Age of Mecha: Divine-grade Genetic Extraction

Chapter 105 - Unravelling the Truth About Anna’s Illusion

Chapter 105: Unravelling the Truth About Anna’s Illusion

The gravity cabin that contained Anna’s body was transported to the basement of the Genetics College laboratory. Peter specifically put the gravity cabin with John. Thus, if Anna woke up, she could see John immediately.

As the metal door was opened, the gravity cabin slowly entered the basement. Meanwhile, Anna’s father was on the innermost platform. He did not have a body now, only a mechanical head.

In order to prevent Anna from breaking down when she saw John, Peter specifically let Betty in and combined John’s mecha body with his head.

John hated his mecha body. However, when he learned that his daughter, Anna, was still alive, he was very cooperative with Betty as she combined his head with his body.

The gravity cabin that was loaded with Anna’s body had entered the room. This room had been specially modified. Its sealing properties were outstanding, and it could prevent accidents from happening. This was important as Peter would have to personally catch the insects that were parasitizing Anna’s back later on. An accident was very likely to happen during this process.

Thus, Peter asked everyone else to leave this place, leaving Peter alone with Anna’s father. John could also be present.

After all, John’s mecha body had power that was not inferior to Peter’s. It could be very useful at critical moments.

After everyone had left the room, Peter operated the valve on the gravity cabin and opened the lid. Instantly, the room was filled with the strange smell from before. This smell was even stronger than the last time. If Professor Eugene was present, he would be surprised to smell this. After all, this smell was very similar to the smell of the Thunder God’s blood.

However, Professor Eugene was forbidden from entering his room, and Peter had never smelled the blood of the Thunder God. Thus, he missed an opportunity to unlock the truth in advance.

When Peter looked at Anna’s body, he saw her body twitch. He thought it was a sign that Anna was about to wake up, but he was wrong. Instead, after the gravity cabin opened, the insect inside Anna had woken up.

The most obvious feature was that Anna’s back began to swell. This made it seem as if Anna’s body was moving on its own. However, this was not what surprised Peter. Instead, it was the unusual behavior from John beside him.

At this time, John operated his mecha body and stood beside Peter. When he saw Anna’s body, his head swayed, as if his head had been loaded with something.

Peter saw that John was acting unusually beside him and comforted him.

“John, don’t do this. Anna can recover. You won’t be able to help her like this.”

Peter thought that John was agitated by Anna’s current state.

However, after John started to act unusually, Peter realized that Anna’s body has begun to twist again.

Peter knew that Anna was not awake yet. Instead, it was the insect that was controlling her body, which meant that the insect had woken up. Furthermore, Peter was surprised to find that the insect was controlling Anna’s body and trying to escape the gravity cabin.

This was a good opportunity for Peter to catch the insects before Anna woke up.

Peter knew that Anna had two insects inside her. However, he couldn’t be sure which insect was currently controlling Anna’s body. Thus, Peter, who was fully dressed in his protective suit, first turned Anna’s body around so that her back was facing him.

When he looked at Anna’s back, the insects that had parasitized Anna’s back had propped up the skin on Anna’s back. From Peter’s point of view, it looked like a tent.

This was the best time to catch the insects. Peter didn’t waste this opportunity. Instead, he simply reached out his palm and grabbed the insect’s body through Anna’s skin. Peter could clearly feel that the insect he grabbed was struggling violently and with great strength.

However, Peter did not capture the insect immediately. Instead, he was observing the connection between the insect and Anna’s spinal column. Since this insect could control a person’s body, it must have parasitized Anna’s spinal column. After all, this was the only way to use the neurons in the spinal column to achieve its goal of controlling a human.

Therefore, if Peter rashly grabbed the insect, it would cause severe damage to Anna’s spine. Anna might be paralyzed.

Just then, as Peter was observing the insect, John, who was beside him, suddenly reached out his mechanical arm to grab Anna’s back. However, John’s target was not the insect in Peter’s hand, but her neck.

“John, stop!”

Peter was startled by John’s sudden move beside him. If he had known this would happen, he would have regretted letting John stay here.

However, there was a huge reversal of what happened next. When John’s mechanical arm reached for Anna’s neck, Peter could clearly feel that the insect he was holding was no longer struggling. Instead, it was a dead insect.

All of this had happened so quickly that Peter couldn’t react. He still didn’t know what had happened, or why the insect in his hand had suddenly stopped struggling.

Just as Peter was wondering, John, who was beside him, told the truth.

“I just found a lost consciousness. Many hidden memories appeared.”

What did he mean by retrieving a lost consciousness?

Peter heard what John had said and didn’t react for a moment as he didn’t know what the short sentence meant. Thus, he could only look at John beside him with confusion.

“What exactly happened? Why did you suddenly attack?”

In the face of Peter’s question, John stretched out his mechanical hand and touched Anna’s back. This action continued for a while. However, under Peter’s anxious gaze, he eventually continued to tell the truth.

“God of War Peter, thank you for bringing Anna’s body here. If it weren’t for your decision, Anna and I might never have met.”

“What is all of this? I want you to tell the truth!”

Peter was really anxious. He still had the insect in his hand and didn’t know what to do next.

“God of War Peter, please let go of your hand. That insect is dead as the consciousness of the insect has been extracted by me. That was a part of my consciousness.”

This time, Peter finally understood what John meant.

“You’re saying that the consciousness of the insect in Anna’s body originally belonged to you?”

When Peter finally received John’s confirmation, his mind went blank for a moment because all of this was simply bizarre.

It took Peter a long time to recover from his shock. He and John stayed by Anna’s side and analyzed the truth of the entire situation. This made Professor Eugene and Callie, who had been waiting outside, very anxious.

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