords. It was a huge disadvantage and as the three were occupied, Jon has already arrived towards the leader of the vampire while being held from the neck by the monster.

Their eyes met yet Jon was unfazed by the Vampire Lord's enthrallment.

Jon and the Vampire Lord looked at each other with strong eyes.

Jon's body was ravaged by many wounds and curses despite that, he was as lively as ever. His blood was refusing to come out of his body despite the many wounds and his Magicka seemed to be powerful but it was exhausted. The Vampire Lord was awestruck for a second but it was for his favor.

Jon's point of view was much different.

Since the appearance of the foul creature, Jon could tell how unfathomable and deep the energy of that vampire was. It was strong and chaotic but that wasn't all there is to it.

The Vampire Lord from the game and the Vampire Lord in reality are… worlds apart.

How to say it? The Vampire Lord in the game looked way less threatening than this being.

Vampire Lords are normal looking vampires in their Normal Form but in their Lord Forms, things get ugly.

A bat's face on a bald head with large bat ears coming from the sides. The mouth had a lot of fangs and the skin was ashen grey with a network of blood vessels moving beneath it. The body was as large as the Firemanes themselves and the arms were extremely long with long razor sharp claws. From the back, came out two wings. Unexpectedly they were a lot different from the game, these were full wings that extended twice as long as the body on both sides unlike the games wings that were torn and short.

The appearance of the Vampire Lords in reality put the appearance of their counterparts from the game to shame and disgrace.

[A/n: In my estimation, Vampire Lords should look more like the ones from 'The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine' DLC, something like Dettlaff. So I made a mix from both ideas.]

Jon, who was being held by the [Vampire Grip], resisted the Blood Magic that enveloped him igniting his Magicka and Aura at the same time.

Like a rusty machine, the law on nature around Jon started to show signs of being challenged. Two unimaginable strong forces started to clash and the space between them was getting wounded at a rapid pace.

With a crackling sound, Magicka Anomalies started to appear and break between Jon and the Leader of the Vampires. By the pure power challenge between the two, the situation escalated to a fourth fight.

Unfortunately, Jon's power was exhausted while the Vampire Lord is in his best condition. Even if the two were in their best conditions, Jon's wouldn't have that much confidence facing that entity.

Still, a growling sound came from deep within Jon and his body started to move despite the restrictions.

"So… that's the power of the child that was prophesied! I would be disappointed if it was any less." The Vampire Lord spoke in a deep voice despite his evil appearance.

"..." Jon was still growling like a beast and his muscles moved with his Magicka to put all his power in resisting.

"What is more surprising was you muttering my name just now." The Vampire Lord continued admitting his identity to Jon.

"I… knew… it… Harkon." Jon seemed not bothered with the identity that made greater men wet themselves in fear. He took the challenge head-on.

"I would love to know more about you and how you know me but this is not the time or the place. Let's have a chat later, boy. For now…" Horkon spoke with interest showing on his monstrous face.

He exerted his true power at Jon to completely suppress him.

Jon groaned painfully as Harkon moved him towards the blood sun that manifested by his Aura. Once Jon arrived there, he was locked inside it. Harkon didn't mind and sealed Jon by [Corpse Curse], a spell that paralyzed Jon completely.

"Now, let's finish things and go home…" Harkon rallied his minions to not dally and handle their opponents.

Jonrad was the least at a disadvantage. He waved his katana in all direction and this [Seering Strikes] was trimming away his opponents. Once he saw Jon being bound to the Blood Sun, Jonrad started using everything in his arsenal.

He punching the ground hard and the earth shook. Magma erupted from beneath his feet and enveloped his body forming a [Magma Armor]. A vampire lord attacked him from the back with its claws only to get its hand all burned.

Another vampire lord commenced an attack and Jonrad summoned an [Obsidian Shield] fully blocking the attack. Jonrad countered with a punch [Stone Fist] carrying a portion of a magma rock and slamming it at the vampire pinning it to the ground.

The valley almost shook from that attack but Jonrad was not done, his fingers dug in the vampire like claws and unleashed his power [Petrify]. The vampire started to turn into stone on a rapid pace, with a kick from Jonrad, that vampire broke into ash!

One down.

During the last attack, Jonrad used [Inhale] to gather the Magicka around him and empower the next attack. Once the second vampire was on sight, Jonrad exhaled a [Fiery Breath] of a true Dragonknight.

Two down.

The third vampire was much stronger and the fight between him and Jonrad elongated.

On Nurina's front, she was avoiding all the three vampires nimbly by magic. She moved like a flash of lightning without being touched using [Bolt Escape], her left was shooting an endless spray of [Lightning Splash] and her right was preparing for and [Magicka Overload] spell.

Once her opponent was in aim, she unleashed the [Magicka Overload] blowing off the vampire into nothingness.

Three down.

Tyr was the most unfortunate of the three. He was fast, nimble and resourceful but he was the closest to the retreating kids and all he was focusing on was how to keep those who are behind him alive and himself too.

The first vampire he shot down with the silver needle recovered and now he was about to face four opponents on his own but that didn't go as he expected.

The fourth vampire jumped up and charged towards Alina.


Tyr wanted to retreat but the vampires around him pinned him down with nasty smiles on their faces.


