Dark Blood Age

Chapter 184

Chapter 184: Chapter 184 Be Strong And Courageous!

As soon as Chu Yunsheng charged into the building, he immediately noticed that there were some dark and long objects flying towards him quickly.

“Puff, Puff, Puff…”

The sound of sharp objects hitting the door behind him after he dodged the attack was heard.

He quickly turned around and squinted his eyes to see what that was. In the hall that was illuminated by the dim green light, he noticed that there were long sharp icicles.

As he turned around again, he found out that the floor of the hall had already been covered by mice, and amongst those mice, there were a few of them that had long sharp icicles on their backs.

Chu Yunsheng couldn’t kill them all, so he just fired several shots to make a gap in those mice. Then he wrapped himself tightly with the cloak and charged inside.

Yang Dong had totally lost his composure. With other people, he had retreated from the first floor to the second, from the second to the third, then all the way to the 12th floor. However, the mice were still chasing them! They even burned all the wooden furniture on the 8th and the 9th floor to stop the mice from chasing them. But they did not expect that those mice would have some strange abilities, and they could use those abilities to put out the fire.

‘The glowing mice and strange abilities. Are those really mice?’

Yang dong panicked, ‘Am I really going to die soon?’ Seeing death slowly approaching them, he started to breathe fast. They had already lost three people during the retreat, and almost everyone was injured.

The blood-curdling screams made by three people when they were eaten alive made their bodies tremble constantly.

Originally, they had thought that the mice would become their food. But they did not expect that within just a few minutes’ time, their “food” became their predators!

From the 12th floor to the 14th floor they had completely blocked all the possible entrances, in attempting to hold on till the hazy shimmer appeared in the sky once again.

The mice usually didn’t like to have any activities under the light, maybe they would retreat when the hazy shimmer appeared.

But at the moment, those mice’s attacks seemed to be very persistent. Even if the floor was blocked, they were not sure how long it would stop them.

This time, everyone including Wang Qishun hoped that a red-shelled insect would come out to scare those mice away. However, they could not find any red-shelled insects that usually wandered around their area.

“Old Yang, are we really going to die this time,” Wang Qishun said weakly. His lips were dry and his eyes seemed to have lost focus. As an ordinary person, it was not easy for them to hold on for such a long time. All the researchers on the side had already lost their minds. Laughing, crying, acting like a psychopath, it seemed like they could not stand this mental torture anymore.

“You’re all gonna die, no one will live, haha, ha… all die… haha, ha… no one lives…!” shouted one of the researchers. His face was twisted, his laughs were creepy as if he had totally lost his sanity.

“This man has lost his mind!” Yang Dong took out a cigarette box and said. There was only one cigarette inside, it was the one that he wanted to keep for the last moment.

It took him some time to finally make the crumpled cigarette straight again. Then he sat next to the fire and started to smoke the last cigarette he got. However, the researcher who had lost his mind disrupted his last moment of peace. He was pissed off and instantly used the gunstock to knock out the mad researcher.

“Shut the fuck up!” he cursed while using his left hand to remove the cigarette and exhaled a long smoke. At the same time, he kicked the researcher who had already passed out on the floor a few times.

Glancing over other people not far from him, he suddenly noticed the black man – Edgar, who had not died yet, “fuck me, he is still alive!” he murmured as he glared at him.

Edgar did not know what he was talking about, but he knew it was not something good when he saw his angry glare, so he immediately curled up his body and moved to the side. “… be strong and courageous…” he was reciting the same words over and over in this mind.

“It is all because of him, motherfucker!” Liu Tiesheng cursed. His mind was filled with the thoughts that if it had not been for this black man, the mice would not have come; if it had not been for this black man, they could have lived longer…. The anger made him stand up and walk towards Edgar. He then constantly kicked Edgar using his right leg, attempting to vent all his anger.

Edgar did not dare to fight back because Liu Tiesheng still had a gun. All he could do was to curl up his body and use both of his hands to protect his head. “… be strong and courageous…” he murmured those words quietly as if those words could help him to ease the pain.

“Shut… the… fuck… u… shut… the… fuck… up…” Hearing that only served to make Liu Tiesheng even angrier; so he constantly beat Edgar as if this was the only way he could forget the fear of death.

The mice had already reached the 14th floor, which was the floor below them. They could clearly hear all the squeaking and chewing noises made by them.

Yang Dong’s eyesight did not stay on Edgar very long. Instead, he was staring at Su Chenyi, who was currently shaking in fear. He was actually quite surprised by the thought he had. It was funny how he still had this kind of desire before he died.

But human beings are just slightly smart animals. Sometimes they just do the things they want to do, there is no reason behind it. Since there was not much time left for him, he did not need to think too much about it. Maybe just a little bit of indulgence before he dies.

“What are you doing!?” Su Chenyi said with a quivering voice. Feeling the aggressiveness in those eyes, she quickly moved back in panic.

“You know what I am doing, so stop pretending it, everyone is going to die soon…” then he jumped towards her and started to rip her cloth off.

Death was slowly approaching the 15th floor, soon the entrance door to the 15th floor started to have some cracks. They were getting bigger and bigger until they could see the crowded mice behind the door.

But the people on the 15th floor did not seem to care about the slowly breaking door. Crying… Beating… Struggling… But no one seemed to want to try to fight the mice.

Tears kept running down from Wang Qishun’s face. Looking at the broken door, he slowly put the tip of his gun in his mouth. After he removed his shoes, he used his toes to press the trigger…

He did not want to be eaten alive, suicide was less painful.

However, although he had decided to end his own life, he was struggling to press the trigger. His whole body was shaking and he was breathing fast. His mind finally broke down when he saw the first mouse crawling through the door. He roared loudly and closed his eyes…


When the first mouse crawled into the room, Liu Tiesheng, who was the nearest to the door, became its first target. As the mouse quickly jumped onto him, he immediately stopped beating Edgar and fired several shots at the door, “come at me, you motherfucker!…” he shouted hysterically.

More and more mice started to appear and jump onto him. He had already used up all the rifle’s bullets. But he still had the pistol, he drew the pistol from his waist, pointed it at his head and pulled the trigger straight away…

Su Chenyi was still fighting Yang Dong. She quickly took out a small knife and stabbed it into Yang Dong’s neck very hard. However, she was immediately knocked out by the gunstock.

The gun dropped from Yang Dong’s hand, he was using his both hands trying to cover the wound on his neck, but the wound was too deep…

A male researcher and a female researcher were holding each other’s hands before they both jumped off the 15th floor together…

The door to the 15th floor was finally destroyed by the mice and all of them flocked in…

Edgar heard everything, but he did not dare to look at them. He just curled up his body like an armadillo, “… be strong and courageous… be strong…” he murmured and started to cry.

Many mice had already crawled onto him and there were even more of them that were still blocked in the small corridor.

Suddenly, many beams of light were shot into the 15th floor from the corridor. All the mice in the corridor were blasted into pieces.

The twelve sword Qi’s were unstoppable! Even the green light mice were also instantly blasted into pieces.

Within a second, the corridor was emptied, and both sides of the walls in the corridor were covered with blood.

Chu Yunsheng stepped on the bodies of the dead mice and walked into the 15th floor.

Looking at the dead bodies scattering around the floor, his body started to tremble. He did everything he could, ran as fast as he could, but he was still late.

He had also shouted he was here to save them when he was still downstairs, but why would they still commit suicides?

Chu Yunsheng turned around with disappointment. Suddenly, he noticed a body was moving in the corner and then he heard a weak voice, “…be strong… And… courageous…”

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