Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 351 Blood Party

This is 8000K extra of last week.


Jon walked in the house of old man Nepos the Nose. Just like any other house in Markarth, the house was a piece of grey stone carved in the mountain by the Ancient Dwarves. A house not even the dragons can break with ease.

Still, inviting the wolf in was a mistake.

He looked at the girl he punched lying down with a bloody nose while looking at him hatefully. He replied with a calm yet wide grin showing how much he enjoyed the punch.

Xikil, who appeared out of the void, walked in behind Jon. As Jon has instructed him before, he was already clad in a black cloak and a hood to not alert the residents of Markarth. None could sense his arrival through the void so he was seen as Jon's second.

"Guard the door and start the count, this party will be lit."

"Hehe, you sure know how to have fun for a mortal." Xikil's voice, which was akin to pieces of metal clashing with each other, made the people of the house feel that something was going out of their plan.

Jon observed the ones around him that reached 20 in total. It seemed that the master of the house has made some preparations of a sort.

"Sorry to come on such a short notice but… by any chance was I expected?" Jon asked in his easy going tone. "Or maybe I arrived at the party early before you guys invite me?"

The one who replied to Jon was an old man who came from inside the house to the entrance hall.

"You were not expected nor you are welcome, killer of kin." The old voice showed displeasure towards Jon.

"Oh!" Jon was interested in the name. "Killer of kin… kin killer sounds cooler or maybe Kinsbane. Well, that's not important. None of it is. The important one here is you, Old Nepos. My friend Morven told me a lot about you."

"What?" "Morven?" "He was…" "Dammit!"

The reactions of the people around Nepos was clearly shocked. It seems that their comrade that was late, was actually captured by Jon.

"Well, not that I care but mind if you answer some questions for me?" Jon said.

"There is nothing to ask." Nepos said and smiled slyly. "You actually saved us some time and came by yourself, we were going to look for you and now you are here. Boy, blame no one but yourself."

Just as Nepos said so, footsteps sounded from inside and some figures appeared behind Nepos. The people looked normal at a glance but Jon recognized the foul aura right away.

Briarheart Warriors, ten of them.

"That's some party you have thrown for me here, old man." Jon shook his head wryly.

"You will pay." The girl Jon punched shot up and stood beside Nepos.

"Sigh! Fine, but before we start, mind telling me those two things on my mind?"

"What is it?"

"Who is Alaric to Mudanach? And who ordered the hit on my brother?" Jon asked.

Nepos seemed surprised. He couldn't understand why Jon knew about the King in Rags. Even the Jarl is not aware that Mudanach is still alive and the Silver-Blood family exploits the imprisoned king to control the Forsworn through Nepos.

"Alaric is our Prince, heir to our late King and his Grandson." One of the people around said ever so proud with Alaric.

"Oh! Grandson of the King in Rags. I expected as much. And?"

Jon waited for the answer to the second question.

Nepos the Nose seemed to be threatened by Jon's knowledge of Mudanach's survival and pointed at him right away.

"Kill him."

The Forsworn around Jon became bloodthirsty in a split of a second and bounced at Jon all together.

"Fine by me. MUSIC!"

♪ DMX - X Gon Give To Ya ♪

[Bardic Knowledge] was activated with Essence and a stereo speaker appeared along with crazy speed buff. With the grim weapon, [Molag's Mace] in a hand and the shadow aether, [Greed] on another, Jon swung his arms left and right deflecting every assailant in a single move.

[Greed] turned into a clutch with a chain and got launched on one of the Forsworn pulling it fast towards Jon to get his head splashed opened by the mace.

Another one came from behind to only find a big boot in the face taking his head down with the mace crushing his guts.

A third and a fourth jumped on Jon's arms to stop him from moving but Jon only shook his arms launching the two men up to the ceiling and focusing on another two by skewering them together with [Greed].