With Tyr's shout, Alina noticed the eminent danger charging at her. With no confidence to face such a monster, Alina almost froze.

"Girl, the branch!" Gleam pulled Alina's hair towards the branch that was on Lokthur's saddle.

Alina got the enlightenment and pulled the branch with [Telekinesis] just in time.

The large branch flew towards Alina right before the vampire strikes, she retreated backward as the vampire's claws were about to cut her head and used the branch as a polearm.

With her eyes closed, Alina could no longer feel her head. She thought her head was off her body only to open her eyes and see the branch going through the vampire turning it into ash.

Five down.

The vampires were reduced to half their numbers right away but the situation was still bleak. Alina stood up and looked at Tyr who seemed to be in trouble.

"WULD NAH KEST!" (Whirlwind, Fury, Tempest)

Alina shouted the [Whirlwind Sprint] and charged at one of the vampires with the branch as a weapon.

One more vampire was struck and reduced to ash.

Six down.

There was now only Harkon and four more vampires.

Never in his wildest imagination did Harkon think he would lose many men on this pace. He was infuriated and raised his hand upwards evoking a massive spell.

"Dammit!" Nurina detected the change first.

She was the first to try to react and shield herself. The spell that she kept as a tight secret all her life was cast, [Bone Goliath Transformation].

Her body was replaced with a gigantic undead creature that carried her aura and power. It was a transformation skill only a few Necromancer even heard of let alone cast.

She used her undead powers to conjure up a wall of bone to shield everyone around her. The situation of two great power clashing at each other almost broke the space on a massive scale.

Harkon's spell was unleashed and the bone wall withstood to the best of its ability only to break after consuming half of the spell's power.

The undead form of Nurina tried to move again but the strike has already arrived.

Expecting a massive and painful clash, the world shook and Nurina appeared away from the hit.

Not just her, Jonrad, Tyr, Alina and almost all who were close to the impact were pulled away.

Something mysterious happened!

Harkon looked around with anger read to pour his wrath on whoever interfered and what he saw was a silver-haired Dark Elf standing in front of the Nurina.

She was dressed in a simple home dress and holding a spoon which seemed to have a scent of food.

That was…

"M-Master!" Nurina gasped in her Bone Goliath Form.

None other than Alfe Fyr.

Alfe glared at Nurina and the latter turned back to an Elf right away. Her master appearing in front of her was something as unbelievable as Vampire Lords popping up out of nowhere.

Alfe surveyed the surroundings with a look uninterest and then her eyes landed on Jon and Harkon.

Jon was locked in the Blood Sun and Harkon was glaring down at her.

She simply moved one hand and a strong beam of light shot towards Harkon. The Vampire Lord was about to dispel the magic with the back of his hands only to find the unfathomable force behind the magic deadly. He didn't dare to face it head on as he realized that Alfe was a being as strong as him if not stronger.

He evoked his best magic and faced Alfe with it turning into a magic duel of two ridiculous creatures.

The four remaining vampires didn't survive under the pressure and broke into a strange bloody mess. Harkon was pressured with every ounce of his being in front of Alfe but soon, another change happened.

An ancient roar sounded out of nowhere. The surroundings shivered with the new force that arrived. No, it was there from the beginning but it started to manifest just when it felt a weakness in Harkon's Aura.

It was Jon.

His [Tyrant Aura] was eating away the [Blood Sun Aura] at a rapid pace. Not just that, there was another manifestation.

Dozens of serpentine creatures started to form through Jon's Aura. These were 'Fire Wyrms'.

The Fire Wyrms were the source of the roar. The roamed through the Blood Sun and started biting it as if a monster was devouring something.

Alfe's eyes widened brightly, she smiled and spoke.

"So it was him all along!"

Harkon felt the dangerous pressure that Jon gave off and wasn't sure if he can face both Jon and Alfe at the same time now.

He had to do something but someone else did.

Alina ran towards Jon with the Eldergleam Branch at her hand. Once she reached a certain distance, she threw the branch towards Jon with all her power.


Hearing her voice, he opened his eyes and reached his hand out. His lips moved to say something to Alina but no voice came out, only she could read his lips.

The clash between Harkon and Alfe resulted in a large blast. Alina was close to the effect. Jonrad lept towards Alina using the [Dragon Leap] power. Wings of a Dragon appeared behind his back and his leap crossed that distance in an instant, he arrived at Alina and carried her then leaped back again.

Harkon and Alfe retreated because of the blast. It was disadvantageous for Harkon to continue this fight any longer. He flapped his wings and flew towards Jon like a flash.

Jon already had the Eldergleam Branch in his hand but he had no time to do the famous 'stick to the heart' move. Harkon held on Jon's body and a suction force took them both out of this place.

The Blood Sun disappeared as well as Jon and Harkon.

Karthspire settlement was leveled to the ground and the survivors of the mighty even whether they are Dare Troopers or nosey spies welcome the real setting sun once again as if someone just came out of the grave.

Jonrad, Alina, Nurina, Jullanar, Tyr, Vladimir, Hafthor, Freyja and everyone else had a massive "Oh Shit!" floating up to their heads.

Alfe turned around with a relieved face.

"Phew, that went well."

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