He was about to get cornered so he threw the Mace at a man and [Greed] at another then a blue Flame appeared on his hands and two basic Flame spells were shot out devouring six Forsworn.

[Greed] jumped at the Mace on its own and clutched on it and turned into a chain while reaching Jon's hand. Jon pulled the mace fast to move like a meteorite and strike the two men that were tossed up to the ceiling and fell on the ground.

A man took the chance and a punch landed on Jon's head turning it to the right. Jon's expressions crumbled as the man's fist was still on his face. He returned his head back fast and the man's fist bounced off back to its owner's own face knocking him down before the mace drops in his nether region sending.

The Briarheart Warriors seemed to have reacted late just only when half the Forsworn were killed in a few seconds and charged from behind Nepos towards Jon. The latter nonchalantly turned [Greed] into a blaster and pointed it at the coming attackers.

Bolts of Cold Flames started devouring The Forsworn one by one. The destructive force of those blue blots was nothing to scoff as they ravaged the Essence of anything living they touch and even showed marks on the mighty Dwarven stone of the house.

Maneuvering little by little, Jon has already torched up the Briarheart Forsworn into a mess of snow ash. The ones around were already terrified but too stubborn to surrender.

One attacked Jon to only get his face disfigured by a punch, the second came from the side waving a sword to get [Greed] slicing his head and a kick making it fly away like a ball, the third tried to throw his body at Jon to only get captured by the nape of his shirt and was swung up and down like a rag doll between the floor and the ceiling, the forth was grabbed by Jon's other hand and got his head to kiss the walls and the stone furniture leaving traces of bloody faces everywhere, the fifth was torn apart by [Greed], the sixth was thrown to a wall for his bones to bend and break in all wrong directions, lastly was the girl who opened for Jon.

"Come here beauty."

Jon pulled the frozen pale girl towards him and kissed her violently then the sound of something being torn was heard. The Mace has passed completely through her guts and went out from her back.

Even Xikil flinched from the sight.

"What? Before going to war, you need to penetrate a girl. You Dremora don't do that?"

"Tsk! You crazy mortal!" Xikil clicked his tongue and looked away.

Jon let go of the lifeless corpse and pulled the mace out. He then walked towards Nepos who started backing away.

Nepos evoked a spell and cast in on one of the corpses but Jon destroyed the head before it starts rising.

"Necromancy, huh? Not a good performance though."

Jon took out a knife and stabbed it in the leg of Nepos causing the old man to scream in agony and fall down withering in pain.

"Now tell me, slime. Who ordered the hit on my brother?"


To Jon's question, Nepos didn't answer.

Raising his brows slightly, Jon could only think of inflicting more pain to get answers. Luckily, [Molag's Mace] was in his very capable hands and the amount of pain it can cause was bad… crazy bad.

"See this face on the Mace? It's Molag Bal's. Now kiss."


A few minutes passed and Nepos finally talked. Jon was displeased with the lack of information but he was told that the man who came with the hit request on Wulfur was a Khajiit called Dar'zino who works as a weapon smuggler. It was probably one of Erikur's associates but Erikur didn't have a network in the Reach as Jon already knew.

After getting what he wanted, Jon dispatched Nepos right away to his new address. 21, Tower of Lies, Coldharbour, Oblivion.

Now that everything was put in order, he turned around to Xikil.

"I want you to go out of the house and scream as human as possible, lead the people to this house and don't forget to go away after you are done.."

"What are you intending to do, Mortal?" Xikil asked.

"Nothing. Just thinking of how one can make an appointment with a King."

"Hmm? Well, Suit yourself."

Xikil walked out as Jon asked.

Now as Jon remained alone, Nefertiti showed up. Jon handed her the valuable stuff he had on him then she went back to the shadow with the cube by sinking in his shadow.

Jon knelt on the ground with hands above covered in blood and put a poker face.

He was hoping to see how the most secure prison in Skyrim can contain him?

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